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Everything posted by ober

  1. Again, the reaction of the browser will not always be the same.  Using Javascript to go back is the same thing as hitting the back button.
  2. You're calling scripts on your server... sooo.. I don't see the problem. Also, I'm going to edit your thread title.  Please do not use all caps for thread titles.
  3. Good question.  One I certainly don't have an answer for.
  4. If the inputs are kept after using the back button, it's because of the caching setup in the browser.  There's nothing in PHP that can do that.  Most browsers have settings to change this behavior.
  5. $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM employees WHERE firstname LIKE '%$search%' OR lastname LIKE '%$search%'"); OR is correct.
  6. Not sure.  Keep in mind that some browsers (opera) can easily spoof the UA.  It's a shame, but some sites will not work because the webmaster actually goes out of his way to block UAs other than IE.  I run around half the time identifying opera as IE because of this.
  7. You're just asking for trouble by including user-submitted content like that.  No matter how you do it.
  8. Again, there is no way for PHP to set a timer for 15 minutes and then call itself again.  I probably worded my previous post incorrectly. Another option (but a possible annoyance) would be to open a browser with a javascript timeout() call in it that would keep calling the script at the specified timeout.  You'd have to leave the browser open all day though. Honestly, you'd be crazy to try to get around using a cron of some sort.
  9. Where is the code from the page you're submitting this to?  Also, you don't handle the situation where the id IS set.  You need to have a default value of $id or set it when $_GET['id'] is actually set. Also, a few other picky points.  Your code is invalid.  All attributes of an html tag should be enclosed in double quotes. Another thing I just noticed is that you're checking the $_GET array in your if statement, but you're submitting the form with the POST method.  You may want to use the $_REQUEST (contains get and post) array or the $_POST array to check for your values.
  10. You could, but you'd have to have something that fires the script initially... and without a call from a browser, I don't think you can start a script and run it indefinately after you close the browser.
  11. FYI, if this turns into another warez question, it will be deleted/modified.
  12. We're currently talking about something similar to that.  I think what we may end up doing is removing the forums from all the other sites and keeping the actual websites in place, but with a more visible link on each site to the others.  We want to keep tutorials/news/scripts seperated logically, but I think the help can all come from the same place.
  13. Strange.  Glad you found the problem though!
  14. eh... with the little bit of Perl work I've done, it's waaay better at handling text manipulation, but other than that, PHP can handle a lot. Perl is a nice tool to have in your box, but not a necessity.
  15. I assume you set $_SESSION['empcode'] on another page? $_SESSION['empcode'] = "blah"; That should be on a previous page.  Also, make sure you're not using the "back" button in your browser to go back and reset the value. You can also try print_r($_SESSION) to look at what is in the session array.
  16. You may want to specify what type.  WWE?  Professional wrestling?  Olympic wresting?
  17. [quote author=oldmanice link=topic=105686.msg428975#msg428975 date=1157514011] Dose anyone care??? [/quote] Apparently you do, or you wouldn't have BUMPED A THREAD ALMOST 2 WEEKS OLD AND NOT ADDED ANYTHING VALUABLE TO IT! >:(
  18. I suggest scanning your PC for adware/malware.  Either that, or your cookie got corrupted somehow.  If you see the problem again, please let us know and we'll look into it further.  Also keep in mind that this site creates more than one cookie, so you may have missed one when you first tried to delete this site's cookie.
  19. There are some faults on the main site, as Ron pointed out.  Hopefully most of that will be fixed soon.
  20. Certain comments and posts have been deleted from this thread.  Let's try to stay on topic and only post when you have something valid to add to the conversation.  Thanks.
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