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Everything posted by redbullmarky

  1. it's hosted by the phpfreak's owner. http://www.serverpowered.com
  2. who you gonna call?
  3. not that it's any of my business, but i'd question why anything that size needs storing on a remote server in one shot, especially for just "storage" purpose - but Andy's suggestion of mailing it would definitely be the wisest option, if you have to do it.
  4. lets say i have an object. I'll call it 'CMS'. So far I'm using a registry to pass around objects for session, db connection, user handling, etc. so: <?php $cms = new CMS($registry, 'view'); $out = $cms->render(); ?> would set up the CMS object and render/return the output, whilst: <?php $cms = new CMS($registry, 'edit'); $fields = $cms->fetchElements(); ?> would parse the templates/tags as the view mode would, with the difference that it ignores non-tags and returns an array of either HTML form elements, or instructions for a helper in my admin control panel to build the relevent form). i'm thinking also that, in addition to 'view' and 'edit', each tag could have an optional 'save' method for when evidence of a posted form (in edit mode) is detected, so that any processing (converting human dates to SQL dates or timestamps, for example) can be carried out and put into a queue for saving the page in one swoop. am i going off on tangents, considering how flexible things need to be?
  5. i sort of get it. these tags don't necessarily need to be editable within the actual page, but more so from a seperate admin section. the idea being I have a master object where I pass in the request as well as the mode, and the data then available from that object differs depending on the mode. where i'm a little hazy is what the role of the template engine should be. should it be the tpl engine that renders the tags and runs the components in edit/view mode, or should this be done by the main object? would it be sensible to have two methods in my main object called, for example, 'renderPage' (which takes the data and renders the final output) and fetchElements (which would return some form of array of form fields). sorry if you've already covered that...
  6. i go with "I think it depends on the individual situation and app." I rarely use 3rd party stuff, other than JS/flash stuff like Mootools/TinyMCE/Wimpy, etc. I trust the bigger names, but still make sure I keep on top of their updates to make sure I'm not getting done over. If it's a smaller script, there's no real excuse for not getting down and dirty and actually getting a proper understanding so you can customise/fix it yourself.
  7. sorry dude - this question has been asked countless times before, hence the sticky at the top of the forum. please check the stickies before posting. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,58799.0.html topic locked.
  8. in addition - my other issues are what main classes should do what. each page in my site is stored in the DB with a parent, its data/content (TEXT type), and template filename to use. so trying to keep things nice and organised, I'm guessing i need an object to handle the pages, a templating class, etc - but as modules are set up via the templates, should my template class be responsible for running these modules whilst parsing it? or should my page object do this? i'm thinking i need a 'main' object that does all the legwork that can be called in either 'view' or 'edit' mode and its properties, etc would be different based on this. any thoughts on this basic structure, too?
  9. Hi all I'm currently in the process of redeveloping my main CMS. The idea would be to have something ridiculously simple to use for the site/content administrators. now - i'm developing a sort of templating system. Each tag used in my template has a module to handle it and its args. For example - I might have something like {content name="pagebody" filters="nl2br" rows="10"}. Which would display the field 'pagebody' using nl2br when in view mode. Edit mode might react by providing a textarea with 10 rows. The default action for each tag would be 'main', but I could also do stuff like {content action="banners" type="skyscraper"}, etc. now - when these tags are written into templates, a template can be run in two modes - view and edit. so my question - what would be the best way to implement this? i thought about having a folder called, for example, 'content' with a content.php "controller" inside of it, and then seperating all my actions into seperate classes in the same folder called action.main.php, action.banners.php which each having a 'view' method, and optionally having an 'edit' method for use by the admin system which would return some sort of <input> field. /content - content.php (the module handler) - action.main.php (contains 'view' method and optional 'edit' method) any thoughts on my own suggestion? any pitfalls? any better ideas? the idea is to make it easy enough to add new modules in the future that react depending on which of the two modes, view or edit, the system is in. Cheers Mark
  10. i think the moral of the story here is - agree a price up front next time put the price to him anyway, high or not. if he says too high, then you can negotiate. if he says it's fine, you're all good.
  11. if you did a job that serves the purpose to specification, and the client is happy, then your skills/qualifications are non-important. these only come into play BEFORE getting the job. pick an hourly rate you're happy with. multiply it by the hours you spent on it. happy with the result? there's your figure. do it too cheap and he'll take you for a ride when it comes to future work. too expensive and he'll go elsewhere.
  12. mattal - as has been suggested, if you want people to do your work for you, then hire a freelancer. anything that not everyone can do falls outside of what is classed as "simple", so warrants payment for someones time and effort. by all means if someone wants to offer their time/efforts for free, then fine - but if this was a PHP issue rather than a imaging issue, you'd be told to post your request in the freelancing forum which is what i'm suggesting you do.
  13. here's a good start: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,107835.0.html under the MVC section. getting down and dirty with a decent MVC framework will help your understanding, too - there's a few ways of implementing the same thing - some of which you'll be more comfortable with.
  14. i use the iepngfix myself - works pretty well until it comes to background images. else i'll just use a GIF and jiggle about with the edging/background colour, etc until i can get something looking good enough. in all honesty though, apart from at work, i've stopped supporting IE6 altogether, but i can get away with it as my sites are generally fun/personal/hobby sites rather than corporate/client ones.
  15. Hi, and welcome to the forums A few pointers: 1, scrolling, red text is annoying. 2, please post in the correct forum. the OOP forum is not the place for things like this. as for your question - it's a little scrambled so i'll answer all possible meanings: 1, if you do not know what FCK Editor is, then you have no use for it at the present moment. Else, Google is your friend. 2, If you know what it is but don't know how to use it, then they do have a manual you may wish to use. Alternatively, I find TinyMCE a nice, easy to use equivalent. Cheers
  16. my favourite news source is The Sun, the UK's most respectable, respected and honest non-tabloid newspaper. Ahem. Otherwise - the BBC News (http://news.bbc.co.uk) is my regular read.
  17. ditto to the comments about the (sample that i've seen) mootools community. I find many of the them highly pretentious and unhelpful, with more than a fair share of "R.T.F.M" posts for my liking. however - it's still mootools for me. small, easy to use, smooth, etc. Prototype/Script.aculo.us, etc are great, but far too big IMO. Most of the stuff I dont/wont even look at. Mootools at least lets me strip things down to the absolute bare bones and include a pretty small file (even uncompressed). I might take a look at jQuery though, as I've not done so yet (as well as the others, except YUI - but that just struck me as huge and over-complex). It'll need to have alot of benefits to make me shift, however.
  18. moving to Miscellaneous. Website Critique is for feedback on your own website that you already have. ditto to the above comments - web hosting these days is so cheap that you can get a nice reliable package for only a couple of £ (or $, etc) a month. if that sounds unreasonable, then you probably shouldnt be doing what you're doing. the motivations behind getting a website up and running vary, but many generally involve either getting a voice out there (recognition) or earning money. Getting either of these accolades for free is, IMHO, undeserved, unrealistic, and doesnt happen in the real world away from the web, either.
  19. if you're on a Mac, you're in luck as file transfer over bluetooth is built in. if you're on a PC, then most phones come with software that you can install that are aimed at this sort of stuff. if a CD didnt come with the phone, then download it from the manufacturers website. make sure both your phone/computer are discoverable and pair them (use either phone/comp to search for devices). that's all there is to it,really.
  20. your email address IS hidden. if you look at your profile, and see your address in italics, then nobody else bar yourself, admin and mods can see it.
  21. Hi all I've got a script running on my VPS server (Ubuntu w/PHP5) - one of them however uses its own SoapClient class, and is Zend Encoded. However, I believe Soap is installed by default on PHP5, so i'm getting the error: now speaking to the script owners, they tell me I need to disable SOAP client on my server - only I don't know how. Googling for this error pretty much says "rename the SOAP class in your script" - only I can't, as it's encoded. So - anyone know how I can "disable" the default installation of SOAP? Cheers Mark
  22. i dont think an entire forum is warranted, although there's a topic here that's exactly for introductions and getting to know everyone: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,112560.0.html i do sort of agree with the whole "no such thing as a stupid question" type thing, but the issues arise where posts are put in the wrong place because people can't be bothered to read the board descriptions (or worse, on purpose to try and get attention to it), or just when people ask things expecting everyone to do their work without at least trying to do a little research first. a little googling/trial and error/playing around never hurt anyone - though unfortunately some people are too lazy for that. anyhow - welcome to the boards and good luck!
  23. well it solves the issue that the form is being posted from the correct place, which generally removes a good high percentage of false data. after that, it's up to you to check the results with proper validation. dont do any "automated" scripts to generate SQL based on the form inputs. dont assume that SELECT/checkboxes etc are preset values - treat them also as freetext input fields. Firebug is a good tool to install to play with all these form manipulation loopholes.
  24. in many respects, Linux and Mac's can be far less secure, just because people don't know how to use/set them up properly compared to PC's. The whole Windows vs Linux vs Mac debate is highly boring and somewhat boils my piss everytime I see the topic come up, simply as the pros and cons of each only leave personal preference as the deciding factor as to what is better or not. Same as the old PHP vs ASP, etc blah blah etc debates. I used Linux for servers. I use Windows for most of my dev work. I use Mac's at work. I like all 3. I prefer Windows because I'm more comfortable with it and can lock it down better and can work faster and hence make more money. Having security issues with your system as a coder/developer means you probably don't know enough to lock it down. No excuses. Don't blame MS. Dont blame Linux. Don't blame Apple. I challenge any of those who mostly just say "Windoze (lolz) suckz because Bill Gates is a muppet" to back up their words with non-quoted, original, self-affecting material. It 99% of the time never happens and arguments against these companies are heavily based around the "hmm - what's cool to say today?" group of thinkers. MS rocks. So does Apple. and Linux too. over and out.
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