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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. nope just make sure you have unco0mmented the line in the php.ini file to load the mysql.dll extension. Make sure you have added the correct lines to your apache conf file as described in teh installation steps.
  2. when someone logs in store their ip address in the table next to their username. on each login check to see if the current ipaddress is the same as the one in the database if not boot em. You will also have to store the last time they did sent a request - so each page will have to update that. If they have been inactive for say 20 mins then allow login for that username from anywhere once more.
  3. did ur hosts say that 'localhost' was the correct path to your mysql server? It may be there is a different machine running mysql - not uncommon.
  4. ok I think I got the brains, the time not really. So you suggest i downlaod oscommerce and pull it apart? OK will do.... No payment processing - will CURL do? I read the tutorial on this site and that seemed straight forward (but too easy may = not good enough?) and leave the types of payment aviavle to the merchant account (I assume they will use verisign until I know better).. Cheers willpower you're a gent.
  5. yeah. I was kind of hoping for some pointers on scripts and what dictates which credit card types you can accept etc. etc.
  6. OK. You go to a site and see those options.... The latter requires you reading /cut n pasting an email address.  You HAVE ABSOLUTLEY NO idea how the information is going to come through. They think 'god I have to type this myself'. Bottom line is there has to be some interaction between you better to have a link saying register that links to a form or recieve registration form via e-mail.... the reason that registartion forms are on-line is that you have control and the visitor doesn't have to do too much.  What you think they will like is IMO what they don't want. People are lazy they want to do as little work to get the maximum benefit - to get what you want you have to make sure its easy for them to do AND that you can use what they give. Just sending an e-mail will not give you that unless you have scripted A.I. in php.
  7. OK never done one but I need to do one quick....... I would really appreciate some pointers that can take me beyond the curl tutorial on this site. Ideally I would like to create a script that allwos you to use credit/debit cards of a specified type (in a config setting or something) and paypal. Again I would really appreciate some pointers here people - it could mean a full-time job for me. ;)
  8. But putting that form in an email could help - following a link can be boring for some but a form there waiting for them can seem 'convinient'
  9. Assume your session array is called 'cart' [code]<?php $product_ids = array_keys($_SESSION['cart']); $product_ $qry "SELECT `prod_id`,`prod_name` FROM `products` WHERE `prod_id` IN (" . implode(',',$product_ids) . ")"; $qry = mysql_query($qry); $db_prod = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)) {   $db_prod['name'][$row['prod_id']] = $row['prod_name']; } ... ?> [/code] then as you loop through your session var you simply replace the id with the corresping value in teh $db_prod array. eg 3 would be $db_prod['name'][3]
  10. without reading all that the only thing I will say is that I personally oudl simply skin teh site using css.... Have just one script that generates the html and several themes that simply a set of css files to control the design.  You can then just let the users slect which theme the want to use as default, set it as a session var and use it in the <link rel tag to pic the correct css file.
  11. sorry - wasn't looking.... have a look for css ie hacks this is the first on google and i used to use it a lot - now i code my html so i don't have to screw with ie ;) [url=http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=BoxModelHack]http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=BoxModelHack[/url]
  12. the state that in the query under the where clause. Which ever field holds the date use 'WHERE `date` > 'july 1st' (obviously change that so the formats match otherwise it'll fail)
  13. check you logic in the if statement... just using =="" sometimes aint good enough..
  14. You have various methods but as these people don't know eahc other I would NOT create a string of $to address - they will be visble to all. Instead either use php to manage a mailing list (tutorials all over the shop) OR my preferred method would be... $to = "falseaddy@anywhere.com"; $header = "BCc: "; foreach($email as $key => $value) { $header .= $value . ";"; } and send the header in the extra params of the mail function.
  15. if ([color=red]![/color]$temp_file_name) { get rid of the '!'
  16. Then ist something to do with your query....
  17. perhasp its ketting filtered out as spam, perhaps your inbox is full or you are over quota..... not sure about that $to string though!!!! $to = "Businessman <businessman332211@hotmail.com>"; would be more what I'd expect.. better still just businessman332211@hotmail.com
  18. You have clearly not missed enough closing braces in your time!!!!!! the error always points to the last line of the script!!! ;)
  19. you are missing a closing '}' on your if statement change [code] <?php if ($_POST['submit']) { if (($fname=="") || ($lname=="")|| ($email=="") || ($wmonth=="") || ($wdate=="") || ($wyear=="") || ($umonth=="") || ($udate=="") || ($uyear=="") || ($adults==""))  { print "Error: Please complete all of the required fields."; outputform(); } else { //URL of where the user is redirected to header("Location: http://www.mysite.com"); exit; } ?> [/code] to [code] <?php if ($_POST['submit']) { if (($fname=="") || ($lname=="")|| ($email=="") || ($wmonth=="") || ($wdate=="") || ($wyear=="") || ($umonth=="") || ($udate=="") || ($uyear=="") || ($adults==""))  { print "Error: Please complete all of the required fields."; outputform(); } else { //URL of where the user is redirected to header("Location: http://www.mysite.com"); exit; } } ?> [/code]
  20. didn't see it before.... value is an attribute that is not going to chnage so each check box should have a value set. What you want is..... <input type="checkbox" name="test1" value="1"<?php if($test1 == "on"){echo "checked="checked\"";}?> /> <input type="checkbox" name="test2" value="2"<?php if($test2 == "on"){echo " checked=\"checked\"";}?> />
  21. that line is saying recdate = monthdayyear as pulled from the database (so it will look like 082106 or similar). If it is not working try. $recdate = $RESULT[Lmo] . $RESULT[Lda] . $RESULT[LYR];
  22. run your script - have a look at the html source and see if it does echo checked..... in fact run your script and post the html source on here...
  23. yep... in the script you look for $_FILES['upload'] and in the form you have called it name="fileupload" so change name="fileuplaoad" to just name="upload"
  24. You STILL hav not closed the checkbox tag!!!!!!!!!!! <input type="checkbox" name="test1" value="<?php if($test1 == "on"){" checked="checked\"";}?> [color=red]/>[/color]
  25. PHP will create html. So provided you are talking about 'creating' html based on some criteria then yes - that is exactly what php is for. If you want to do this on the fly then client side script is needed. that can be driven by php using ajax.
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