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Everything posted by trq

  1. Firstly, we don't maintain these features. Its an issue for the SMF developers. Secondly, anyone using the short tags deserves there code to look like crap Thirdly, we have tags for php code.
  2. If you are completely stuck for where to start, you may post your problem within PHP Coding Help. Don't expect anyone to write you an example though, you will likely just get pointed to a man page. As for asking for someone to write code for you, we have a freelance board.
  3. If you learn the basics of php, writing to a data store (file based or database) you shouldn't have too much trouble doing this yourself. The problem generally is that people want to ski learning the basics and just have stuff work. Continuing down that route however you will never be able to write your own programs.
  4. If its installed as an apache module there can only be on php.ini. Open and edit it, make sure it is the correct one.
  5. If its a dedicated server, who is in charge of maintenance? You? Is PHP installed as an Apache module or as cgi?
  6. This is a programmers forum. You might try searching Google for what you want.
  7. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>jQuery plugin: reverseText demonstration</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.js"></script> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery.fn.addText = function() { return this.each(function() { this.append('See on test'); }; }; $(document).ready(function() { $('#kala').addText(); }); </script> <div id="kala"></div> </body> </html>
  8. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://img.youtube.com/vi/' . $out['v']);
  9. phpinfo() (funnily enough) provides information about php's configuration. mod_rewrite has nothing at all to do with php. Is this .htaccess file within the test directory?
  10. Read Ken's reply, I didn't even notice what your trying to do.
  11. The line before the one you posted is missing a closing ' and ;
  12. Nothing wrong with the code you have shown, its likely before that piece.
  13. How your form interacts with the back end is beside the point at this point in time. You need to get your database design sorted. I will however say that a single form is indeed possible and these techniques are used in allot of web applications.
  14. Of course you can. You can even just PM me the link if you like.
  15. The sticky within "Beta Test Your Stuff!" says you have to prove the site is your. Google code apps are simply hosted by Google, the same as most other web sites. Simply create a file within your Google apps domain that proves to us that it is indeed your site and your post will get approved.
  16. You can't list multiple directories within open_basedir. You can however set it on a per virtual_host bases if that's what your looking for.
  17. Did you read the tutorial I pointed you to? the idea of storing relationships in a comma separated field is poor design and in the long run is going to make things more difficult.
  18. Looks like a bug in the package to me.
  19. I was merely stating fact. Surely you don't expect us to step you through every little step of the process. Its a bit like walking into a mechanic and saying 'my fuel injection is broken, can you tell me how to rebuild it?' I'm really not sure what more productive a response I could offer to someone who doesn't know the language. You need to learn to walk before you can run.
  20. Sorry, I never really looked at the query obviously. $sql = ("SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE field='Lens' AND username LIKE '$username'");
  21. In that case your going to need to append each iteration onto the $form variable. Otherwise, its only ever going to show the last record. You still should have your <form></form> tags outside the loop so you end up with one formm And you can't have two keys with the same name within the $_GET array.
  22. Sorry, wrap was what your after.
  23. In that case, its probably easiest to do this in jQuery. wrapInner will do the trick easily.
  24. PHP If your looking for someone to do it for you you will need to go to our freelance board, read the stickies then post your request if you agree with the terms.
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