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Everything posted by Jocka

  1. it might work better if you put the file information in the form hidden. <input type='hidden' name='files' value='<? echo $files; ?>'> Then on ad.php change to this: [code] <?php $files = $_POST['files']; $fp = fopen('guestbook.txt', 'w'); if($_POST['name'] == "yes" && $fp) { fwrite($fp, $files); fclose($fp); unlink($files); } if($_POST['name'] == "no") { unlink($files); } ?> [/code]
  2. could be something simple.. try changing that line to these 2 lines (the way I'd do it) $navprefs = $vbulletin->GPC['navprefs']; $vbulletin->GPC['navprefs'] = implode(',', $navprefs); I'm thinking the problem is where the two single quotes are around 'navprefs' in the class, it's assuming thats where to start or something.
  3. u could use time and date. You can do anything like this: 1. Save the time/form information in a session. 2. Save the time/form information in your database. the first option would probably be easier. On your form page just have it first try to find the session. If it finds the session and the time was more than 5 minutes ago, erase session and start over. If not, show the info. If there is no session, then create one and show the form with the information.
  4. A friend of mine just creates free stuff just so he can learn the functions. Example, I helped him with some forum software. He then went on to create a smaller and 'cleaner' looking mysql admin system kind of like phpMyAdmin.. but like i said, much smaller. Then he created this mail thing for free for people to check their mail on their own site without having to leave. He learned more MYSQL functions and SMTP functions by doing this. I still know basically nothing about SMTP and didn't even think about just doing it for kicks. If your a hands on person that learns better by 'doing' rather than 'reading' then it'd be easier and better if you just created applications around certain functions. That way you learn every inch of the functions use.. or so you think :-P
  5. yea, i've restarted it many times. It will usually let me work on something for about 10-15 minutes. Then about 5 minutes after using TEXT anywhere, or even clicking the TEXT icon, it shows this error. Maybe it could be something simple, like FONT errors?
  6. you could do one of 2 things, as i see it (what i would do anyway) 1. Create a new table just for friends and have entires with both id's on it, or something. Or. 2. Set an area in the users table with something like "friends" and list the id's in this like so "1,2,5,36,40" etc. (those being user id's) then do an explode(',' $friends); or something..
  7. u can figure out the what +/- what is 5 minutes in unix time or you can use the date function to determine it.. whichever way you want :)
  8. I have the old photoshop 7 version, my computers kind of slow so i can't get the new PS. Anyway, yesterday for no reason it started giving me in error in the middle of creating a template. It says something like "Program error" or something and won't let me even save the template. This of course is VERY bad since i need to get some templates done ASAP. I don't know where my cd is or i'd just reinstall it on my computer. Anyone have an idea why it might have just done this out of nowhere and how i can fix it?
  9. mine's got some pretty thick dust.. i think i'm gonna go buy some Dust Off and just spray it down, inside and out. If ps3 wasn't coming out for another 2 or 3 years, i'd clean mine.. since it's due out sometime in the next year, forget it. lol.
  10. well you have a problem with your code i noticed immediatly.. this: <option value="<?=$pid?>" <?//=$selected?>><?=$pnombre?></option> should be more like this: <option value="<? echo $pid; ?>" <? echo $selected; ?><? echo $pnombre; ?></option> and you can refresh using javascript. I'm not real good with javascript but a search on google should come up with good results.
  11. it's probably just old or dirty. My ps2 seems to collect dirt like a vacuum. all I have to do is turn it on and every piece of dust in the house flies toward it. i've had that error on a few games and movies seem to freeze up out of nowhere too. I haven't even went through the trouble of cleaning it. I rarely touch it. Only when a new game comes out. But cleaning the laser should do it.
  12. it would be easier to use javascript (google it) but you can do it in php a much longer way. (could google this too). <?php // LETS CALL YOUR DROP DOWN 'place' // // SO IT'D BE SOMETHING LIKE THIS // $page = $_POST['page'] if($page == 'hotel'){   // SHOW THIS FORM // } else if($page == 'villa'){   // SHOW THIS FORM // } else if($page == 'golf'){   // SHOW THIS FORM // } else {   // DEFAULT FORM // } ?> something like that should work
  13. ok. so if the country table has an ide and city has an aread for the country, then ur set. Simply call the city by country: [code] // let's just say the country id is 2 // $country_id = 2; $sql = "SELECT * FROM CITY WHERE country='" . $cid . "'"; $results = mysql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_rows($results)){ // HERES UR CITIES } [/code]
  14. [quote author=Daniel0 link=topic=108194.msg436379#msg436379 date=1158562257] 1) Make sure to validate your HTML: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fvalentin.phpnet.us%2Fgame%2Fgame.php 2) Remove the animated images (they are ugly) 3) Get a design. It's just text with color. 4) Don't use non-breaking spaces to center things. [/quote] Yea.. what he said :)
  15. it might be best for the script to maybe check for a time of day? For example. If it is past midnight, the date is different, and the info hasn't already been changed, then save information in the database. (or even a file, who cares in this situation). then for that entire day it will show "whatever.htm" and at 12 midnight (or later) whenevery someone opens the page, the first person to open it after midnight, it will set this new information accordingly. The things you'll need to look into to make this work is file reading/writing and date functions. that should be enough to get that idea done.
  16. I think it's the idea of being on a site that the media talks about lol. I know a few people in their late 20's, early 30's, that see it mentioned on the news or a song or movie or whatever.. and start asking me about it. I tell them what it's for and how the idea of the site is actually very poor and ridiculous.. they want to know where to sign up. Lol. "But *insert famous singer here* is on myspace!". lol.
  17. I messed with all that once a while back. I know alot of the register information is in a language file (that is, the text to the registration and such). I'm not even sure what TPL file it uses to be honest. Go to register.php or whatever it uses to register (I haven't used phpBB in so long) and find the tpl file in there. It should have an include for it SOMEWHERE in there. lol.
  18. lol i have a myspace account. I joined the site because a friend was talking to some chick, etc. etc. he wanted me to talk to her, she couldn't download an INSTANT MESSANGER (which told me she wasn't 18 or older). Now my wife, which is very computer illiterate, thinks it's the greatest site of all time. I have to agree with ya'll though. The CSS crap is annoying along with those videos/music/ etc.. that auto play. The millions of picture people put on their profile is REALLY annoying. The fact that you can make a profile "private" which completely defies the entire purpose of joining a chat/dating site. The site is everything I've seen in previous chat/dating sites. I honestly don't get why it's so popular. It has NOTHING that makes it uniqe from other sites aside from the fact that some singers seem to put profiles and get a thousand more bored kids with more money than sense to buy their album. It's crap.. plane and simple.
  19. More than likely he didn't use ur PHP page at all. He probably just found a way through your FTP server and uploaded some crappy "Haxored" stuff to your site to mess with you. If that's all he did, then he probably knows you. I'd change all my SERVER (ftp, site, etc) passwords immediatly. What was the addon? I suppose you just have 1 addon? If so, what is that add-on. It may have a security issue or this "hacker" may have found an issue with it that he exploited.
  20. I don't know lol. I didn't know trillian did that?.. i'll have to get that now. Umm, you could create a script to search a page, site, server, ftp server, mail server, etc.. for security holes.. I honestly don't think it could be THAT hard and probably wouldn't take long to do.. but it'd be worth it. I could use it. I hate constantly making sure all my stuff is secure. I'd rather look at a page and let it tell me what i need to do. :-P
  21. [quote author=syed link=topic=104692.msg420474#msg420474 date=1156312097] Hi guys I had a go at it. I have it working, needs a bit of work. I have tried many times to post the code, but i get a page not found or something and when i did post it, the javascript was missing,  if u want it mail me and i will mail you the code, or just come visit me at my site and i will post it for u. Sorry guys, i did try my best to post it here. my site is www.cy2online.net [/quote] You can post it here, but you have to edit the javascript like I did. put dashes in it like this: [code] <--script type="text/-javascript"> // code </---script> [/code]
  22. something I've yet to see for free (maybe i just over looked it). Some kind of system that can recieve and read text messages. Kind of enabling a "messanger" without needing a messanger on your phone. I have a plan where I get unlimited text messages but I'd prefer to use them for messangers. If you could come up with a script that could do any of the following, i'd probably go out of my way to buy it: 1. Read incoming text messages for individual users. Each user has a "number" like an Id in the database. When a text message comes in, that user gets it online. That way one can be online and chat with one through text message. 2. If you could do the same but allow it to send the messages through AIM, YAHOO, MSN, ICQ, GMAIL IM, etc. (i don't see that being REALLY possible though lol). Just some ideas. May be too much. it is for me lol.
  23. the only way i know of is if something is around it.. like those image tags are around the one url, thats basically the only way i can figure it out.
  24. heres something i found on google.. i didn't read too much of it but it seems to have some info on what your looking for http://www.developershome.com/sms/howToReceiveSMSUsingPC4.asp
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