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Everything posted by Jocka

  1. ok i found some other stuff.. Will a USB adapter work just as good? or slower? .. faster?..
  2. All these years I thought I knew it all and now I set here dumbfounded. I have a pretty old computer but didn't think anything of it. I went and bought a router and wireless desktop card today. Router works perfect but the card won't fit into my computer. When it comes to PCI, I usually stop whatever it is I'm doing and walk off but I really need this to get done. Ok heres the issue. I bought this card and its 32 bit, end looks like this: [img]http://www.designed4u.be/images/artikels/NETGIU1241.jpg[/img] ^***NOTE THE 2 EMPTY AREAS But my Pci slot is more like this: [img]http://www.umeu.de/web/contentframe/images_drivers/ACEEX-isdn-pci.gif[/img] ^***NOTE THE SMALL EMPTY AREA TOWARDS THE BACK I've done all types of searches and can't come up with any wireless cards like the one I need. I can't figure out where I would begin to fix this issue. For now I'll probably just go buy a long (very long) ethernet cable but I'd HIGHLY prefer to get this fixed for wireless. HELP ME PLEASE!.. ..
  3. Alright. The server host we use now is in the same city where we are located so I'm going to see if maybe we can work something out. I'll talk with him and if he's fine with it, we'll talk to our host and just let them handle it lol. Maybe pay a little extra for THEM to keep an eye on it. Since I don't know what I'm doing. Is that a better idea? lol. I have less than 1 month to build them an entire site with all-too-much on it lol. So I don't want to concern [i]myself[/i] with this. Maybe after I'm done I can start messing with it.
  4. Ok. Would it be too much to spring on the boss RIGHT NOW? I mean, should I wait. I JUST talked him into getting a dedicated server and didn't even consider the amount of space he'll actually need. He already signed up for a year. I'm sure he'll be a little pissed. I'm thinking of recommending he get someone else to run his servers overall. I mean, it's obvious I don't know where to go after so much. They asked if I knew anyone they could hire to help me temporarily so it might not be a bad idea. I just don't want the burden of the server, the software, and the security all on me.
  5. Yea they have a plan. The site isn't even up  yet and they have about 300,000 members. (hard to explain but trust me on this). So your saying we should skip the middle man and take this thing over ourselves? How much would it cost exactly to get and maintain a server that size?
  6. I'm doing this site right now and they request the ability to upload files with max sizes of 4mb. They are estimating a number of 1,000,000 members by this time next year. This would require a GREAT sized harddrive on our dedicated server. A terabyte or 5 lol. I just want to make sure I'm guessing that right. How would I go about adding a terabyte of space? I mean the max harddrive is a terabyte right now isn't it? And can you use more than on harddrive on a dedicated server? I've never dealt with so much space being needed so this is new to me. I was thinking in the long run it might be better for my "boss" to just buy his own computer and install the harddrives he needs from his building. I'm not sure though. What would you (all of you) suggest?
  7. what I'm trying to do is upload videos to my website. I've tried the normal "upload" idea. The one i always use for files thats in every tutorial lol. But that doesn't apply to video files appearantly. I did some googling and saw where someone posted that using FTP functions would be easier but I'm thinking there has to be a better way. I'm going to study the FTP functions and see how much easier it may or may not be though but I'd like some input and advice on how to go about doing this.
  8. hmm maybe i missed someone.. am I the only one that starts from the inside out? The first thing I do is the coding. After I've got the coding done THEN I start on the template. The only reason I wouldn't do this is if the site was needed ASAP then I would create the design and just put something like "feature not available" on some of the pages. But if I'm not rushed I'd rather start with the code. The way how I see it is like this. (Metaphor like sentence coming) Theres a beautiful woman infront of me. But I'm not gonna go for her if she's braindead.
  9. Yea, what I ended up doing is downloading the stuff again from their site and uploading and now it works. Now the question, how can I decode the encoded files? I wanna take some stuff out of this piece of **** software they bought.
  10. $_GET['id'] .. this will pull the number after id= .. page.php?id=[b]1[/b] so then its like this $id = $_GET['id']; $query = "SELECT title, category, salary, location FROM joborder WHERE id='" . $_GET['id'] . "'"; // Or number if thats the id works like that with the title too $_GET['title'] would get the title= from the link then "WHERE title='" . $_GET['title'] . "'"
  11. Fatal error: This encoded file is corrupted. Please refer to http://www.zend.com/support/support_faq.php?id=loader_file_corrupt for further help in *****.php on line 0 How do you fix a corrupted file? What happened here was I didn't upload in binary mode so I re-uploaded in binary mode and now it gives this error. I tried going to that link but it doesn't work. Also tried googling with no results. I found a few things that were almost answers but nothing that actually pointed me in the right direction. My guess is I'll have to email these people where my company bought their software and have them send it to me again.. i'd prefer not to deal with those jackasses anymore but i guess i have to.
  12. I wish 2 things.. A. I would've worked with my current company before and B. One of us working on his site now would've found this first. I HATE webjobs. I don't want to rip it apart and take out the "spyware" because frankly, it would be easier and much better to just create my own. I finally got this thing installed on the server and realized that just how much control they had and I didn't have. I mean, they encoded the files? I didn't even look for the spyware type stuff, I just saw that the files were encoded and was like "what the hell are they trying to hide?" . When installing I entered that license key and it clicked that they have in one of the files to basically give permission for this site to run. Which is very ignorant. Aside from that, I came to realize that they don't take very many security measures in it. I found like 5 security holes just out of the code I COULD see. If there is a way to do so, I'd like to shut this piece of sh** site down. They're support is a complete waste of time. After submitting problem after problem all we got back was a "i'm sorry" and "we don't know what to tell you" basically. I've only worked with this company for a week now and I told them on day 1 after seeing this software that they wasted their money. It wasn't for another day or 2 that I even found the problems lol. Now i'm spending countless hours fixing their problems and trying to install my own template (which isn't easy on their system). Since thats really the only thing I have control over. They want to buy another software package, I told them to leave it to me or just hire someone to help me and we'll have it done completely by mid december. Hopefully they'll go with it..
  13. there is/(was, haven't checked lately) a hacking site like that. But it wasn't a "password game" lol. but that site is/was http://hackthissite.org
  14. After a few hours of seraching google yesterday and last night, i finally found one i could use. They install all the crap before you buy it. Theres just something about me and installations that never work lol. Now I have explained to the company that they need some SERIOUS upgrades to what they are currently using.. bad news since they start advertising on the 15th :P
  15. OK.. i'm an idiot i think. Do we need a VPS server? We need the room of an entire server but I don't have the time to set up their server and do my job too. They need me to have the design for the site done by the 15th and i haven't even started yet cuz i've been trying to fix this piece of s**t server. You know what, if anyone can walk me through installing PHP then that'll help too. Well php is installed by that files missing appearantly.. but i want help .. damnit help me..
  16. haha I put a resume on monster.com .. I inteded for companies to find me but most of my calls are from small businesses that need websites. It wouldn't hurt to try. Right now I'm working on a project that should pay off by next year. As I  understand it, I get some of the profits (estimated around 36mil/year). Investors already on it and a super bowl ad was already purchased.. thank god I put my resume up :P
  17. Can somebody point me in the direction of a dedicated server with all the 'goods' already installed on it? I'm working with this company trying to get their stuff online and seem to know less about everything than I do. All I want to do is install PHP on this freakin thing and they don't seem to know how to do it either. I tried but I keep getting this error (seein L.A.M.P. forum if you want to help). Basically all we need is a Cpanel of course and LAMP already installed on the server. I don't wanna spend the better part of my time with this company trying to fix the SERVER. If anyone has any suggestions for an inexpensive dedicated server with this already installed please give me a link. I'll be VERY greatful. Also, a good support team would be nice too :P
  18. Here is the exact error code: [code] Failed to apply changes : Syntax error on line 6 of /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf: Cannot load /usr/lib/httpd/modules/libphp5.so into server: libcurl.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [/code] I'm on a dedicated server running on Centos, Webmin (i hate it), apache, mysql, and trying to get PHP to work. I ran the RPM from php.net to install php and it seemed to go through fine but then this error popped up when I started the apache server. Any ideas what I need to do? I did a search on this and found another RPM to use but it didn't work either. The file libcurl.so.3 isn't on my server anywhere and I can't find out where I'm supposed to get it from. How can I fix this? Can I 'turn it off' somehow? ::EDIT:: After posting this I tried, god knows how many times, to install curl all over again. But everytime I do it says "file missing that is needed" or something like that. So I go find that file and it can't install cuz it doesn't have some files.. then go find that and it doesn't have files.. Isn't there just one damn file that has all of this b/s I need? Sometimes I hate linux.. its so much easier to install on windows haha. Thanks
  19. try changing this: $query1 = "select * from rating where ip is $ip and url is $url"; to this: $query1 = "select * from rating where ip='" . $ip . "' and url='" . $url . "'";
  20. lol change this: [code] echo "<table border=0 width=350 align=left cellspacing=3> <tr><td align=center colspan=2> <a href="http://www.kingsofslaughter.com/vdj.php"><img src="http://www.kingsofslaughter.com/vdj-playing.jpg" border=0></a>; </td></tr> <tr><td align=right bgcolor=#222222><font color=#FFFFFF size=4>"; [/code] to this: [code] echo "<table border=0 width=350 align=left cellspacing=3> <tr><td align=center colspan=2> <a href='http://www.kingsofslaughter.com/vdj.php'><img src='http://www.kingsofslaughter.com/vdj-playing.jpg' border='0'></a> </td> </tr> <tr><td align=right bgcolor=#222222><font color=#FFFFFF size=4>"; [/code] that should do it
  21. change that last part to this: username = '" . $_SESSION['username'] . "' That should get it.. asumming the user is logged in of course.
  22. in play.php where you echo on line 9. .just change all double quotes " to single ' INSIDE of the echo statement.. thats the problem :)
  23. well the if statement all calls for ' class="formerror"' See for yourself (in form): if (!empty($arrErrors['email'])) echo ' class="formerror"'; What would work maybe is: [code] <?php if (!empty($arrErrors['email'])) { // echo ' class="formerror"'; // //^- i don't know what this is but it needs // to be in a field somewhere. echo "<input name=email type=text value=".$row['email']."></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Current password:</td> <td><input name=currentpassword type=password></td> </tr> <tr> <td>New password:</td> <td><input name=newpassword type=password></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Confirm new password:</td> <td><input name=newpassword2 type=password></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2></td> </tr> </table> </div>"; } ?> [/code]
  24. wow.. .. and for some reason I didn't think of that.. I'm feeling like a complete jackass right now HAHA. Thanx for the SQL help though akitchin!
  25. Yea, I know that. But I then need to sort it by recent topics AND replies. I know theres probably some kind of sql code I can use to do this too. I was using a PHP way but I don't remember it. The problem, like i said, is it tends to only give the topic order when just doing DESC but when I use the while within the while statement, I get the topics in order but some topics just go missing.
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