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Everything posted by benanamen

  1. You have a few server security issues. You are advertising your PHP version (PHP/5.4.44) Your PHP version is out of date. Current Stable PHP 5.6.13 You are vulnerable to cross-domain Javascript inclusion (Host your JS on your server instead of linking to someone else's server.) Auto Complete is not disabled for your login and registration fields.
  2. You have a few server security issues. 1. Your site is vulnerable to Click Jacking. 2. You are advertising your PHP version (PHP/5.3.29) 3. Your PHP version is out of date. Current Stable PHP 5.6.13 4. You allow directory browsing. http://weightroom.uk/css/ & http://weightroom.uk/img/ 5. You are vulnerable to cross-domain Javascript inclusion (Host your JS on your server instead of linking to someone else's server.) 6. Auto Complete is not disabled for your login fields.
  3. Sounds like your DB structure is not right. Post your DB schema for us to review.
  4. You have not provided the type of database you are using nor your current code. You need to help us to help you. It is basically just adding a WHERE condition to your sql. SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE location ='Hyderabad'
  5. The jist of your request doesn't make much sense. What are you trying to accomplish overall?
  6. I disagree. You should ALWAYS have the database do the work when it can.
  7. It would look something like the following: * There are many PDO tutorials available. Google is your friend. try { $sql = "SELECT * FROM admin WHERE username=? and password=?"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(array( $username, $password )); } catch (PDOException $e) { // Handle error here. }
  8. The Mysql code you are using is obsolete and insecure. It has also been removed from Php ver 7. You need to be using PDO with prepared statements or at the least Mysqli. Your connection code should only be in one place and included where you need it. As is, you need to do updates in three different places if anything changes. Your code is vulnerable to SQL injection. You are sending user supplied data directly to the database. You should not be using this code at all. There is also no need to create extra variables on your insert. Additionally, there is no need to close the connection. It is automatically closed after the script runs.
  9. $number_value=6; foreach(range('1', $number_value) as $number) { echo "<option value=\"$number\">$number</option>\n"; }
  10. I am finding entire sections that say "This topic is locked" such as Website Critique which will also not allow a new topic. Are their certain requirements for these areas? I have searched the site but find no info on this.
  11. Although not free, Navicat is by far the best Windows Mysql Gui. You can do anything and very easily. If you work with databases it is a very worthwhile investment.
  12. That is a hacking script. Get rid of it.
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