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Everything posted by trq

  1. Just pass the id via the link then use that id in the next page to lookup the same data, this time displaying it in an editable html element.
  2. I mean are you using the complete <?php // code here ?> tags and not just <? // code here ?>
  3. Let me get my crystal ball....
  4. It has it's uses. I'm not sure what your issue is though.
  5. Nope. The frame on domain 1 has no clue it is being served from domain 2.
  6. $row is quite obviously an array. header("refresh:5;url=view00.php?id=" . $row['id']);
  7. If your using jQuery don't use inline JavaScript. It has a css selector engine that enables your code to be separated from your markup.
  8. This topic has been moved to PHP Coding Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=359644.0
  9. Just a FYI. Upload progress comes built into php5.4
  10. Javascript doesn't handle new line charaters like php does. I suggest you put the entire js statement on a single line.
  11. Any decent book on the PHP language should firstly walk you through installing a http server locally for development. Also, there exist many pre-configured server options. Google WAMP.
  12. $sqlCommand is not defined anywhere in your code.
  13. Maybe I haven't been clear enough with my post. The current issue is not so much about the directory structure itself, but the fact that you can (and do) end up with numerous filename collisions. As an example, the Proem object currently depends on (amongst other things) the filter manager (named Standard), the service manager (named Standard) and the signal manager (again named Standard). Because all of the classes are named Standard they need to be aliased. eg; use Proem\Service\Manager\Standard as ServiceManager, Proem\Signal\Manager\Standard as SignalManager, Proem\Filter\Manager\Standard as FilterManager; Now, if these classes where named more like they where in the previous incarnation they would already have names such as Servicemanager, SignalManager and FilterManager. This is my main concern and is something that I can see turning other developers off from using Proem. Any thoughts on this subject would be much appreciated.
  14. This topic has been moved to PHP Regex. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=359592.0
  15. This topic has been moved to Other Libraries and Frameworks. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=359589.0
  16. Proem is a framework, I probably should have pointed that out. A project directory structure is completely separate.
  17. This topic has been moved to mod_rewrite. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=359560.0
  18. This topic has been moved to mod_rewrite. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=359558.0
  19. You are going to need to reveal the entire idea if you expect someone to be able to build it for you. You might not need to do this up front, but I wouldn't even attempt to quite a job I didn't know *all* the details of. Trying to quote without the details just leads to problems.
  20. This topic has been moved to mod_rewrite. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=359561.0
  21. This topic has been moved to mod_rewrite. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=359577.0
  22. The process is simple: <input type="checkbox" value="foo"<?php isset($somevar) && $somevar == 'foo' ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; ?>> If $somevar is defined and equals 'foo' your checkbox will be selected.
  23. I think I already know the answer to this question myself but would appreciate some other developers opinions. For whatever reason, I changed Proem's naming convention about 2 months ago and now, I'm starting to think it was a mistake. The current directory structure looks like: lib/Proem/Api/ ├── Bootstrap │ ├── Filter │ │ └── Event │ │ ├── Dispatch.php │ │ ├── Request.php │ │ ├── Response.php │ │ └── Route.php │ └── Signal │ └── Event │ └── Bootstrap.php ├── Controller │ ├── Standard.php │ └── Template.php ├── Dispatch │ ├── Stage.php │ ├── Standard.php │ └── Template.php ├── Ext │ ├── Module │ │ └── Generic.php │ ├── Plugin │ │ └── Generic.php │ └── Template.php ├── Filter │ ├── Event │ │ ├── Generic.php │ │ └── Template.php │ └── Manager │ ├── Standard.php │ └── Template.php ├── IO │ ├── Request │ │ ├── Http │ │ │ ├── Fake.php │ │ │ └── Standard.php │ │ └── Template.php │ └── Response │ ├── Http │ │ └── Standard.php │ └── Template.php ├── Proem.php ├── Routing │ ├── Route │ │ ├── Generic.php │ │ ├── Payload.php │ │ ├── Standard.php │ │ └── Template.php │ ├── Router │ │ ├── Standard.php │ │ └── Template.php │ └── Signal │ └── Event │ ├── RouteExhausted.php │ └── RouteMatch.php ├── Service │ ├── Asset │ │ ├── Standard.php │ │ └── Template.php │ └── Manager │ ├── Standard.php │ └── Template.php ├── Signal │ ├── Event │ │ ├── Standard.php │ │ └── Template.php │ └── Manager │ ├── Standard.php │ └── Template.php └── Util ├── ArrayHelper.php ├── Opt │ ├── Option.php │ ├── Options.php │ └── Payload.php ├── Process │ └── Callback.php └── Storage ├── KeyValStore.php └── Queue.php The original structure was: lib/Proem/Api/ ├── Asset │ └── Manager.php ├── Asset.php ├── Autoloader.php ├── Chain │ └── Event.php ├── Chain.php ├── Event │ └── Manager.php ├── Event.php ├── Proem.php └── Util ├── Callback.php ├── Options │ └── Option.php ├── Options.php └── Queue.php Now, besides the obvious massive growth of the code base, you can see that the change means there are a lot of classes with the same names in the newer convention. This means I end up needing to alias a lot of classes when I bring them into the same namespace. It also means the API docs can be harder to follow. Anyway, if anyone has some input on which they prefer (or any better ideas) it would be appreciated. I'm pretty sure I'm looking at a massive overhaul here, and not looking forward to it. Ah, the mistakes you make huh? Oh and ps: I should mention that all the Template files are Interfaces while Standard are the base abstract classes that implement them. I guess my main motivation for changing the layout was that I hate repeated words within a namespace. Things like Proem\Events\Event\EventManager bug me.
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