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Everything posted by trq

  1. Reset the users password to something you know and send them that.
  2. A laptop is going to overheat if you leave it on.
  3. Also, your _connection method will always return a string. You can only return a single value from a function.
  4. That is the nature of Imap and third party servers I',m afraid. What exactly are you trying to do?
  5. That would have nothing to do with Json. You would need to setup a cron job to execute hourly or whatever. Have the cron job execute a script that checks your database to see if there are any milestones due, then send whatever notifications are appropriate.
  6. What you have there is a recursive function. Your not saving the returned value of the inner function call. function busLocation($nodesLoc, $all, $spacing=''){ $returnQuery = ""; foreach($nodesLoc as $n){ $returnQuery .= " {$n['bus_location_id']}"; if (isset($all[$n['bus_location_id']])) { $returnQuery .= busLocation($all[$n['bus_location_id']], $all, $spacing); } } return $returnQuery; }
  7. Ok, that's pretty clear. But what is your question?
  8. Your really going to need to describe exactly what your trying to do. Json stands for JavaScript Object Notation. meaning it is specifically designed to transfer objects of data to JavaScript. (though it can be quite obviously more flexible). What exactly are your clients going to be using to receive this data?
  9. Do you know what Ajax is? Nothing in your requirements uses Ajax.
  10. Yes you can. You would write a cli script, pipe your emails to that, and receive them in the script within $argv[1]. (STDIN).
  11. The first thing I notice is that you have misspelt your success callback.
  12. The topic of this board clearly reads "Drupal, Joomla, Zen Cart, osCommerce, MediaWiki, etc." Your post, seems way off topic.
  13. Using a name like form_handler locks that class down to be used with the form handler. The point if css classes is that they are (or should be) re-usable. To make them re-usable while having names that still make sense, they should be named as generically as possible. They should be named by what they *do* not what elements they should attach to. ie; I would be inclined to name said class bold-centered
  14. Agreed. You should also take a look at semantic naming conventions. Naming a class "form_handler" makes it difficult to use.
  15. Is there a reason your doing this in php and not mod_rewrite? It's pretty difficult to see how this is actually being used.
  16. This topic has been moved to Other Libraries and Frameworks. http://forums.phpfreaks.com/index.php?topic=364016.0
  17. This topic has been moved to Ajax Help. http://forums.phpfreaks.com/index.php?topic=364023.0
  18. This topic has been moved to MySQL Help. http://forums.phpfreaks.com/index.php?topic=364030.0
  19. I'm really not sure where your getting your syntax from. mysql_query("SELECT SUM(wish_total) FROM wish_list WHERE wish_date = '" . $mymessage . "' AND wish_product = " . $totalnum);
  20. They are function names that have been obfuscated by Zend Guard. ( I would assume)
  21. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. http://forums.phpfreaks.com/index.php?topic=363939.0
  22. For a very simply cms you really only need to know how forms work, how to write to a database and how to read from a database. This wiki http://www.tuxradar.com/practicalphp, has chapters on all of these topics. Of course to do it well enough to be able to *sell* your skills to a client, you will need to know a hell of allot more and be experienced with it.
  23. Have you tried checking your query succeeds?
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