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Everything posted by trq

  1. I believe Pyro CMS (https://www.pyrocms.com) is in the process of being rewritten using L4. But there home page still says built on codeignitor.
  2. Please, don't ever do Method #1. Functions should not have side effects.
  3. Is crossfitstmarys.com the domain of the server you are actually sending the email from? What exactly do you mean by "It Fails!" ?
  4. In your example $sql will never be false. It the string containing your query. You need to check the value returned from mysql_query.
  5. Did you actually read this thread?
  6. There is no way of creating multiple sessions. You can of course have as many different access levels for different sections or whatever as you like. It's up to you to build it.
  7. Sorry, but Codeignitor is a bad example of a framework and should be avoided like the plague. It's design is terrible, and as an example, it's not something you should be learning from.
  8. If your not a programmer your going to have a hard time integrating any solution that is made up of bits and pieces. Wordpress and it's __plugins__ might be the simplest solution. That doesn't necessarily meen it's the best long term solution though.
  9. You should do a whereis on mysqldump, not mysql. They are two different things. The path is likely /usr/bin/mysqldump though.
  10. And your question is?
  11. When you include a file, it is included right where the call to include is placed.
  12. Makes perfect sense to me. What exactly were you expecting?
  13. include includes the included code where you put the call to include.
  14. Jeeze. I said relevant code. You might also note that code posted around here is syntax highlighted. This is because when code is posted, it needs to be surrounded in tags.
  15. cron has a very limited environment and might not be able to locate the mysqldump command. Try using the full path to it.
  16. Seems simple enough, where exactly are you stuck?
  17. Whatever resource your learning php from is severely outdated. The functionality you are expecting has been disabled for like 10 years. The functionality would magically register globals into local scope. You now have to get the data you are looking for from the $_POST array.
  18. At very least your going to need to post some relevant code.
  19. Start by learning Javascript itself first.
  20. Still, your reply adds no value to the topic. If you don't think a thread is appropriate, report it. If you simply don't like the subject, ignore it.
  21. Because they are not defined. The data your after is in the $_POST array. See reply #2.
  22. I give up on this editor. <?php function firstfunction() { $array = extract(array( 'title' => 'Site map', 'id' => 'sitemap', 'depth' => 2 ) ); return $title; } function secondfunction($title) { print $title; } $title = firstfunction(); secondfunction($title); ?>
  23. Your GenerateSitemap() function doesn't return anything. It outputs a string. Even if it did return data, your not capturing it. ps: Forget the global keyword exists. It breaks the encapsulation that functions are intended to provide. A working example: [color=#666600]<?[/color][color=#000000]php[/color] [color=#000088]function[/color][color=#000000] firstfunction[/color][color=#666600]()[/color] [color=#666600]{[/color] [color=#000000] $array [/color][color=#666600]=[/color][color=#000000] extract[/color][color=#666600]([/color][color=#000000]array[/color][color=#666600]([/color] [color=#008800] 'title'[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#666600]=>[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#008800]'Site map'[/color][color=#666600],[/color] [color=#008800] 'id'[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#666600]=>[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#008800]'sitemap'[/color][color=#666600],[/color] [color=#008800] 'depth'[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#666600]=>[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#006666]2[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#666600])[/color] [color=#666600] );[/color] [color=#000088] return[/color][color=#000000] $title[/color][color=#666600];[/color] [color=#666600]}[/color] [color=#000088]function[/color][color=#000000] secondfunction[/color][color=#666600]([/color][color=#000000]$title[/color][color=#666600])[/color] [color=#666600]{[/color] [color=#000088] print[/color][color=#000000] $title[/color][color=#666600];[/color] [color=#666600]}[/color] [color=#000000]$title = firstfunction[/color][color=#666600]();[/color] [color=#000000]secondfunction[/color][color=#666600]([/color][color=#000000]$title[/color][color=#666600]);[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#880000]//empty[/color] [color=#666600]?>[/color] [color=#666600] [/color]
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