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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. that my friends is sIFR.. http://www.mikeindustries.com/blog/sifr/ please send monatary value of cookie to my paypal...
  2. dulcet - you need to read trancending css - andy clarkes fantastic book... there is a wonderful analogy ion there about the web and browsers likened to hd tv and an old tv... go read. This about education and breaking out of the stifling environment that, lets face it, doesn actually do any one any good. The is no real impetus to move the development of the technology forward. I work at one the UK's top agencies so I understand completely the problems dealing with clients wish lists - educating them (chucking in bits like 'award' and 'compliance with law' can really help the client understand that what they wanted initially is both difficult and undesireable... OK my analogy (couldn't resist)........ Many people have a car - there are lots of cars available from different manufacturers offering different features and of course of differing ages. Lets say I decide to buy a second hand ford escort mkII (30 odd years old now or what ever) and you decide to buy a 2008 ford focus. Now essentially aimed at the same target market. My car doesn't give the same milage - in fact it won't run very well at all because I need to convert it to unleaded petrol. Breaking distance at 30 mph is 5000 ft. Your brand new car performs much better than mine in every single way - should I be upset? should I demand that my car perform the same as yours? should I take my car back to ford and demand the air conditioning unit be installed in place of my 'heater'? - remember it was my choice to buy this car. Unfortunately the latest aircon unit would not fit - thats no surprise we are used to new products coming out and replacing old ones all the time - we are also used to the idea that every now and then they have a clean sweep with producst and the backwards compatability is dropped at a certain point 9wait for teh next disasterous windows OS )... As with cars we have a choice as to which browser we use - now should we bend over backwards to accurately mimic the css3 features we can achieve in safari in ie6? should we take 3 times as long to add all the extra html tags, create all the images and write the extra javascript to truely plug the holes??? NO - what we should do is provide a good experience for all concerned - provide a reasonable look for the browser in question. If the browser doesn't support something we use then we could put some instruction in a information panel about the kind of experience the user could have using a different browser and provide links to them. Like the car industry, or any other for that matter, consumer demand is the driving force for improvements. Until professional web developers start to differentiate the experience served up by browsers then there will be no driving force for change. Trying too hard to give those user of moded browsers the same wow factor will do nothing to help move the web forward...
  3. hmmm - hard to help you there - these are terms that may be in cluded in a pre-requisit list for php101 at college... please don't be offended - I'm not trying to get at you - its just if you don't understand some of teh basic terminaology and are unable to follow the flow of a script then I doubt there is anything you could get from anyone over the internet - I suggest you try and find someone who can phyiscally sit with you and hold your hand for a couple of hours - that shoudl give you enough to go and at least follow a script to its conclusion...
  4. this depends - the KISS rule (keep it simple stupid) is very often responsible for producing EXCELLENT results. The effort required in constructing css to achieve your goal is dictated by the markup you have to work with and what your remit is. Those who HAVE to produce something that is 'identical' cross browser will of course be the ones who suffer - you will either have to sacrifice or hack - neither you want to do but hey. I personally do not believe in bending over backwards just to help out 2001 (IE6) I even use css3 so that I can achieve some of these fantastic things - but only in browsers that support it. The others I make sure something adequate is provided...
  5. the best method to reduce / eliminate the extra css need to get ie (esp ie6) to play ball is to use a strict doctype forcing ie in standards 'compliant' mode... most of the extra css requires relates to the box model differences - this is negated in 'compliant' mode... Does solve ALL the issue but does MOST of the,.
  6. You need to use the $_FILE array not $_POST in the processing script.... if you place print_r($_FILE); in your script you will see what I mean...
  7. easy now tigers!!!! there'll only be flaming here if its warrented! - flame away people.... eaglelegend has indeed PM'd me - for future reference I don't need thanks... PayPal donations yes - but thanks not necessary...
  8. no value or max length attribute for the textarea tag
  9. if this were in a text file then you would need something like this... <?php $text = "abcdefghijksdflkjashdflkahfljkhasdfkljhasdfklashflkhasdflkjhadljkhaljksdh"; $newtext = wordwrap($text,11,PHP_EOL ,true); // if you uare using php < 5 or < 4.3 then it would be \r\n for windows \n for *nix and \r for Mac echo ($newtext); ?> However you want this in a web page so you HAVE to have the <br /> otherwise the whites space is truncated and you will get the text on the same line until it runs out of space...
  10. sorry quiettech - I clearly got the wrong end fo the stick. (notorious for skim reading posts and not getting the right points out!)
  11. .text_box { background-color:hover(color:#ffffff;) #e73738; border:hover(color:#ffffff;) 4px solid #292929; color:hover(color:#e73738;) #ffffff; } wtf???? Am I missing some new syntax in css??? try this instead... .text_box { background-color:#e73738; border:4px solid #292929; color:#ffffff; } .text_box:hover { background-color:#fff; border-color:#fff; color:#fff; } you will need to use some javascript in IE6 to get this to work (but I never bother with that - it rewards people who don't upgrade to better browsers).
  12. Jesus H.... completely missed that... sorry dbrim its a case of woods and trees for me - I'll make the amends this evening... feel foolish now...
  13. Everyone bangs on about SOAP vs. REST - fact is no matter what you do you send a request in a given format and get a response in a given format - just find yourself a good reliable datasource and see what webservice they use and use that...
  14. ah I doubt it matters but have you assigned the output of wordwrap to a var and echoed that??? Just as the examples do in the docs.. <?php $text = "abcdefghijksdflkjashdflkahfljkhasdfkljhasdfklashflkhasdflkjhadljkhaljksdh"; $newtext = wordwrap($text,11,"<br />",true); echo ($newtext); ?>
  15. you can style teh regualr submit buttons too!!! try giving it a border the same color as you rbackground and giving it margin: -1px; see if that gives you any joy
  16. ermmm - not sure exactly what your are asking but if the text in your text box is submitted to a database then ensure that the database has the correct character encoding support AND that you have the correct language and corresponding text format i your headers (probaly best to stick to utf8... Sorry but that is all I can suggest right now - if you could provide a little more detail as to what you are doing (is this a cms of a flat file site etc etc) then we may be able to help a little more...
  17. Thanks for some of the suggestiosn guys but unfortunately to no avail.... This does look like a bug of some sort for the time being I have had to give the p tag a negative left margin, left padding, a border and a background colour to get it somewhere near... I am away to find an email address for Tantek Celik - see if he can find out why this happens... Now if this is a bug - what can I call it? The Toon bug will provide fame but not descriptive enough...
  18. tables are avoidable for tabular data - its just wrong to avoid them in that situation
  19. tables are NOT easier than css/div layouts - this is a common untruth... Fact is its the learning curve that is difficult. There are 3 stages that make css layouts for easier to accomplish than the table based 'counter-parts'. 1. Site Build. 2. Site Maintenance. 3. Site Use. (Basically ALL THE TIME). Most on here don't have the time to do everything for you - so go and learn. I have said this before and will say it again.... A couple of days hard study on css layouts will give you more than time spent on any other facet of web development ever could. Just because you don't get it right first time is NO reason to give up. I still maintain that in the middle to long run css layouts are easier and will save you LOTS of time and heartache.
  20. http://www.wellstyled.com/css-nopreload-rollovers.html has a triple state roll-over but you can just use 2 of them as I often do....
  21. if the query is correct then no rows have been found - I often see this on windows and its not really an error (if the query syntax is ok).
  22. make it easy for the user - search the fields your self and output results based on which field the search was matched...
  23. no you'd have to loop through grabbing the file name and including each one individually. you could add the include path to your php configuration - if you have permissions to do so...
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