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Everything posted by trq

  1. SELECT ad_id, ad_title, ad_photos FROM ads LEFT JOIN ad_photos ON (ads.id = ad_photos.ads_id);
  2. You'll need to pass $q into the function. Not that doing so makes any sense in this context. Tell us, why are you passing $word into your function and then not using it?
  3. print_r is used for debugging. You'll need to be a little more descriptive with what it is exactly you want to do.
  4. trq


    I would like to refer you to this post.
  5. echo sprintf("[%03s]\n", $oc_id);
  6. It is still best to be avoided for now. It'll be a long time before 5.4 is the standard.
  7. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=341539.0
  8. It's just one of those things I'm afraid. if your going to working around web development, you need to know the tools.
  9. Actually. <?= is making something of a comeback ( not <? though) as a shortcut for <?php echo In 5.4: This is good news IMO as it helps tidy the code used in allot of frameworks default view scripts.
  10. What? HTML & CSS definitely aren't and MySQL is a database server. SQL (Structured query language) is the language of relational database systems (while I would agree, they all have there own dialects).
  11. Still doesn't make allot of sense I'm afraid.
  12. session_register has long been deprecated.
  13. A few things here. HTML and CSS can hardly be in the same basket as programming languages. Neither can ASP considering it's a framework, not a language. MySql is a database server, hardly a language.
  14. We are also the largest php community getting around and get ALLOT of spam on a daily basis. It's just the price you pay.
  15. This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=341486.0
  16. This topic has been moved to Ajax Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=341515.0
  17. I've felt much the same for the last few years. For me, it's about the (non-existent) ecosystem around PHP. Take a look at something like Ruby, it has a massive (almost cult like) following of good developers. There are so many more quality tools, and allot more people thinking outside of simple web development. Python is much the same. In my eyes PHP hasn't had this for many years. Sure, there are probably more people still using PHP, but there are allot of poor PHP programmers. I really think that most of the good PHP developers have either left, or are just not that interested in communities outside of the few exceptional frameworks that are around. Allot of this comes down to PEAR I think. PEAR is far to monolithic in my opinion. A nice singular repository to store libraries is a great idea, but why do those libraries really need to be made part of the singular PEAR project? Ruby has Gems, and anyone can create a Gem and besides the spec file and a few other requirements you can do what you like with a Gem. PEAR just isn't as flexible. On top of that is the fact that allot of PHP developers simply think that going to the command line to install something is just too hard. It's a completely different attitude surrounding PHP when compared to Ruby or Python. And that, IMO, is why these two languages in particular are making allot of ground, and also one of the same reason node.js will make allot more ground over the next few years. Would I ever declare I am giving up PHP? No, it would be hard to unlearn what I have learn't. Would I rather be using Ruby or Python? Yes.
  18. That error is caused by simply passing the result of mysql_query to mysql_fetch_assoc without firstly checking to see if your query actually succeeds or not. I swear I post this at least a few times a day: if ($result = mysql_query($sql)) { if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { // $result holds records } else { // no record found, handle error } } else { // query failed, handle error } To give you a hint as to why your query is failing take a look at the output from mysql_error.
  19. This topic has been moved to Apache HTTP Server. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=341517.0
  20. This is the system that has been used for many many years to patch software.
  21. Either way, you need to write a web browser. This will not be any small task. Why don't you just do what thousands have done before you and create a web application that users can browse to using there existing web browser? I'm sure there are even tricks to making the web browser full screen and the like.
  22. You should be able to get this information by looking at the compile options within a call to phpinfo.
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