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Everything posted by trq

  1. trq

    && command

    Either.... SELECT * FROM `tutor` WHERE `Tutor_ID` = 'Tcolez5' AND `Tutor_ID` = 'Tbjjtwx' AND `Tutor_ID` = 'Tn4f9ym'; Or as PFMaBiSmAd pointed out. SELECT * FROM `tutor` WHERE `Tutor_ID` IN('Tcolez5', 'Tbjjtwx', 'Tn4f9ym');
  2. According to the documentation get() doesn't except a format argument, so I'm not sure why your passing it one, it's second argument is a local also, not a timezone. It's been a long while since Ive bothered with Zend, but looking at the docs it seems that .... $date = Zend_Date::now()->setTimezone('Asia/Kabul'); should be all you need.
  3. This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319450.0
  4. We need to see the DBStudent_Course class and in particular, the insert_student_course method.
  5. Awesome. I'm not sure such laws exist where I am, it would be interesting though.
  6. This reply of mine from 2006 should get you started.
  7. I'll say it again. Most things are the same, but not all. Why not go look at the manual for the syntax of SELECT, UPDATE & DELETE queries?
  8. It is not possible without using the methods you have described. Why are you nesting functions in the first place? I'm not sure that is a language feature myself.
  9. sql ? sql is a programming language used by RDMS's. Most RDMS's have there own slight variations of the SQL language, but the basics are the same. Are MySql and Postgresql different in this area, YES, they all are.
  10. You need to post code and a decent description of your problem. 80% of your posts so far have been near useless threads with a link to a website within them. If your posts don't hint of spam they wont get moderated for that reason, simple.
  11. It's simply a matter of executing a new Ajax request (based on the new selections) whenever a form element changes.
  12. This topic has been moved to Miscellaneous. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319435.0
  13. You'll need to name your function instead of using an anonymous one. var foo = function() { // code } $(".validate").change(foo); $(".validate2").keyup(foo);
  14. This topic has been moved to HTML Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319436.0
  15. Your first need to ensure that the database abstraction implements an interface that the other class understands. Then, simply instantiate the database class, and pass it to the other class via either a purpose build method, or the __construct, making sure you use type hinting to enforce the correct interface.
  16. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319416.0
  17. That will be all that is available. Not real reliable but It's likely your best option.
  18. 'Javascript help' can you not see the breadcrumbs?
  19. Modify your function to this and show us the output. function affiliates_content($affiliates) { echo '<pre>'; print_r($affiliates); echo '</pre>'; }
  20. The file system on the server is responsible for such information. Its not normally made available to requesting clients.
  21. You then need to pass it to the function when you call it. affiliates_content($affiliates); This is all covered in the manual and should be learned as part of the basics. functions.
  22. I'm not hinting at the fact that $affiliates doesn't exist, I'm telling you it is fact. You need to pass it to your function. function affiliates_content($affiliates) { // rest of code }
  23. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319419.0
  24. Were going to need allot more information than what that half sentence provides.
  25. This topic has been moved to Other Libraries and Frameworks. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319295.0
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