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Everything posted by DFulg

  1. The correct answer has already been posted: $al3 = ( !empty($_POST['al3']) ) ? ($_POST['al3']): null; Make sure that the relevant field excepts null values. If you are not sure, use the "Explain table" syntax and post it here. Also, never insert user data directly into a mysql query. Always properly sanitize the data first.
  2. Note: Never insert data that can be tampered with directly into a mysql query. Always perform the proper sanitation on that data before inserting it.
  3. I think we would need to see all of the relevant code along with a clearer description of what exactly you are trying to do in order to adequately answer your question.
  4. Hello everyone, I have been programming casually for a few years now in primarily PHP and Javascript. Recently took the next step and moved into part time freelancing. I am looking to both share my knowledge and expand it.
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