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Everything posted by benanamen

  1. There is definitely something to do in the code. You are using obsolete Mysql code that does not work at all in the latest version of PHP. You need to use PDO with parameterized queries.
  2. You commented out the error reporting and display. Start with un-commenting that and tell us what errors you get.
  3. I suggest you install a local development server. There is xampp and wamp for starters. I don't use either one (I use Zend Server) so I couldn't tell you what to choose. I am sure others will be able to recommend one over the other
  4. Does the name of the actual file with the Php code have a .php extension? If so, does it do the same thing when you view that file directly? Additionally, are you viewing this file through a web server local or otherwise?
  5. First things first. You are using obsolete Mysql code that will not work at all in the current version of Php. You need to use PDO with parameterized queries. Second, the whole thing can be done in ONE sql statement. Third, your active and exempt columns should be tinyint with a lenth of 1 and use the values 1 or 0 for yes/no Fourth, why are you re-selecting your database.
  6. ATTN: Moderator DUPLICATE POST OF http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/298507-creating-a-sub-and-sub-sub-menu-using-category-and-sub-categories/ @thara, Do not start a new thread on the same subject.
  7. Typos is but a minute issue but is worth mentioning. Actually, on longer queries I have done exactly that so you got me there. Working on my own stuff easy enough with question marks. Other peoples stuff the named parameters would definitely be the better option. I guess I have been lucky, I rarely work on someone else's application. All my projects are ground up builds. Even if they have an existing app, it ALWAYS has mysql_* and other bad code and is faster and cheaper to start from scratch.
  8. That is a whole mess of echoing and escaping. Here ya go... Option One echo <<<EOT <tr valign='top'> <td width='45%'><b> House District: </b><font color='red'>{$row['district']}</font><br> {row['first_name']} {$row['last_name']}<br> {row['address']}<br> {row['csz']} </td> <td width='55%'> <b>County(ies): </b><font color='red'>{$row['county']}</font><br> Capitol Phone: <font color='green'>{$row['cap_phone']}</font><br> Office Phone: <font color='green'>{$row['bus_phone']}</font><br> Home Phone: <font color='green'>{$row['home_phone']}</font><br> Email: <a href='mailto:{$row['email']}'>{$row['email']}</a> </td> </tr> EOT; Option Two <?php while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)): ?> <tr valign='top'> <td width='45%'> <b>House District: </b> <font color='red'><?= $row['district'] ?></font><br> <?= $row['first_name'] ?> <?= $row['last_name'] ?><br> <?= $row['address'] ?><br> <?= $row['csz'] ?> </td> <td width='55%'> <b>County(ies): </b><font color='red'><?= $row['county'] ?></font><br> Capitol Phone: <font color='green'><?= $row['cap_phone'] ?></font><br> Office Phone: <font color='green'><?= $row['bus_phone'] ?></font><br> Home Phone: <font color='green'><?= $row['home_phone'] ?></font><br> Email: <a href='mailto:$row['email']'><?= $row['email'] ?></a> </td> </tr> <?php endwhile;?>
  9. To answer your question, the first example by far. The values of the second example is just throwing a bunch of duplicate data at me. All I need to know is that in the first example, their needs to be the same amount of question marks. There is no need to "read" question marks, only count them. It is also, 112 characters vs 170 characters. Times that over an entire application and that is a whole lot of extra typing. Also, your not likely to misspell a question mark.
  10. Could you elaborate on that please. I use question marks and have no problems whatsoever regardless of how much data is being inserted. Either way, you still have to know the order and if your POST data names/variablenames are the same as the DB columns it is clear what your dealing with. And if there are 20 pieces of data going in, you just count 20 question marks. Mysql is more than happy to tell you if your question mark count is off. Named parameters is just more typing which means more prone to typos. I also never create extra variables out of the post data as I see many doing, the OP included. It is just not necessary whatsoever. Nevertheless, this one really comes down to the coders preference IMO, they are both the right way to do it. I am just happy our brother @jiros1 is not using Mysql_*. EDIT* Uh, my response more geared to doing insert. OP is doing an update. Still not a problem ever for me.
  11. UPDATE JTBL_Game_Category SET Category_ID=? WHERE Game_ID=? AND Category_ID=?
  12. As @QuickOldCar said, you need to validate/check your data first.
  13. Try this: if($adminString == "False"){ die(header("Location: /path_to_file/error.php")); } Another thing you could do is just redirect them back to your main page and not even show an error to the user.
  14. I was on my phone when I first read your post so I didn't notice the parenthesis making up the Javascript. @mac_gyver has given you what you need for the JS output.
  15. The problem with your code for starters as a you're using obsolete code that will not work in the latest version of PHP. You need to use PDO or mysqli. The second problem is you're creating your own problem. Just echo out the full string you want without creating all those variables with the commas. That sure doesn't look like javaScript.
  16. While that is good and sound advice, it should also be pointed out that those functions require Php version >=5.5.0 Many web hosts are only running versions 5.3.x or 5.4.x if the are even that current.
  17. Ok, heres the real deal that I got from another forum site. She is using a handheld scanner to scan barcodes on books and putting all the scan data into one text box. No details on the scanner. Pretty sure their is a better option for the scanner output then dumping it all to one textarea.
  18. Here is your guidance, go to http://www.w3schools.com/ and study the tutorials. If you get stuck on something we will be happy to help when we see what you have attempted. Your not quite ready for us.
  19. You are not able to get private messages on this site yet. If you want help, all you have to do is provide what was asked for. Your code and your form and preferably an SQL dump of your database.
  20. The reason why is you NEVER store more than one value in a column. It is beyond a recommendation or an opinion, it is the way it needs to be done. PERIOD. Kinda like you drive cars from the front seat, not the back seat. Its just the way its done. Also, study up on database normalization.
  21. Since you are not providing what I asked for, you are now on your own as far as I go. You come here asking for FREE help and wont provide what is asked of you.
  22. No. Attach a zip of ALL your files and an sql dump of your DB so we can handle this once and for all. It doesnt matter about Android. AND STOP MAKING NEW THREADS
  23. @mac_gyver, to the second part, the query he now has already gives him the the highest single id. He just needs to output the result. SELECT image FROM test_image ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1
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