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Everything posted by trq

  1. This topic has been moved to PHP Coding Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=309561.0
  2. Your attempting to send the email using an object ($smtp) before the object is actually created.
  3. trq


    What is the question?
  4. Are you sure you are talking about two databases and not just two tables within the same database? There is a massive difference.
  5. This topic has been moved to MySQL Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=309473.0
  6. trq

    Edit mysql

    Be aware that your also echoing a 'success' message without actually doing any checking for success.
  7. trq

    Edit mysql

    Your missing a space after SET.
  8. Sorry, but that really is pretty vague. Its a bit like asking can a car be built, then asking where to start. Do you know php? Where exactly are you stuck?
  9. I'm not sure this is what you mean. $state = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Hamburg']); $query = "SELECT statez, COUNT(statez) FROM distributors WHERE statez = '$state'";
  10. What kind of SQL database are you talking about exactly? Not that I know of any pre-built applications, but it's something that you really should mention. By the way, it is of course possible to create what your looking for..
  11. This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=309461.0
  12. You do understand that constructing a loop for something that doesn't require it is obviously not required though?
  13. This topic has been moved to Miscellaneous. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=309442.0
  14. You may find benchmarks around for this but basically, these kinds of micro optimizations aren't worth worrying about.
  15. If they are a valid part of the data why remove them? If there not a valid part of the data, why store them in the first place? stripslashes shouldn't ever really be needed on data coming out of a database unless it wasn't escaped properly on the way in.
  16. If your data contains slashes on the way in, it will retain those slashes.
  17. It's possible, but not too practical. p2p requires client's and server's, php applications require php. So, in order to have users running client's they would also need php installed.
  18. Mod-Jay. You really need to step back a little and learn some basics. Coming to a board and asking for help with every simple little problem isn't going to get you anywhere fast. Theres a good free book in my signature (Hudzilla) that should get you started.
  19. Can you please refrain from opening new threads for what is esentually the same topic.
  20. Because this is a method within an object and object have state, it would be easy enough to use a variables to remember how many times this method has been called and what it returned previously. Like I said though, I think its a bad decision.
  21. This wreaks of poor design. What you ought to do is add another field, call it 'display', then set it to 0 for false (hide) or 1 for true (show).
  22. The most reliable way is to create a hidden filed within the form and name it (for instance) 'submit'. You then check this index is set within the $_POST or $_GET array depending on your form's method. eg; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // process form } Some people simply name there submit button 'submit' and check for that. Unfortunately, not all browsers will send this.
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