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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. OK shot in the dark as I suspect this is actually part of a bigger script but I don't see $subject being set anywhere... In fact none of them are 'Set' anywhere in the script so perhaps you could post all the preceeding code also...
  2. No. where are you running the script? is it on your own machine or a live server somewhere?
  3. top-tip for you... we can't link to you page via localhost... if you have this on your pc then we'd need your IP Address to view it - find yourself a bit of webspace where you can upload your site and we can have a look. So I/we can't really see what's going on with your page and will therefore not be able to help you out.
  4. Fairly sure that table cells don apply margins - its cell-spacing that dictates this and even then thats not well supported in IE. If this were tabular data I'd be asking why the hell you'd want this 'margin' on a cell and if its for layout then you have just created a site that will be incredibly hard to manage....
  5. only with javascript...
  6. us the td:hover in your css... you will have to use javascript to add a onmouseover and onmouseout event for ie6...
  7. OK where you went wrong here was at this point... After i sliced this page on Photosop and saved it as HTML... Your next fatal error was then using frontpage... After that I am afraid you are in the hands of the gods as to whether your site will 'work'. All apologies but in order to get someone on here to devote enough time to making your markup useful after its been mashed up by adobe and then microsoft will cost you a pretty penny....
  8. you should convert special characters when putting them into your database and also make sure your database supports the correct character encoding (I always enable utf-8 for my database).
  9. I tend to float... [feel free to add water references and maybe some comedy 'floater' remarks]
  10. I think you mis-read my post... you should have ONE image of the tree THE WHOLE TREE - with NO TEXT on it - this will be your body background image. You should then have ONE IMAGE - a png of JUST the site title - the lupine den. and finally 20 png images of each of the links in the navbar. keep the stroke on the text in the individual images - so that if nothing were laid over the tree you would not have odd text-shaped gaps...
  11. you are using main.php to generate the xhtml and its placing utf-8 codes into the text instead of what you want. Is that correct? if so show us the code you are using to generate the xml and we can highlight the area that needs attention...
  12. yes... don't use 2 images - use 1 image as a background and simply move it up/down or left/right on mouse over...
  13. yes - if you read my last post again and get these images separately then you can start to build the (x)html to achieve your goals... Do that and come back and I will personally show you how to get started...
  14. @ilikiephp its not wrong to put breadcrumb links in by hand if you have a flat site - thats only way to do it. the 'best' way of course is to generate this automatically using the current url and the sites structure (relationships between pages in the database).
  15. it depends on your sites structure. This sounds more like a php question otherwise you would have a static site and just input the html by hand. Can't tell you how to do it with php without knowing how you detect the parent of any given page - but essentially you will create a series of links with a url to each page within the path to the current page...
  16. in this case... $qry = "UPDATE `Members` SET `Status` = 'Inactive' WHERE `Member_ID` IN (" . implode(',', $_POST['checkbox']) . ";
  17. yes - go and smack the designer upside the head... The tree should be an image on its own and all the text should be supplied as a png (each nav item and the main title should be a png file on its own). Once you have that you can start constructing some meaning full html to use these BACKGROUND IMAGES with...
  18. you can't - yet... http://www.css3.com/css-font-size-adjust/ once full css3 support is available then perhaps you can revisit this... For now just don't choose fonts that have a wildly different 'default' size - that is just plain bad decision making...
  19. use the image as a background and use either positioning, margins or padding (the first being the weapon of choice) to place the content within that container.
  20. the answer is... it depends... on what you want to achieve 'layers' is something I here graphic designers use a lot - for me teh web doesn't have 'layers' as such. Sure you can use css to control stacking order of elements placed above another (in a layer fashion type thing) but all this is an 'illusion' that is created with css or javascript - both of which can be made to disappear - leaving you with not 'layers' anyway. So decide what you want to do and then - In my opinion if the content of these pages are unrelated then I would use separate html files.
  21. the process is fairly standard.. Collect data securely send data via curl to a url of the payment gateways specifying. The format of the data to be sent is also specified by the payment processor... You will find may payment gateways have integration kits - I have seen the code in a few of them and to be honest they can be improved but you will get the idea... http://pear.php.net/package/Payment_Process/ is probably the thing darkwater was pointing you toward - I have yet to use it but pear packages are on the whole very good.
  22. you don't need to you can either use % or make the element 100% wide or wrap one div around it - give that fixed position and 100% width and center the contents using margin: 0 auto;
  23. well on submission of the form you could use: split(' |,',$_POST['tags']); explode(',', $_POST['tags']); or any other similar function to produce the desired array of values - you can then loop through these to add to the database.
  24. mate - I've seen the html behind this a few times now - in all honesty from the first time you showed me - if at that point you had decided to start again with good semantic html - and got rid of all those awful conditional comments to insert html for ie6 - you'd have finished by now (that includes the learning process too!). This is a pretty good example of those rare occasions when persisting with what has been produced (because it is thought fixing what you have will be quicker than a complete re-work) is detrimental to the over all project. For everysecond this site remains 'off-line' is another second of lost income. I suspect that even now you'd be better off starting again... Sorry dude but there is too much to fix...
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