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Everything posted by trq

  1. You would need to ask the user to supply such details within a text input field or similar.
  2. foreach ($array as $a) { echo $a->column->name; echo $a->column->value; }
  3. Ive gone and made the links what I would consider to be brighter. If its not enough, or you think we should move to underlined (would rather not) let me know.
  4. Explain again exactly what it is you want.
  5. jQuery's UI library (http://jqueryui.com) has a dialog plugin that may be of interest.
  6. So do so.... if (!mysql_num_rows($query)) { die(); }
  7. Take a look at mysql_num_rows, this will tell you if your query actually found a result.
  8. You have output on line 239 of receive.php. You cannot output anything prior to using the header() function.
  9. There is a sticky in the top of this board that covers the very common header error you are experiencing, you should read it.
  10. Well. If the file in question contains php code (which it obviously does) it needs to have the .php file extension in order for that code to be executed.
  11. trq

    VM systems

    Why not just find an ope source VM solution and use that. Or at least start from there. I'm not sure anyone alone could catch up to the quality of the already existing applications.
  12. See substr and the user submitted examples.
  13. Is the file this screenshot comes from a .php file?
  14. trq

    VM systems

    Firstly you need to consider the difference between VM (virtual machine) and HV (hardware virtualization). Hardware virtualization is what allows multiple OS's (not always different types) to run on one hardware node side by side. A virtual machine simply allows software built for one OS to execute within another. The two are completely different concepts. Which one you need, I have no idea. Any decent (efficient) virtualization needs to be done at the kernel level and hence, needs to run the same OS within each container as that of the host. (consider Xen or OpenVZ)
  15. trq

    How TO

    Remove the <br> ? Your question is about as clear as mud.
  16. The directories in question need to b accessible to the user that Apache runs under. None of these problems would exist if you would use Ubuntu's package manager to install php, apache and mysql.
  17. You could wrap your entire application so that all output would be caught in a buffer. Just set the auto_prepend_file directive within your php.ini to point to a file containing.... <?php ob_start(); ?> Then use the auto_append_file directive to point to another script that captures the output into a string, you can then do whatever needs doing to the output all in one place. <?php $output = ob_get_contents(); // validate $output here echo $output; ?>
  18. PHP is processed by your server, in order to view the processed php you need to view them via a http request. The easiest way to do this is to open a web browser and goto http://localhost/filename.php There seems to be nothing wrong with your setup. Just a misunderstanding about how things need to work.
  19. $query = "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE member = '$member' GROUP BY category_field";
  20. http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_alias.html
  21. It sounds like a cache to me. It just seems the OP wants the cache flushed when the relevant data is changed.
  22. trq

    Need Help

    If you view the source does the html content show up? I would say your query isn't finding any result. Also, if your only expecting 1 record to be returned don't use a loop. If you did have more than record returned in this case your html would be broken because you would have multiple <body> tags.
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