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Everything posted by trq

  1. I don't see anywhere where you actually set $theme->var['test']
  2. Please, have a read of the sticky at the top of this board.
  3. The header function expects a url, not a file system path.
  4. I have been attending gigs for a long while, have played guitar for longer than you have been alive and am fairly versed in production techniques after playing in bands and producing music for more than 15 years. These guys can't hold a note, it really is that simple. Ive seen better performances at my local pup. How's your band called? Or what are the names of some of your albums? The last band I was in was called Dat65 (we split in 2005-6), we released two EP's (ten foot maniac, this is not a life saving device), no albums. You won't find them online.
  5. I have been attending gigs for a long while, have played guitar for longer than you have been alive and am fairly versed in production techniques after playing in bands and producing music for more than 15 years. These guys can't hold a note, it really is that simple. Ive seen better performances at my local pup.
  6. No. empty only excepts one argument.
  7. include_path has nothing to do with what extensions are loaded.
  8. Is this a joke? None of them can hold a note.
  9. You really need to look into loops and arrays. There's no way I'm going through all that code though.
  10. Where exactly are you lost? Were not here to write scripts for people.
  11. Says who? Of course there are also plenty of tools around for reading server logs (I think Awestats actually reads server logs) though, awk, sed & grep come to mind.
  12. Well, using php you could create a regex that searches for string that look like emails or phone numbers and then obfuscate them.
  13. You just described for yourself how it might work.
  14. That completely depends on your ability, but it should be pretty straight forward.
  15. Would be pretty useless doing this in Javascript as its client-side and could be easily worked around.
  16. Yahoo likely provides an api of some sort for this, I'd start there.
  17. What exactly is your actual problem now?
  18. Shared server will often have this disabled. You may be out of luck.
  19. ODBC is used to connect to databases, you would need a soap client or custom parser to connect to a web service.
  20. Where exactly are you stuck?
  21. Its not rocket science. The variables you put in the database need to remain intact. eg; Don't override $fileName with your random string.
  22. Given your examples: cplfunctions.php if ($num >=1) { $status = '0'; } else { $status = '1'; } ecuo $status; And the jQuery. $.post( "cplfunctions.php?action=checkUsername", { username: username }, function(d) { console.log(d); } ); See http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.post/ for more details.
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