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Everything posted by trq

  1. The comparison operator is == not = There's no need to check if $user equals $username though, you know if your query returns any results that the two must match because you used a WHERE clause in your query. ps: Can you please post your code in the forum itself. Posting images will make it difficult for people to copy your code in order to help you.
  2. PDF's are not html and as such don't respond to anchor tags. Your question has ZERO to do with php.
  3. That error is because you cannot echo an object. So, you need to check if $key is an object (or an array), if it is you will need to recursively call your loop again, if not, it is safe to display.
  4. Again. Is this code even in a class? It doesn't look like it. $this means nothing outside of a class. Have you get error reporting on at a development level so you can actually see errors?
  5. crontab -e will open a text editor and let you edit your crontab file. You need to make a file and place the following in it..... * * * * * /usr/local/bin/php -f /home/survey/public_html/john/cron/snd2.php You can then add to your crontab using.... crontab fileyoujustmade
  6. Don't use die() to trap errors. Its the worst thing you can possibly do. Handle the error yourself. if (mysql_query($sql)) { // success } else { // failure }
  7. So, you want to make static pages for each record? Sounds counter productive to me.
  8. Sorry, I see it now. Is this all within a class? What does the $this->db->insert() method look like?
  9. Nowhere in any of that code do you execute any database query
  10. This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=317600.0
  11. Yep, real slow. I gave up after waiting about 30 seconds and still not seeing anything.
  12. All the php compilers around use there own versions of php built specifically for the task. You will need to find one that has the functions you want built in. Ive had some success with experimentations with roadsend, however I have no idea if it has the curl extension built in. It's not exactly a common task, so I'd say your on your own.
  13. This topic has been moved to HTML Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=317591.0
  14. trq

    A HREF Question

    What does your actual html source look like (right click -> view source)?
  15. trq

    A HREF Question

    Define 'not working'.
  16. if ($result = mysql_query('SELECT id_image FROM ps_image WHERE id_product = 12')) { if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); echo $row['id_image']; } }
  17. You need to escape double quotes when used within a double quoted string, otherwise php thinks your trying to end the string. eg; echo "<li class="sliding-element"><h3>Projects Page</h3></li> "; should be.... echo "<li class=\"sliding-element\"><h3>Projects Page</h3></li>";
  18. Post the code where yo u have tried to echo this unordered list.
  19. This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=317538.0
  20. So create one big string of <li>'s using concatenation and then add them using html().
  21. trq


    No need to bump so prematurely, learn some patience. See preg_match.
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