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Everything posted by trq

  1. Yes they are redefined every time the included file is include. Hence, you should be using include_once or require_once.
  2. There has to be thousands of examples already in existence on the net for this type of thing. Have you tried Googling? We are not here to write code for people. Where exactly are you stuck?
  3. SELECT user, car, street FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 USING(id) LEFT JOIN table3 USING(id)
  4. What data types are the score and id columns ?
  5. If that still isn't sorting, your data types are wrong.
  6. No. ORDER BY score DESC, id DESC LIMIT 50
  7. Do you have a question?
  8. I've not ran into any major issues with php's implementation and I deal with it all day long. Some people need to get over it. PHP is not Java.
  9. Mancent, I fail to see how that code relates to the question.
  10. Please. Javascript is NOT Java. The two are completely unrelated.
  11. If your developing Javascript you need to learn how to use the tools available to debug it. Firebug (for firefox) and Developer Tools (for chrome). Using these tools you can type your code into a console, and the console shows various data.
  12. What does chrome developer tool have to say about... $("input[name=" + rID + "]:checked");
  13. Your code makes little sense. At one place you set $do to the string 'Casa', you later then attempt to check to see if $do is true (the comparison operator is == in php, not =). Anyway, what your trying to do would be best done client side using Javascript, not server side using PHP.
  14. Variables are not interpolated within quotes in Javascript.
  15. Why not check the manual. http://php.net/ereg
  16. I assume your just looking for something like: <?php if (isset($_GET['value'])) { if ($_GET['value'] == 1) { $email = 'someemail@somedomain.com'; } elseif ($_GET['value'] == 2) { $email = 'someotheremail@someotherdomain.com'; } } ?> This would switch between the first email and the second depending on wether ?value=1 or ?value=2
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