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Everything posted by trq

  1. This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=345051.0
  2. http://php.net/manual/en/book.imagick.php
  3. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=345046.0
  4. You will need to define what you meen by 'the one that follows after it'. Keep in mind that databases don't store data in a particular order.
  5. You haven't included the jQuery library. On a side note, surrounding your Javascript in HTML comment's hasn't been of any use since the days of Netscape Navigator.
  6. SELECT fnd FROM tbl WHERE MONTH(Birthday) = 10
  7. So, what is your question?
  8. <input name="id" type="text" value="<?php echo $row['id']; ?>">
  9. This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=344972.0
  10. Then $filesCount is no longer an array is it.
  11. preg_match will return false if no match is found. You should check that before assuming it matched anything.
  12. And you are stuck where?
  13. Google for "ajax auto suggest"
  14. As you can tell by the output of that command Apache runs as a user called apache. this user will need to be granted permission to use sudo without password. Be aware that this also opens massive security holes. You should lockdown the sudo access to only the specific commands you wish to execute.
  15. I don't see how any of that code could produce the errors you are describing. Is your auto_prepend_file directive set to anything within your php.ini?
  16. What is in config.php ? The errors you see are in PEAR itself which you don't appear to even be using.
  17. PHP code won't execute from within a database though. It's just a string. Why are you passing the session id around through the querystring anyway?
  18. Ok, so it's riddled with Notices but is still outputting results. PHP Notice: Undefined variable: side in /home/thorpe/foo.php on line 70 Notice: Undefined variable: side in /home/thorpe/foo.php on line 70 PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant b - assumed 'b' in /home/thorpe/foo.php on line 72 Notice: Use of undefined constant b - assumed 'b' in /home/thorpe/foo.php on line 72 PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant a - assumed 'a' in /home/thorpe/foo.php on line 73 Notice: Use of undefined constant a - assumed 'a' in /home/thorpe/foo.php on line 73 PHP Strict Standards: Creating default object from empty value in /home/thorpe/foo.php on line 49 Strict Standards: Creating default object from empty value in /home/thorpe/foo.php on line 49 {"id_":0,"shapeType_":"Hexagon","coordinates_":[{"x_":50,"y_":50},{"x_":41.339745962156,"y_":45},{"x_":41.339745962156,"y_":45},{"x_":50,"y_":45},{"x_":50,"y_":45},{"x_":50,"y_":45}]}<BR>PHP Strict Standards: Creating default object from empty value in /home/thorpe/foo.php on line 23 Strict Standards: Creating default object from empty value in /home/thorpe/foo.php on line 23 {"coordinates_":[{"x_":50,"y_":50},{"x_":41.339745962156,"y_":45},{"x_":41.339745962156,"y_":45},{"x_":50,"y_":45},{"x_":50,"y_":45},{"x_":50,"y_":45}]}<BR> As for why your getting different output. It's a bit hard to explain. But if you declared all your properties within the Pont object it would be fine. Basically, when you are looping through $this it is picking up the properties of the class your function is defined in at the time it is defined.
  19. You shouldn't be. You should be getting errors about undefined variables. I'm still not convinced this is your actual code. Is the Point object being auto loaded? Otherwise, that is missing too.
  20. $publicObject is not defined anywhere in your code.
  21. Actually, I completely misread your first post sorry. I didn't see you had the entire thing within double quotes.
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