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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. DAft question but what is messed up with it exactly? I don't se anything wrong there... looks fine to me.
  2. You could have to spans in the li - one floated left the other right. - you will have to play with teh padding and margins of the elements to sort the list bullet.
  3. you could always give that table element an id and use that to set the background image in teh css. That way the image will never interfee with your layout and your page may even download a few nanoseconds quicker.
  4. If you implement the javascript option then you rely on the client having js on. But that is the only real option to limit on teh client side. You shoudl also check the length of teh string submitted in your processing script - if its longer than you allow then direct them back to the page and tell them that the text is too long.
  5. if you have phpmyadmin on your machine use the EXPORT button located in the menu across teh top of teh screen. This will create a .sql file. Then goto phpmyadmin on your server and there will either be an IMPORT link (again at the top). Or on teh SQL link there will be a section at the bottom of teh from with somethink like import freom file - hit browse, locate file and hit GO.
  6. Tiny can be configured to use a div instead of text area... I really can't see anything amiss with that code - what EXACTLY is stored in the content field of teh database? Or can you copy and paste the html generated by echoing out this info..
  7. in your query you have .'',', try this... [code]foreach($_POST['description'] as $key=>$description) {    $query = "INSERT INTO table (description,number) VALUES ('" . mysql_real_escape_string($description) . "','" . intval($_POST['number'][$key] . "')";  mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error().$query);  }[/code]
  8. Try to define teh path explicitly i.e. $dir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .'/reviews'; That is assuming the reviews dir is in teh root dir.
  9. just wondering if you can use removeChild and appendChild.... have two links like so... <a href="javascript:drawoptions('add');">Add Row</a> <a href="javascript:drawoptions('remove');">Remove Row</a> and the script... [code]var numrows = 1; function drawoptions(type) {   var tbl = document.getElementById("task_tbl");   var targetnumrows = parseInt(document.getElementById("numoptions").value + "");   // if they've selected to show more rows, then we add more rows   if(type == 'add')   {       for(var i=0; i<targetnumrows - numrows; i++)       {           var row = tbl.insertRow(tbl.rows.length);           // create the checkbox cell           var cell = row.insertCell(0);           var checkboxfield = document.createElement("input");           checkboxfield.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");           checkboxfield.setAttribute("id", "Checkbox[" + (numrows+i) + "]");         checkboxfield.setAttribute("name", "Checkbox[" + (numrows+i) + "]");           //checkboxfield.setAttribute("value", "Checked");           cell.appendChild(checkboxfield);         cell.setAttribute('align','center');             // create the textarea cell           cell = row.insertCell(1);           var tdescfield = document.createElement("textarea");         tdescfield.setAttribute("cols", "60");         tdescfield.setAttribute("rows", "3");           tdescfield.setAttribute("id", "Tdescr[" + (numrows+i) + "]");         tdescfield.setAttribute("name", "Tdescr[" + (numrows+i) +"]");                  cell.appendChild(tdescfield);       }   }   // they've decided to show less rows, so we remove some   else   {       for(var i=0; i<numrows - targetnumrows; i++)       {           tbl.deleteRow(tbl.rows.length - 1);       }   }   numrows = tbl.rows.length - 1;   document.getElementById("numoptions").value=tbl.rows.length;    //alert(numrows); } [/code] see if that works.
  10. well the best option would be to create the classsic three column layout and then all the items you want on the left put in the div floated left and all the item syou want on teh right put in the div floated right [code] <body> <div id="wrapper">   <div id="left">   \\all the bots on the left   </div>   <div id="right">   \\ all the bist in the right panel   </div>   <div id="cont>   \\ all the content   <div class="clear">   </div>   </div> </div> </body> [/code] css... #left { float: left; } #right { float: right; } .clear { clear: both; }
  11. hwat parameters are you passing to the setcookie function?
  12. more likely a { } problem
  13. Have you changed teh method attribute of the submitting form? [code] $to = "contact@perfekted.com"; $msg = "Name: " . $_POST['name'] ."\n"; $msg .= "E-mail Address: " . $_POST['email'] ."\n"; $msg .= "Message: " . $_POST['message'] . "\n"; [/code] I notice that you have used the $subject ijn your script but in your last post it was not defined anywhere... If you haven't changed the method of your form then just replace $_POST with $_GET
  14. Thats why I shoudl do more js!!!! ;)
  15. You need to put a <BR> before the [3] [4] and [5]
  16. If all your check functions return 0 if check was valid and say 1 if there was a problem then... [code] function checksignup(){ var valid = 0; valid = checksurname(); if (valid == 0) valid = checkfirstname(); if (valid == 0) valid = checktelephone(); if (valid==0) { return true; } }[/code]
  17. There is not enough bandwidth in whole world to list all the reasons why you shoudl stick to semantic html, css and the DOM
  18. To be fair I actually think IE got the box model right!!!!! Their method of implementing width etc is far more intuitive than the standards IMO. That said IE hisses me off in so many other ways that I still don't like IE5-6 very much at all.
  19. Not totally sure what you want to achive.... The 2nd array seems to have all teh info you need - merging it with an array that simply has a list of values that are the same as the keys of array 2 seems pointless.
  20. Carts are one of those things where I think its worth the hassel to go teh whole hog... I use sessions and cookies - don't bother with the database tables. Reason for this is if the user disconnects for what ever reason. If you use the session id as an identifier for the database record all will be lost when they come back - and people can find that incredibly annoying.
  21. HAve you considered ajax? That way you don't have to reload the whole page - you can just manipulate the html you need to.
  22. If you are still having problems re-start your server then upload teh new page
  23. You missed an double quote here $content .= "Name: <b>" . $your_name . "</b><br>; change that to $content .= "Name: <b>" . $your_name . "</b><br>";
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