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Everything posted by trq

  1. This topic has been moved to PHP Installation & Configuration. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=343981.0
  2. Reset them to what? Do you have an array with holes in it's keys? array_values. It's probably best to refer to the manual for these types of questions rather than posting here and waiting for a reply. there is an entire section on the array functions: http://php.net/manual/en/ref.array.php
  3. Use passthru instead of shell_exec.
  4. Are you planning on accessing this script from a browser? HTTP doesn't work like that.
  5. Yes, that would be correct. Of course, there would be no markup in your controller though.
  6. This topic has been moved to Other Programming Languages. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=343939.0
  7. No business logic should take place in your views, they are for displaying data only.
  8. Because your code is looking for new lines and carriage returns, not the strings \n and \r preg_match.
  9. It would help if you posted relevant code in the relevant board.
  10. That kind of behavior would be considered considered 'post count bumping' after a while.
  11. All you need to do is keep a record of who claimed what.
  12. That type of logic belongs in your controller, not your view.
  13. It is not correct via putty. On Linux you would use the ssh command to connect to an ssh server, via Windows you need to use a client called putty. Hence, typing 'ssh whatever' as your username makes no sense. I suggest following the instructions neil.johnson posted several posts ago.
  14. This completely depends upon Apache's configuration. You can check who apache runs as by executing: grep User /etc/apache2/httpd.conf The path to your config file might also be different though.
  15. Describe exactly what it is your doing and what exactly is happening?
  16. PHP operates as part of Apache. Apache runs as a specific user, it is this user that needs permission to create files/directories using PHP.
  17. Providing of course they don't bypass your form all together.
  18. The $_SESSION array is just like any other only more persistant.
  19. You can use PHP & Pear without a web server, see cli. As for the installation. Pear is just a library so it can be simply unpacked where you want it, it just needs to be on php's include path. Installing PHP isn't that much more difficult, though you will also want to edit the environments $PATH variable. It sounds like your looking to do this on windows so you will need to investigate how that can be done programmatically.
  20. No, the op is getting a prompt, this means the connection was successful.
  21. we have a freelance board, maybe you should post some details in there?
  22. Dedicated servers are generally hosted within a DMZ and all traffic is forwarded to them directly. It is usually the responsibility of the administrator to protect there own resources.
  23. This topic has been moved to Other Programming Languages. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=343828.0
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