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Everything posted by Stefany93

  1. Yeah, I don't get it either
  2. The nicest way to include JS to your HTML is with a separate .js file linked with the src attribute of the script tag in the head section of the site. Otherwise if you mix both JS and HTML your code will get messy and the pageload time will increase significatnly.
  3. That's not fair, why is your portfolio website better than mine
  4. ^^ Thank you very much for the revew once again! Sure I will do everything you told me. Thank you for telling me about the label tags I remember I once read about them but it was long time ago and I thought they weren't important. Can you please reccommend with what to replace the logo? Maybe just a header with a link to the homepage, I do not know. The problem is that I have done very little coding with PHP for clients, only front - end and all the projects I have for back - end are those I made for myself and I do not know if it will be OK to post them in the portfio section. Thank you again for the help!
  5. ^^ Thank you for the review! Yeah I suck at designs, usually I make websites with ready made design and I just code them but I am the best at making super ugly sites. Can you please reccommend how to improve the landing page? Thank you!
  6. Hello colleguages, I was wondering if someone here kindly take a look at my site/portofio so to say. Please tell me what features it's missing and needs to be added and please an overall picture of it. Here it is Thank you so much! Best Regards Stefany
  7. XAMPP totally. It is fast, neat and everything you want it to be.
  8. I personally do not believe in just copy-and-paste-and-code-I-just-found-in-the-garden. I believe that a programmer must be able to make their own codes without having to user a library every time they have to echo their name. I think this is what is killing the nowadays programmers just this parrot thing that you keep repeating and repeating yourself and the next minute you have to modify your code you have no idea what to do because it is not your that wrote it on the first place. When you want a code you open notepad and you start writing what you need. If you can't do it, find a way. And when a year or two has elapsed you will be a great programmer.
  9. Hello colleagues, I have recently started to create a hand - written blog and so far I do not encounter huge problems, but I was wonderthing about the validation part. I have escaped the code that goes into the DB after the user enters the comment with mysql_real_escape_string() function and also the htmlentities() function plus I have validated the min/max chars a user can input and a regular expression to match only an OK input. Of course, I have also made a font - line validation with JS with the same parameteres so I was wonder if you could please tell me what other validation of data I must make before a comment is written in a website? Thank you very much! Best Regards Stefany
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