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Everything posted by trq

  1. That is a Javascript error. Wrong board.
  2. That does not sound like it belongs in a single class. We seriously can't help without seeing code.
  3. This topic has been moved to Other Web Server Software. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=358746.0
  4. Windows does not have cron. It is a unix tool. There is Windows schedular though.
  5. Without knowing exactly what this *security* class does we couldn't say.
  6. By the looks of it, yes. There is no dll available. Sux to be on Windows.
  7. This topic has been moved to Miscellaneous. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=358690.0
  8. Assuming you have root access you would be better off installing this cron in roots crontab.
  9. The variables $name, $email and $question are not defined anywhere.
  10. Why not just take a mysql_dump on server A and move it then import it to server B?
  11. What error are you getting? PS: phpMyAdmin is [n]not[/b] a database. It is an application providing a user interface to MySql.
  12. Have you read the examples in the manual? See mail. In particular, example #4.
  13. You might have to lay a div over the frame to make the entire thing clickable.
  14. Works as expected when you actually include the jQuery library instead of Mootools.
  15. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=358574.0
  16. http://api.jquery.com/click
  17. Your post makes little to no sense. Is English your native language?
  18. I'm not sure there is a technical term. You just adjust your database query to select the data the user asks for.
  19. You could make your methods static, I wouldn't recommend it though. It completely breaks the encapsulation that classes and objects are designed to provide.
  20. So, use the object then. $login = $authobj->login( $_POST['username'], $_POST['password'] );
  21. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=358462.0
  22. While your googling things, you should google *ajax* as your code doesn't use any at all.
  23. I'm not sure where you got that example form but it is dated. $HTTP_POST_* has long ago been depricated. I'm surprised they are working at all. What version of php are you using? Use $_FILES instead. Also, you should be using move_uploaded_file in place of copy. I would start by fixing these things and seeing how you go.
  24. We cannot help you without seeing code. config/mimes.php is not a standard, are you using some php application that your forgetting to tell us about?
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