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Everything posted by steviewdr

  1. Screen grab of latest css problem in IE6: http://www.burkesys.com/~sburke/phpfreaks/rails-solutions-design2.jpg -steve
  2. I really like the 3D lamp post idea. Ideally the light rays would come from this aswell. This might be a bit difficult and require changing around things a little. Im not too big of a fan of flash, but I really like the flash logo at: http://rails-solutions.com/design/2/default.html Perhaps if you can wait 2-3 seconds before you run the text animation part. This is because with it loading for me, I only see the tail part of the text animation. The text font and line spacing is also very nice on that page. The "opposite corners rounded" on the client login box looks well. If you are going to use this "theme" then you need to use it more on the site. Perhaps take the same concept with the larger radius's of the main div. Atm the rounded/square corners of the client login looks out of place on its own. Im afraid that the css layout is gone again in IE6. It looks fine in Opera. -steve
  3. Looking good. Its a good redesign using the nice color scheme. A few things Id change: Unbold the text in the Horizontal Nav. Increase line spacing a tad. Perhaps 1.1em. Include a graphic/image for the Become a Client area. I would also look at dedoing the logo. It could be made more predominant. Perhaps introduce a graphic along with teh text - i.e. a light bulb or something else to make a logo out of it. At a resolution of 800x600, the Become a Client div gets chopped on the right. This is a minor issue with my IE6. I solved this before by having the header graphic 780px wide. Also - I would reduce the radius of the Become a Client div (just my IMO). Overall - looks very well. I really like the sun/light rays and perhaps more could be made of this throughout the corners of divs throughout the page etc. -steve
  4. Even when I used M$, I was using the cmdline for attrib and xcopy and the like. deltree was another favourite of mine in batch files -steve
  5. I think you've fixed this yourself Tom. Just to mention: man rndc: rndc = name server control utility So...if rndc says "connection refused", it cant connect to the name server. Try: telnet localhost 53 and/or restart named to make sure its running etc. -steve
  6. If your using tomcat on its own - Im afraid Ive no idea. I use apache and mod_proxy to serve out the content proxied from tomcat. Then I use mod_gzip on apache's side. -steve
  7. Here you go: http://wiki.kartbuilding.net/index.php/Sendmail I had the exact same problems as you. I made my own sendmail config and used it via php. -steve
  8. Its been 6 years since I used the apache-tomcat connector. From what I can remember, the connector hands off files with a .jsp etc. extension to tomcat seamlessly. Recently, I run tomcat and apache on the one box. I use mod_proxy with apache to forward requests to tomcat behind the scenes. -steve
  9. server:~# echo 33517 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max The above works for me. -steve
  10. In your httpd.conf, uncomment the server-status lines. Also - enable the mod_status extension. Then browse to http://localhost/server-status on the server. Also - define slow. Is download a large file slow? - i.e. downloading a large file - they only get 10KB/s? -steve
  11. Wrong Board. I suggest you post the above topic in a MySQL related board. -steve
  12. I like the color scheme and the look and feel. The tabbed buttons on the horizontal nav bar could be made a little bigger. The icons for Read More, Comments and the Date blend in very well. There are a total of 3 Nav bars. You could eliminate one of them. The "Home >> Support >> Contact" could be changed a little to provide more information. The width of the vertical Nav and Client Login area should be fixed to 150px. There are a few css tweaks required yet. On IE6 and Opera 9.23, the following screenshots were taken: http://www.burkesys.com/~sburke/phpfreaks/rails-solutions.jpg http://www.burkesys.com/~sburke/phpfreaks/rails-solutions1.jpg Looking forward to seeing more. -steve
  13. GUI schumy! Learn the console IMO. -steve
  14. You might have to stop apache before you (re)move the logfile. Your batch file should be something like: c:\path\to\apache2 stop copy access_log.txt access_log_$date.txt (see: http://www.windowsitpro.com/Article/ArticleID/13575/13575.html) delete access_log.txt c:\path\to\apache2 start -steve
  15. Enable mod_gzip for apache. -steve
  16. Take a read of: http://wiki.kartbuilding.net/index.php/Tomfmason_Fedora_Server_Setup Rgds, Steve
  17. Linux uses logrotate to rotate apache logs daily or weekly. It zips up the old ones. I dont know if there is a similar system for windows. -steve
  18. Yes - when you buy a domain name (a .com) you typically get a control panel to manage teh DNS. -steve
  19. I think "slapt" is the package manager for slackware. Is apache on the server? If not -> slapt-get install apache2 To get apache with ssl, you'll have to do something like: slapt-get install libssl Is htpasswd installed/working? Apache may need to be installed for this tool to be available. -steve
  20. Yes. Take a look at: http://wiki.kartbuilding.net/index.php/Apache_2_%26_SSL_-_PHP4_-_MySQL_4.1 -steve
  21. Could you not use simple alias's in your apache config? I.e. put an alias for gallery to wherever it needs to be? -steve
  22. Possibly. Can you check your weblogs to see if a ".... .swf" appears as the referrer? If so, you can do a regex and a redirect based on this. -steve
  23. Easy way -> put the redirect in a .htaccess of the root folder of the virtual host. Better way -> put the redirect line correctly into position inside a <Virtual Host...> -steve
  24. Debian IMO - it is rock solid, and has a majority of web apps under its APT (advanced package manger) which will pull down all relevant security updates. Ubuntu is pretty much the same also. The free equivalent of RHEL is either fedora or Cent OS, but neither has as wide a range of "standard" packages. Third party packages are required for things like phpmyadmin. That package is part of Debian/Ubuntu stable. Also - do NOT install a GUI desktop, or X server. Get to know the terminal and you will allow your server to breathe easily. -steve
  25. If your having to use a multi-threaded ftp application, then your bandwidth is shaped to limit connection speed. Get a fast broadband connection. A T3 connection will allow you to send and recieve ~4MB a second. 2.5 hours should do your 35GB. :-) -steve
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