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Everything posted by trq

  1. Check your query actually found some results before returning what you assume is a record.
  2. The error occurred on the line where your query was actually executed wiseguy.
  3. In 5.5 there is an event scheduler (see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/events.html) otherwise, you'll need to use your OS's scheduler to schedule a job for execution.
  4. Your code still doesn't make allot of sense. Replacing %%%SPONSOR%%% and saving the result in $str still isn't going to magically replace %%%SPONSOR%%% within your tpl file if that's what your trying to do.
  5. It needs to be defined somewhere before this line.... $str = str_replace('%%%SPONSOR%%%', $_SESSION['sponsor'], $str);
  6. trq

    cPanel Alternatives?

  7. trq

    cPanel Alternatives?

    Just seems your working backwards to me. having an understanding of the underlying technologies is always going to be an advantage.
  8. trq

    cPanel Alternatives?

    cPanel changes the way most of your system works. To be honest, I hate control panel for this very reason. Why not learn to manage your resources manually? FTP and MySql are reasonably easy to manage and you will find allot more documentation around for the traditional methods.
  9. Actually, looking at your code. You should only be using mysql_real_escape_string on the data being sent to the database, not the data being sent to the email. Re-arrange your code accordingly.
  10. You need to track down where exactly they are coming from. The \n\r chars used for newlines are invisible and shouldn't be seen. The \n\r chars you are getting MUST be getting forced into your data somewhere along the line.
  11. It would be, but it wouldn't teach you how to write your own rules which defies the purpose. Wouldn't you rather read a few tutorials and actually learn what you are doing so that next time you don't need to come and ask someone else to do it for you again?
  12. Your original post would have been much better received if you had posted what you did in your last reply, showing that you have at least made an effort.
  13. You need to run all user inputted data through mysql_real_escape_string.
  14. The manual is always a good place to start.
  15. None. No, you are not right at all. I'm really not sure where your even getting these ideas from. The code is terrible though.
  16. Sorry, but I said relevant code. The error states, line 49 of test2.php. You've posted a bunch of code, none of which are marked as being test2.php. ps: We have tags for posting code.
  17. Can you stop asking these random question when its all covered in the manual?
  18. Make sure the function definition is included into scope.
  19. I really don't want to have to download anything, if you could post the relevant code you will likely get a quicker response.
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