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  1. I have an iframe in a html or php site (tried both) and it works fine on Firefox and my mobile browsers. But Chrome behaves badly. The iframed php page contains a form and when I send it the whole iframe disapears. But it reapears when "painting it with my mouse". no cliks needed. just some mouseover/hovering. The whole iframe don't appear at once but small part of it. Therefor the "painting expirience". It is annoying because the visitor don't kmow to do this. Sorry, but i dont know how to explain this any better. the form is a domain lookup form (whois).
  2. I have a php file in a iframe from where I take a form result to the parent with following jquery code. In the example there is both appendTo to a <p> and an input element. Anyway works fine on desktop browsers as far as I have tested, but not on my phone . <script> $('#order').click(function() { var free = $('#iframeid').contents().find('#free').text(); $("<span>"+free+" </span>").appendTo("#g"); $('.g').val($('.g').val() + vapaa); }); </script> <button id="order">'order domain</button> <p> <div id="wrap"> <p id="g"></p><p> <input type="text" class="g" id="inputbox" name="input" placeholder="www.example.com" width="100px"/> </div> Any other solutions? I managed only to make these. Preferable I use input text element. The span was just for a test. Thanks.
  3. Ok now I realize. I thought in my case they would be valid but that is not the case. Need to re-think the whole thing now. Something like decoding each file and then getting what I am lookin for and store that as new json. Whole merging and concatening I think I do not need..
  4. yeah I will see. My json files are not ready yet. So I will work on them when I have the code that does something with them. Iḿ just such a noob. May I ask why first code works json_decode($complete_json,true); var_dump($complete_json); while this not. $content = json_decode($complete_json,true); var_dump($content); I just don see the logic always
  5. I don't yet have any better approach I'm just thinking out loud. I will need to try and test. this was first step. Are you suggesting it would be safe way to decode everything then array_merge and encode this to json?
  6. thank you I will continue from here. The json files have all same structure so I thought I could merge them to one. But if that will not work I will try to get a specific key from each files directly. Maybe something like that would be better anyway.
  7. Hello I have several json files in one directory. i would like to merge them in to one. I did something like this <?php foreach (glob("../json/*.json") as $filename) { echo basename($filename) . "\n"; } $res1 = file_get_contents($filename); echo $res1; ?> But it echoes only the last (the first echo is to view all files which is not important here) Then I tried many versions of foreach inside foreach with no success. Like this: <?php foreach (glob("../json/*.json") as $filename) { foreach (file_get_contents($filename) as $a) { } } echo $a; ?> So I appreciate a little help here, thank you.
  8. started a new topic on xml -> SELECT (option) with jquery n example
  9. Hello I would like to populate the select onload. or document ready with jquery I dont see why not working' <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>xml to select</title> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "test.xml", dataType: "xml", success: function(xml) { $("#myDiv").append("<select id='mySelect'>"); $(xml).find('value').each(function(){ var a = $(this).text(); $("#mySelect").append("<option class='nice' value='" + a + "'>" + a + "</option>"); }); $("#myDiv").append("</select>"); } }); }</script> </head> <body> <div id="myDiv"></div> </body> </html> Thank you for your advice.
  10. ok. maybe I should directly do it that way then. i just thought i could "manually" do like I was asking first. I know how to get json to array. havent done before select populsting or what should i call it..
  11. I get that. But wont work in my case. I need the value to be dynamical. I will get it from a json or similar. So Now I thought to get it from an Array. Afterwards I parse the json to that specific array.
  12. Hello there friends I have an select box and I would like to define the alue of the selects with array. Like this: var price_list= new Array(); price_list["-"]=0; price_list["bronze"]=5; price_list["silver"]=10; price_list["gold"]=15; The I have a Selectbox where <form action="" id="metal" onsubmit="return false;" <select id="a" name="metals" class="form-select"> <option value="-">-</option> <option value="bronze">bronze</option> <option value="silver">silver</option> <option value="gold">gold</option> </select> And performig calculations with following script (that works fine if the value is directly in select). And obviously there is another select (#b) but that is just numbers so I didn show it here. $(document).ready(function() { function compute() { var a = $('#metals').val(); var b = $('#b').val(); var total = a * b * 1.22; $('#result').text(total); } $('#metals, #b').change(compute); }); I just get returned NaN If you have an answer then please hit
  13. I solved it by changing echo to print_r and skipping the ajax for now and wrote php file_get_contents snippet instead I suspect there is something in the ('up') and ('down') that needs to be printed properly. I use (\'up\') and works fine wit php but not ajax
  14. Yes sorry I should have had that. I try to show essential code. //first some html like this <div id="scrollable-v1" class="scrollable"> <div class="belt"> <?php //then here are some api stuff //echoing and parsing and echoing like below shortened foreach ( $es as $it){ echo '<li>'; echo '[<all kind>]; foreach ( $ve as $ti){ echo 'a lot if text and stuff like that'; } } ?> </div> </div> <div class="skroll"> <img src="up.png" onMousedown="scrollv1.scrollContent('up')" onMouseup="scrollv1.stopScroll()" class="up"> <img src="dwn.png" onMousedown="scrollv1.scrollContent('down')" onMouseup="scrollv1.stopScroll()" class="dwn"> </div> code up works if I run in browser copypaste the output and save as a txt file. So I tried to do this saving with php. Like this here down //auto txt file code <?php // here are some api stuff //echoing and parsing and echoing like below shortened echo ' <div id="scrollable-v1" class="scrollable"> <div class="belt">'; ob_start(); //this is different from upper foreach ( $es as $it){ echo '<li>'; echo '[<all kind>]; foreach ( $ve as $ti){ echo 'a lot if text and tuff like that'; } } echo ' </div> </div> <div class="skrollit"> <img src="up.png" onMousedown="scrollv1.scrollContent(\'up\')" onMouseup="scrollv1.stopScroll()" class="up"> <img src="dwn.png" onMousedown="scrollv1.scrollContent(\'down\')" onMouseup="scrollv1.stopScroll()" class="dwn"> </div>'; $content = ob_get_contents(); file_put_contents('output.txt', "\xEF\xBB\xBF". $content); ?> Sorry if my shortening made it a mess. anyway diff services find no difference. nor do I. Started to think maybe it saves in other format? The txt file is used in jquery ajax load wordpress
  15. Hi When I have a file that echoes some stuff and I press view source and copy paste the source and manually makes this to a .txt file Something different happening somewhere comapred to if I have ob_start() //before the content ob_get_contents and file_put_contents //after to make the text file. I' do get a text file. It looks the same. the content is the same as my manually made. But when I load it with ajax in to my div only the manually made is scrollable. the scroll is made with .js What is going on here?
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