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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. go and validate you xhtml [url=http://validator.w3.org/]http://validator.w3.org/[/url] with your doctype declaration method="GET" is not valid - it MUST be method="get"
  2. using curl init you can specify which page will process the payment (your merchnat account page), which page the current request should look like it comes from and which page will handle the result of that process. so basically you are calling the script on your merchant accounts server to run 'in the backgorund' so to speak. As for trusting you - you need to get a certificate - something like verisign - it will cost but worth it for peace of mind.
  3. well if you add a field to the quotes table called something like 'date' and set it to NULL. when teh script runs check the current date. select records from the table where date is equal to the current date. If no records are returned select a random quote and update the date field for that quote with the current date. You may if you wish delete all quotes with date < current date.
  4. Not t home at the moment but I do have a script that actually connects to the named server and checks if that e-mail address is valid. The script will detect if an e-mail definitely does not exist BUT will not detect such if the server has a catch all e-mail for the account. That is if an email comes in that is NOt on the list it will be delivered to the catchall account and would return true in terms of validity of that address.
  5. check each page against the html validator at w3c. It will probably point out where some closing tag has been ommited. This looks more like a html problem - could be css but I can't look though all that for you.... If it is css then you will have to check the whole cascade and see if you have set the class or id of some parent element differently when they log off. But html is where I think the problem lies.
  6. If you have a table of quotes in your database then simply sort the query result randomly OR delete the record after it has been used for a day.
  7. It would not allow white space in $error? Is that what you are saying? The function call you have should pass the string as a string so put it in quotes like so... theerror('Hello Person');
  8. You can get php to develop the js to throw the alert..... Or redirect to a page with the alert...
  9. everything is sent by headers - you can manipulate these headers to you own ends. Some body may even be so determined as to save the source code of your page, alter it a little and use that to send the request. There isn't much you can do to stop then trying - its what you do to stop them succedding that counts.  The main worry is probably mysql injection - so on fields where that info is used in a query use mysql_escape_real_string to remove any potential injection attacks.
  10. Your html will look like something like this (not checked your code - if your code does not create this change it so it does - that is good practice for html)... [code] <ul> <li>Item</li> <li>Item</li> <li>item <ul>   <li>Sub Item</li>   <li>Sub Item</li> </ul> </li> <li>Item</li> </ul> [/code] and in your style sheet is the ul ul bit. If this is a navigation type list then stick ALL the html for the unordered lists inside a div with id="nav" then you can further refine you css to #nav ul { // attributes for top level list } #nav ul ul { // attributes for sub lists }  
  11. Or use css... table { margin: 0 auto; }
  12. ROFL :D fkin students! I was one but now I do believe they are the laziest toe-rags on earth! only kidding you student loafers!!!! ;)
  13. If $hisname is not defined then it won't even do that. Wild guess here but I think you are tryign to differentiate between one name or more and add and if its more than one.... If that is the case then you would have to explode $name and count the number of elements - but then someone might put a middle name in. have a little think and come back with what you are trying to detect and maybe we can help a bit more.
  14. Don't know how good it is but just googled this... [url=http://smw.internet.com/video/tutor/]http://smw.internet.com/video/tutor/[/url] Only other way would be to have an interactive flash file playing the videos and displaying the questions at the same time. The method you suggest involves watching the whole clip and then answering questions if that is want you want then carry on; the flsh file on the other hand would allow you to break everthing up a bit - have questions at the end of each section etc and use teh answer to display teh next video - which it could be downloading in the background while the user answers questions... It all depends on the look and feel of teh site - flash will give you much more control in terms of interactivity but its not totally necessary
  15. too big a question to answer!!! suffice to say that in any situation where you use the users input in a query or file/dir creation deletion make sure that what ever they have entered contains what you expect and NOTHING else. real_escape, preg_match, substr, preg_replace, strpos et. al. will be the tools of your trade from now on!!! ;)
  16. without reading all that you can use this ul { some decalrations that apply to top level } ul ul { some declarations that apply to an unordered list inside an unordered list. }
  17. When designing a site, pick the kind of functionality you want. Then think what if....? That is what if client is text only browser, what if client has css or javascript or both off, what if client has flash files blocked what if client has image downloads turned off. If you can design a site that needs minimal adjustments to enable a user to still find it useful when any of these issues are faced - then you are a true web developer.... I aint there yet btw!
  18. you need javascript for teh mouseover but you can use ajax to send a request to a php script that will collect all teh data you need and echo it back - then use javascript again to delimit the string sent back and use that to formulate your new html.
  19. Are you checking if register globals is on?? Maybe you need... [code] <?php if (($_POST['cat'] != "new")  && ($_POST['newcat'] != ""))                   {                            echo "Select \"New category\" to create it.<br>";                           $false++;                     } ?> [/code]
  20. Correct Wintergreen... headers cannot be sent once ANY output has been processed. That is any html (inlcuding whitespace -even if its before the doctype decalration!) that is echo or present after breaking out of php. What you are trying to do is probably best achieved using the meta tag refresh method.
  21. you shoudl never play a sound with out asking the user!!!!!
  22. put a link up so we can follow it in both browsers.  then we can se what it shoudl look like and what it does look like in ie.
  23. hmmmm..... I think the most sesnible option to achieve what you want is to open a pop-up window with just the media file....
  24. u leanr something every day! I should go learn about headers properly - Iam sure there ismuch more you can do with them that what I do....
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