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Everything posted by trq

  1. This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=349890.0
  2. This topic has been moved to PHP Coding Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=349863.0
  3. We are going to need allot more detail about your actual issue.
  4. explode the string by line breaks then loop through the created array creating an unordered list.
  5. That alone sounds like a bad idea to me. Anyway, FF needs to be able to write to a profile directory normally stored within a users ~/ somewhere. It appears you do not have permission to write to or create this directory. Why would you need to run FF as root?
  6. Of course it's possible, however we would need allot more detail about your setup before we could help. Is your application designed to serve different data from the database based on what domain it is accessed from? I assume not, but this (or similar) is what would need to be done to achieve what you are after. There are numerous ways to go about this. I have done it before with a CMS that now serves over 1300+ websites. In the end however we actually moved all the sites into there own dynamic virtual hosts. Each of these hosts had there own database configuration and CMS themes installed. The rest of the application was stored in a central location on php's include path. Anyway, the rough answer is of course yes it can be done. The bigger picture however is that this isn't necessarily a simple problem with a simple fix.
  7. Proof of ownership: http://thorpesystems.com/phpfreaks.html Beta code I would appreciate feedback on: http://thorpesystems.com/2011/12/further-prototyping-options
  8. The first thing you should do is remove the error suppression.
  9. ORDER BY takes more than a single field.
  10. This is a big site. We get allot of new members and allot of spam. Having a free for all "promote my project" board would simply attract more spam, it's hard enough to maintain as it is. We allow members of the community to post links to there project within there signatures as long as they are not too intrusive. The best way to promote your project through our forums is to become active within the community and place a link in your signature. Having 15 posts and a thread saying "hey, please check out my project" just causes more issues than it's worth for us. Of course, active members will always be granted a little bit more flexibility in this area as well, but in reality, it's all about keeping spammers at bay. Having said that, I'm not necessarily saying you where spamming. I'm just saying that these types of threads need to be kept under control to prevent them leading to spam.
  11. You could do worse than starting here: http://tuxradar.com/practicalphp
  12. "Website Critique" as the name suggests is for critique of web site design. The beta testing board is for people to test your code for issues. If neither of these subjects apply to your post we don't have a board for it. We don't have a board for promoting your projects or posting libraries you have written.
  13. I removed you post from website critique because it was off topic. I have no idea what happend to your other post but I would suggest it wasn't approved because it didn't follow the guidelines as laid out in the sticky thread within the beta-testing board.
  14. I am not here to write code for people. If your looking for a programmer, we have a freelance board. Otherwise, I suggest you tell us exactly where your stuck.
  15. This topic has been moved to Ajax Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=349813.0
  16. That doesn't help us help you. usort be fine, post us what you have tried.
  17. You can parse json with php as you have already seen. Get to the point.
  18. The site you have linked to provides data. If you want a slider you will need to develop it yourself or find a jQuery plugin or something.
  19. So where are you stuck? Post your code.
  20. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=349761.0
  21. there is nothing special to configure. As long as your external machine can access the internal ip.
  22. Any framework worth it's grain in salt is unit tested. There is just too much code to maintain without it. While there are others around, PHPUnit is still my preferred, and also the preferred of many other projects.
  23. You would need to write a coldfusion parser.
  24. This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=349729.0
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