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Everything posted by benanamen

  1. You said you have been working on the site for the past 7 years. That leads me to believe your code is probably outdated. Are you using Mysqli or PDO? If you're still using the obsolete mysql_* code, then you have even more work to do before you think about implementing your idea. You might want to consider posting your DB schema for us to review. If the DB design is flawed, that would be another thing to take care of before implementing something bigger.
  2. After consulting with the OP offsite, the solution to his XY problem is wget -i file_of_urls.txt
  3. Still not right. You can check it yourself using this online tool http://www.webconfs.com/http-header-check.php
  4. You need to set expose_php = off and then restart Apache.
  5. I have verified you have fixed the Clickjacking. You still need to handle the X-POWERED-BY. I should not even be able to see what version your Php is.
  6. Auth is really simple. There are only a few steps. Do this quick tutorial on Auth and see if it answers your questions. I am still learning this. http://www.hc-kr.com/2016/09/laravel-5-authentication-login-registration-form.html The Laracasts are really good, but were for a bit older version so some things are slightly different such as routes.php not existing in the current version. (Now routes/web.php). I suggest you just go through these videos step by step and then see if you are left with any questions at the end. https://laracasts.com/series/laravel-5-from-scratch
  7. You are using obsolete insecure code that has been completely removed from Php. You need to be using PDO. Update your code and we will be happy to help. https://phpdelusions.net/pdo
  8. Before you do anything you might want to secure your server better. You are running an outdated version of Php and your site is vulnerable to a Clickjacking Attack.
  9. For starters, when you are naming columns like some_column1, some_column2 etc, you are already heading the wrong direction. Look up and learn Database Normalization.
  10. Route groups allow you to share route attributes, such as middleware or namespaces, across a large number of routes without needing to define those attributes on each individual route. Shared attributes are specified in an array format as the first parameter to the Route::group method. You can read about middleware here https://laravel.com/docs/5.3/middleware As far as when I was doing the Auth, sending emails either locally or through Gmail was very, very simple.
  11. Yes. font-awesome.min.css is not part of bootstrap or Laravel. Either download it or use a CDN. I updated my comment on that tutorial page. CDN https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css I got down on Laravel Authorization yesterday. Super easy to do. Laravel does all the work. Here is the tutorial I used. It is just a couple commands. http://www.hc-kr.com/2016/09/laravel-5-authentication-login-registration-form.html Moving on to Form to Email today.
  12. I just finished the following 5.3 CRUD tutorial. It gave me a quick idea of how to do basic database operations. There was only one small error which is now noted in the page comments. http://www.hc-kr.com/2016/10/laravel-5-crud-tutorial-ajax-bootstrap.html I don't have any framework experience to compare with, but I am liking the migrations feature to create the DB and track changes along with rolling back to a previous schema. I can see if you know how to use Laravel you could get something up and running pretty quickly.
  13. I just installed Laravel 5.3 (Current version) last night on Win7/Xammp. So far I am finding the official documentation much less than helpful. I had to go to a third party site just to figure out how to install it using composer. So far, the tutorials I have found even for version < 5.3 differ from the current release.
  14. Try this SELECT Count(ti.itemid) AS CountOfItemID, col.collectiondesc FROM tbl_items ti LEFT JOIN tbl_lu_categories cat ON ti.itemcategory = cat.itemcatid LEFT JOIN tbl_lu_collections col ON cat.collectionid = col.collectionid WHERE ti.retailproduct = 1 GROUP BY col.collectiondesc;
  15. You don't ever edit the bootstrap CSS file. Include your own custom CSS file that overrides the bootstrap class. The reason being, when you update the bootstrap version, you will lose all your changes or have do the mods all over again.
  16. He has more problems than that. The code is vulnerable to an SQL Injection Attack. You NEVER EVER send user supplied data directly to the database. I could delete his entire database in 2 seconds. The query naming 123 is ridiculous and confusing. There are only two queries yet he has query #3?
  17. Read @Jaques1 response here https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/302558-mail-function-stopped-working/?hl=%2Binjection+%2Bheader&do=findComment&comment=1539425
  18. You do realize you have some real security issues with this code right?
  19. Actually not. If they want to learn, I have no problem spending the time to teach them. If they don't want to learn, I don't waste my time on them as you can see from my history of posts. If they show up with mysql_*, I send them to a good PDO tutorial so they can come back asking about the right problems they may have. If they just want their obsolete code "to work", I don't waste my time.
  20. When they come to this site it is our opportunity to teach them correctly. As expert professionals I would even go so far as to say our responsibility to do it. If we don't, who will? Should we just cross our fingers and hope they learn it eventually somewhere else? I think not. Anyone with a real programmer mindset is going to want to know everything that is wrong with what they are doing so they can fix it and become better programmers. If they don't care and just want it to work we are not helping anyone and just wasting our time.
  21. The demo doesn't work. You would get a better critique if you posted code.
  22. Why are you generating your own query id? You should be using prepared queries as well. Where is the code that sends the email? Is this even the same code you mention in your first post?
  23. To answer your question yes. You shouldn't need to schedule emails being sent from a form submission. Post the code you have so we can review it. It is simple to do what you have asked and is very basic.
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