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Everything posted by trq

  1. That was never a good idea. The code should have been fixed, not silenced. I would make sure you have error reporting on and writing to a log on the new host, you'll then want to check this log to see if you can find out what the issue is.
  2. ps; Double posting is also not what we do around here, don't do it.
  3. IE sucks for developing JavaScript as it's developer tools leave a lot to be desired. Firefox has an extension called firebug which is awesome, and chrome has a built in console. Both of these tools help a great deal.
  4. ini_set doesn't actually set the option within the ini file. It only changes the option for the life of the page it is called on.
  5. Your in charge of a dedicated server yet don't know how to install packages? Sounds scary. What distribution is the server running?
  6. By using an actual programming editor to examine the file. Notepad++ is a popular programming editor. Line 496 is also the line that contains C:/Apache2.2/php5apache2_2.dll, that is being mentioned in the syntax error for that line. That would be the error that Adam pointed out several replies ago.
  7. An AND clause would only find records where both name_white and name_black were the same.
  8. 1) If the methods are declared as static 2) No, you need to explicitly call the parent __construct within your classes's __construct and pass through any required params. eg; public function __construct($foo) { parent::__construct($foo); }
  9. Yeah, my framework (Proem) has a tiny little DI component. The documentation for it might give you a better understanding of how DI works. https://github.com/proem/proem/wiki/The-Service-Component
  10. There are plenty of libraries around these days which give the ability to us CSS selectors to attach events to specific targets. jQuery is one that comes to mind.
  11. You would need to use: <?php if (isset($_COOKIE['cookie'])) { echo $_COOKIE['cookie']['user']; } ?> to access that value.
  12. Firstly, why on earth are you storing a users password (hashed or not) in a cookie? Now your issue, you have not set any cookie named "user".
  13. Yes, you'll need Ajax, but as I said, jQuery makes Ajax easier. Ajax is not a thing you can download. It simply a method of communication between the client and the server, it needs to be programmed by you. Again however, jQuery makes this task easier then writing it all yourself. Seriously, if your at all interested in web development you need to learn JavaScript and one of the JavaScript frameworks. jQuery is the most popular choice.
  14. jQuery is a JavaScript framework that was primarily designed to make DOM manipulation easy. It also now comes with components capable of making Ajax easy as well but that is beside the point. Ajax is something completely different. It is a method of asynchronous communication between the client and the server. Both DOM manipulation and Ajax can be achieved through JavaScript alone (after all, jQuery is written in JavaScript) however frameworks such as jQuery, Mootools, Dojo, Backbone (the list really goes on and on and on) just make this stuff a whole lot easier.
  15. Where exactly are you stuck? You haven't posted any PHP code.
  16. This topic has been moved to Editor Help (Dreamweaver, Zend, etc). http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=355418.0
  17. There is nothing wrong with the code. Dreamweaver just sucks balls.
  18. You have season id instead of season_id. Having said that however, you likely want OR clauses instead of AND.
  19. Globals completely break the encapsulation provided by classes by making them relient on the existence of some data they have no control over.
  20. I have been programming for about 10 years and with PHP for about 6 and would consider myself a decent programmer. When I started my new job about 12 months ago I was completely blown away by the standards and felt pretty well out of my league. No one has mastered PHP in 4 weeks.
  21. Manipulating the DOM is what jQuery was designed to do, I would start there.
  22. Firstly, you shouldn't be mixing your JavaScript in your markup. There has been for a long time now better way of doing it. As for your question, you need to tell JavaScript to continue a string on a new line. eg; var str = "This is some\ long sttring\ continued over\ multiple lines. ";
  23. Where do you get this stuff? Member is not a reserved word. As for the issue, is there any way this code could be executing twice?
  24. What does.... mysqli_stmt_affected_rows($stmt) return?
  25. You can't "work around" it, you need to fix your query so that it doesn't fail. You also need to check your query succeeds before using it's result in any of the other mysql_* functions. eg; if ($result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM callback WHERE $searchvalue LIKE '%$su%'")) { if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { // $result is a result resource containing data, process it. } else { // no records found } } else { // query failed, check mysql_error() to see why }
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