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Everything posted by dodgeitorelse3

  1. $due = $prevbal + $latechg + $secdep + $damage + $courtcost + $nsf; // Warning: A non-numeric value encountered x 5 line 21 is equal to saying $due = "prevbal" + "latechg" + "secdep" + "damage" + "courtcost" + "nsf"; these are not numeric.
  2. If your blockscan field is an indicator for the web adress why not use that the same as you are with the $checkSqlRow["ADDRESS"]?
  3. well actually mac_gyver answered you the same thing. He was just trying to get you to see the point he was making which is the same as I pointed out. Always keep the original variable unless you have changed it in some way from it's initial creation.
  4. you are confusing customer_id = :id; for customer_id = :customer_id;
  5. First thing I see is your benfield throughout your function needs the $ in front of it.
  6. Are register.php, registerFinal.php and connect.php all located in same directory? and are the names spelled right for those 3 files? Also in your registerFinal.php file change require("connect.php"); to require "connect.php"; HTTP 405 is an HTTP response status code. There are five classes of HTTP response status codes. They all inform a user whether a specific HTTP request has been successfully completed. The five core status codes include: 1xx status codes: Informational requests 2xx status codes: Successful requests 3xx status codes: Redirects 4xx status codes: Client errors 5xx status codes: Server errors The 405 Method Not Allowed error message is a client error, which indicates that something on the client-side of things is the issue. An HTTP 405 Error indicates that a web browser has requested access to one of your pages, and your web server has recognized the request. However, the server has rejected the specific HTTP method it's using. As a result, your web browser can't access the requested web page.
  7. $_POST from your inputs works by input name which I see none of. So your form should be like: <form action="registerFinal.php" method="post"><!-- ten fragment inputow jest wysylany submitem do pliku registerFinal.php --> <tr class="logRegSiteTextBox"> <td>login: </td> <td><input type="text" name="loginREGfield" placeholder="tak" title="nie" required></td> </tr> <tr class="logRegSiteTextBox"> <td>e-mail: </td> <td><input type="text" name="emailREGfield" placeholder="tak" title="nie" required></td> </tr> <tr class="logRegSiteTextBox"> <td>hasło: </td> <td><input type="password" name="passwordREGfield" placeholder="tak" title="nie" required></td> </tr> <tr class="logRegSiteTextBox"> <td>powtórz hasło: </td> <td><input type="password" placeholder="tak" title="nie" required></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><input type="submit" value="Zarejestruj się" class="myButtonREG"></td> </tr> </form> you also need a name in your powtórz hasło input if you are using it in $_POST.
  8. Glad you got it sorted and thank you for reply.
  9. Your solution would be nice to know for any others that may have the same issue.
  10. Have you tried what maxxd said?
  11. That's what OP was showing .... that the required file isn't in the wp-includes folder.
  12. I thought the same thing due to the + sign next to that folder but at top of screen he is in the right folder.
  13. always possible cron.php has been deleted. I would be looking everywhere for it.
  14. Have you looked in the wp-includes folder as the error suggested?
  15. What do you suppose your instructor would say if you went to him/her with same thing you posted here in your first post? And would you tell him/her you don't want their criticism just solutions? If you have written any code to attempt this simply post it as you should have done to begin with or at least when someone asked you for it. You didn't want to do that yet still want solutions.
  16. try this (untested) // foreach loop to ping IP and check if alive or dead & dispaly result foreach ($systems as $ip) { unset($result); $successValue = "DOWN"; exec("ping -n 1 $ip[ip]", $result); foreach($result as $line) { if (strpos($line,$good) == TRUE){ $successValue = "UP"; } } //echo "<br><br>"; echo "<table class='table'> <tbody> <tr> <td>IP Address: ".$ip['ip']. "</td> <tdUnit Name: ".$ip['name']."</td> </tr> <tr>>"; If ($successValue == "UP") { echo "<td>Status is: ".$successValue."</td> <td><img src='/Images/GTick.jpg'></td>"; }else{ echo "<td>Status is: ".$successValue."</td> <td><img src='/Images/RTick.jpg'></td>"; } echo "</tr> </tbody> </table>"; //debug dispaly full result of ping request //var_dump($result); }
  17. How about showing all the code that pertains to this issue? You may have a clear idea what you have tried and want but you are making us pick through incomplete information which is wasting our time.
  18. The first if statement says if value is not blank then close div. Yet have that closing div after the else part if that if statement.
  19. Please show what you tried.
  20. Why not query your database and put it all in an array like the one Barand showed you. Very little code doing it that way.
  21. Show us the code you have tried please.
  22. your submit already sends an array of quantities but then you check to see if $_POST['Submit']) is not empty you then create $qty = []; I think you would want to use $qty = $_POST['qty']
  23. if I understand correctly this should work. echo "<div class='field-container'>"; if($game['platform2'] !== ""){ echo "<div class='title'>Platform</div> <div class='information'>{$game['platform2']}</div> <div class='title'>Launcher</div> <div class='information'>{$game['launcher2']}</div>"; } echo "</div>";
  24. That updates database but I think you also need a select query to be able to have correct radio button ticked when your page loads.
  25. I don't see a database query. That would be a good place to start.
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