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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. Jesus H... have a look at your very first conditional!!! we've touched on this about 5 times in this thread alone... how do you expect your code to check the users against database records when you have that code before the verification...
  2. using simple xml??? http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.simplexml-element-children.php echo count($xmlobj->children());
  3. why not post the code with the array in it and we'll be able to see what the deal is...
  4. you need ssh access - you need to do this stuff in the command line. tutorial here http://www.netbrix.net/archives/20 you then need to be able to fork your php scripts - you'll need to get your head around the commands that perform he tasks you need to encode videos and generate images etc etc.
  5. funnily enough a quick search on google http://code.google.com/p/jquery-checkbox/
  6. what do you need a check box for if you really want an image??? or is this one of those cases where you are replacing a checkbox with an image for presentational purposes?
  7. mate not being funny but have you rtm??? http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-query.php
  8. so yeah what do you want to know? how to install? how to call? it really helps if before you post a question you read it back and say to your self 'if I had no clue what so ever about what that was before I read the question could I still answer it now...'
  9. $con = mysql_connectT($host, $user, $password) or die ( "<H3>Server unreachable</H3>"); $db = mysql_connect($database) or die ( "<H3>Database non existent</H3>"); you need to be able to assign your resources to...
  10. not that I like the look of all that i would reduce that lot to this... <?php $o_genre = "asc"; $o_title = "asc"; $o_desc = "asc"; $o_keywords = "asc"; $o_swf = "asc"; $o_dimw = "asc"; $o_dimh = "asc"; $o_inst = "asc"; $o_pic = "asc"; $o_author = "asc"; $o_pl = "asc"; $o_timestamp = "asc"; if (isset($_GET['sort'],$_GET['order'])) { $i = $_GET['sort']; $temp = "o_$i"; $$temp = $_GET['order']; } ?> you will have to adjust your code a little bit as you use gametitle in the url which relates to $o_title... the $o_xxx should relate to the sort value in the url string so xxx = will be what ever $_GET['sort'] is (hope that made sense). doing that will make your code more manageable. try that... ?>[/code]
  11. you have three methods of declaring a string - single quotes, double quotes and the heredoc syntax. if you you use double quotes then you have to escape any double quotes in your string - I just used single quote so you didn't have to do any escaping...
  12. <?php for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { echo '<td align="center"><img src="images/' . $pictures[$i] .'" /></td>'; } ?>
  13. its often best to not use relative urls for these kind of assets. personally i place all my global assets in a folder in the root, e.g. 'global' then refernce them like so <script type="text/javascript" src="/global/js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/global/js/shoutbox.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="'/global/js/countdown.js"></script> I suggest you down load the firebug plugin for firefox and use it to debug - there maybe a javascript error which is killing your functionality here...
  14. lol - i've been building sites for a number of years now and even if I say so myself I have a very good grasp of what can do what. pitty some miss my sarcasm mind
  15. not a semi-colon in sight.. oh no there's one - just the one mind
  16. @omzy - really? I didn't know that... perhaps that's why I code so that my forms are validated on submit anyway and then just use ajax when its available - I know it sounds crazy buy hey - its the way I roll
  17. @omzy - you ALWAYS validate server side anyway you should NEVER leave validation to javascript. AJAX is different as you can validate server side 'on-the-fly' - this just removes some of the frustration the user could have if they fill out lots of info and have to do some again after hitting submit.
  18. all this... $Registration_Number = $_POST['Registration_Number']; $Year = $_POST['Year']; $Make = $_POST['Make']; $Model = $_POST['Model']; $Mileage = $_POST['Mileage']; $MOT = $_POST['MOT']; $Road_Tax = $_POST['Road_Tax']; $Service_History = $_POST['Service_History']; $Colour = $_POST['Colour']; $No_of_Doors = $_POST['No_of_Doors']; $Engine_Size = $_POST['Engine_Size']; $Type_of_Car = $_POST['Type_of_Car']; $Type_of_Transmission = $_POST['Type_of_Transmission']; $Fuel_Type = $_POST['Fuel_Type']; $PAS = $_POST['PAS']; $No_of_Owners = $_POST['No_of_Owners']; $Condition_of_Car = $_POST['Condition_of_Car']; $Alloy_Wheels = $_POST['Alloy_Wheels']; $Sunroof = $_POST['Sunroof']; $CD_Player = $_POST['CD_Player']; $Electric_Windows = $_POST['Electric_Windows']; $Central_Locking = $_POST['Central_Locking']; $Alarm = $_POST['Alarm']; $Airbags = $_POST['Airbags']; $Other_Extras = $_POST['Other_Extras']; $Buying_Price = $_POST['Buying_Price']; $Car_Sale_Invoice_Number = $_POST['Car_Sale_Invoice_Number']; $Date_of_Purchase = $_POST['Date_of_Purchase']; $Selling_Price = $_POST['Selling_Price']; can be replaced by: foreach($_POST as $key => $val) { $$key = $val; } just before you execute the query echo out the query string - you can then paset it into your db admin tool (probably phpmyadmin) and see what it says - it may give you some clues.
  19. personally I'd have the whole thing on one form and use javascript to control which bits are displayed at each stage; all you need are back/next buttons implemented in javascript and you have a fantastic user experience with all the code in one one place and easy to manage. this would cut down the number of requests made to the server - you could use some ajax to validate each stage and all in all be an awesome form to use.
  20. don't use three scripts - use one and pass a parameter teling it what to do - then you don't need a form that requires javascript to control where the form is posted which can be turned off and cause you all manner of headaches.
  21. your database needs to support the character set - utf-8 is the best all round solution.
  22. @cloudy243 if that code is at the very beginning of the file then then the session variables will never be set. The login details must be checked and verified before that conditional is run...
  23. you are using the jquery method - make sure you have jqery available.. if you do so make sure you add the attributes to the new window like width height etc.
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