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Everything posted by trq

  1. http://php.net/setcookie
  2. You never execute your UPDATE query. But, why are you selecting the data in the first place?
  3. This topic has been moved to Ajax Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=346692.0
  4. This topic has been moved to Other Libraries and Frameworks. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=346693.0
  5. Firstly, a hosts file (and DNS) only maps an ip to a domain, not a url. Besides, allot of applications assume they are within the document root.
  6. It's been said before but I just wanted to reiterate. For this, you need some form of project management. An issue tracker allows worked to be documented. People add a ticket for work needing to be done, devs then assign it to themselves (or a lead might assign tickets for you), this way no one else will be working on a ticket that isn't assigned to them. How do you think projects with multiple devs work? People don't just go around willy nilly editing files.
  7. version control is language independent
  8. You need to add a new virtual host for each domain. See here: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/vhosts/ You will then need to add some new records to your systems 'hosts' file so that your system know what ip address each domain resolves to. I'm not sure where that file exists on windows, but search for a it.
  9. This topic has been moved to CSS Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=346581.0
  10. You can do it however you like. Once you start storing different categories of data, your moving into the land of a CMS application.
  11. You should not have developers working on the same repositories. Each dev should there own repository, and you will likely want a central repository that they push there changes to. You should look into gitolite to make the central repository maintenance easier, or use a service such as github.com
  12. trq

    as keyword

    Foreach will iterate through each $row and store it within a variable called $attribute.
  13. Remove all the `backticks`, they are not required.
  14. Firstly, your already within php tags, so you don't need more. Secondly, include includes the output of the file where it is called. it does not need to (and can't) be echo'd.
  15. Can you post your code within a bit more context? Your description of the issue doesn't help much.
  16. You seriously shouldn't have multiple developers working on the exact same set of files. Use a version control system, this is one of there many benefits. Git is an awesome tool, and is only as complicated as it needs to be. Simple tasks are just that, simple. More complex tasks obviously become more complex though. I don't even work alone without version control these days, it really is a must have tool for any real developer.
  17. I think your missing the entire point of a 'help' forum.
  18. See: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=37442.0
  19. HTML doesn't mean anything to php, you need to put your html in a string, then echo that string. <?php echo "<table width='400px' border ='1'>"; ?>
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