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Everything posted by Adamhumbug

  1. This can be closed - i am very dumb.
  2. Hi All, This is a longshot - i will try and give as much content as i can. I have been working on my code all day its all been fine. Then all of a sudden, none of the external resources will load and i am getting tons of errors in the console. There is nothing that i had added that i would imagine to contribute to this issue and i havent been working on anything with mime types. Can anyone point me in the right direction or give any advice on troubleshooting this. Some of the assets that wont load are in my own file structure and are just js files for example. None of the style is loading..... I am very stuck
  3. This is happening when pasting code into the rich text view, not the code view.
  4. Hi All, I hope this is in the right place. I am using tinymce on a textarea. When populating this text area, tiny mce seems to be minifying the code. If i put this in and save <div class="row"> <div class="col">This is some info</div> <div class="col">This is some more info</div> </div> This is what i get back when it is returned <div class="row"> <div class="col">This is some info</div> <div class="col">This is some more info</div> </div> This makes editing really challenging. Here is my init function initializeTinyMCE() { tinymce.remove(".tmce"); setTimeout(function() { if ($("textarea.tmce").length > 0) { tinymce.init({ selector: "textarea.tmce", apply_source_formatting: true, highlight_on_focus: true, skin: "bootstrap", plugins: "lists, link, image, media, code", toolbar: "h1 h2 bold italic strikethrough blockquote bullist numlist backcolor | link image media | removeformat code", menubar: false, forced_root_block: 'false' }); } else { } }, 100); } This is how it is being saved into json in maria DB "Content": "&lt;div class=\"row\"&gt;\n&lt;div class=\"col\"&gt;This is some info&lt;\/div&gt;\n&lt;div class=\"col\"&gt;This is some more info&lt;\/div&gt;\n&lt;\/div&gt;" I guess my question is - can i make tinymce pretty the code when it is displayed, indenting tags and putting blocks on new lines?
  5. foreach ($data as $cards) { $cards = json_decode($data['cards'], true); $count = sizeof($cards); $out = ''; if ($count == 4) { $size = "col-xl-3 col-md-6"; } else if ($count == 3) { $size = "col-xl-4 col-md-4"; } else if ($count == 2) { $size = "col-xl-6 col-md-6"; } else if ($count == 1) { $size = "col-12"; } foreach ($cards as $cardName => $cardDetails) { $icon_code = $icons[$cardDetails['Icon']]; $out .= "<div class='$size mb-3'> <div class='card editHeroCard' data-card='$cardName'> <div class='card-body'> <div class='text-center card-title'> <i class='$icon_code fa-2xl'></i> </div> <div class='card-text text-center my-3 fw-bold'>$cardDetails[Name]</div> <div class='card-text text-center'>$cardDetails[Paragraph]</div> </div> </div> <div class='handle text-center'>GRAB</div> </div>"; }
  6. I have a function that contains the following: foreach ($data as $cards => $row) { print_r($data); the data that is printed is as follows: Array ( [cards] => {"Card 1": {"This": "Something 1", "Paragraph": "This is the first card", "Icon": 562, "Order": 5}, "Card 2": {"This": "Something 2", "Paragraph": "This is the second card", "Icon": "559", "Order": 2}, "Card 3": {"This": "Somethihg 3", "Paragraph": "This is the third card", "Icon": "560", "Order": 3}, "Card 4": {"This": "Something 4", "Paragraph": "This is the fourth card", "Icon": "561", "Order": 4}} ) I want to "get" "Card 1", "Card 2"... How in a loop can i access this part of the array. I have tried print_r $data, $cards and $row and none of them give me what i need. When i try and use [0] i just get the first letter.
  7. I have been looking at documentation and it seems that something like this is the route that i need to take - but i am getting no results in php my admin when running this query. SELECT portal_content_json from portal_content where JSON_SEARCH( portal_content_json, 'all', 2, Null, ' $[*]."Hero Cards[*]"."Order"') IS NOT NULL;
  8. This is great - i can confirm that it did what i needed so thanks for that. Now i just need to workout how to select by order Number in order to update the values when the data is edited.
  9. Hi All, I have a function: function createContentBlock($pdo, $contentBlockType, $textBlockTitle, $textBlockContent) { $portalId = $_GET['portalId']; $json = array( "Name" => $textBlockTitle, "Content" => $textBlockContent ); $sql = "UPDATE portal_content set portal_content_json = JSON_SET( portal_content_json,'$.\"Portal Content\".\"Pages\".\"Home\".\"Content Block\"', :json) WHERE portal_attachment_id = :portalId"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([ ':portalId' => $portalId, ':json' => json_encode($json, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES) ]); return "Content Block Created"; } When the data is going into the json, it looks like this: "Content Block": "{\"Name\":\"asa\",\"Content\":\"<p>asa</p>\"}" }, You will see that it is also getting an additional closing bracket. I dont know why it is going in like this as i have another function that is putting data in in the same way without this issue.
  10. Thanks for this - what about when it comes to updating the information after it has been displayed. Again i wont know the exact path so i would have to find the correct element to update.
  11. Hi, Normally when populating an editable form with data from the database, i would include an id as a data attribute that i can use to generate a modal with the data to be edited. I am using JSON. I know how to find the exact data that i need if i know the path to the JSON but i need to select an element in the JSON that contains something (that would have been the id if normalised). If i have the following data { "Portal Content": { "Colours": { "Primary": "f85a40", "Secondary": "008374", "Default": "222222" }, "Pages": { "Home": { "Hero": { "Hero On": 1, "Title": "Welcome to the Accreditation Portal", "Paragraph": "This is the home page of the Accreditation Portal.", "Hero Cards": { "Card 1": { "Name": "Card 1", "Paragraph": "This is the first card", "Icon": 562, "Order": 5 }, "Card 2": { "Name": "Card 2", "Paragraph": "This is the second card", "Icon": "559", "Order": 2 }, "Card 3": { "Name": "Card 3", "Paragraph": "This is the third card", "Icon": "560", "Order": 3 }, "Card 4": { "Name": "Card 4", "Paragraph": "This is the fourth card", "Icon": "561", "Order": 4 } } } }, "About": { "Text": "This is the about page" } } } } how would i select card 4 for example, when all i know is its order number. normally this would be a select x from y where id = z i expect that i will need something like SELECT json_extract(portal_content_json, '$.\"Portal Content\".\"Pages\".\"Home\".\"Hero\".\"Hero Cards\"') as that is the path to the cards - but selecting the data for the card that i want from here i do not know how to do. something like JSON_CONTAINS? The other option is to set the data attribute to be "Card 1" - the name of the JSON element rather than the title of the element. I am currenly setting the data attribute in this function, which would need to be changed if using the "other option" function getHeroCardsByPortalId($pdo) { $res = $pdo->query("SELECT code, id FROM icon"); $icons = array_column($res->fetchAll(), 'code', 'id'); //avoiding the need to join the tables $sql = "SELECT json_extract(portal_content_json, '$.\"Portal Content\".\"Pages\".\"Home\".\"Hero\".\"Hero Cards\"') as cards FROM portal_content where portal_attachment_id = :portalId"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([ ':portalId' => $_GET['portalId'] ]); $data = $stmt->fetch(); if (!$data) { return "<div class='col-12'>No hero cards available!</div>"; } foreach ($data as $cards => $row) { $cards = json_decode($row, true); $count = sizeof($cards); $out = ''; if ($count == 4) { $size = "col-xl-3 col-md-6"; } else if ($count == 3) { $size = "col-xl-4 col-md-4"; } else if ($count == 2) { $size = "col-xl-6 col-md-6"; } else if ($count == 1) { $size = "col-12"; } usort($cards, fn ($a, $b) => $a['Order'] <=> $b['Order']); foreach ($cards as $card) { $icon_code = $icons[$card['Icon']]; $out .= "<div class='$size mb-3'> <div class='card editHeroCard' data-order-number='$card[Order]'> <div class='card-body'> <div class='text-center card-title'> <i class='$icon_code fa-2xl'></i> </div> <div class='card-text text-center my-3 fw-bold'>$card[Name]</div> <div class='card-text text-center'>$card[Paragraph]</div> </div> </div> <div class='handle text-center'>GRAB</div> </div>"; } } return $out; }
  12. moving it above the for each does work - thank you x1000 for this. I dont think i would have ever got to this. This is the complete working function: function getHeroCardsByPortalId($pdo) { $res = $pdo->query("SELECT code, id FROM icon"); $icons = array_column($res->fetchAll(), 'code', 'id'); //avoiding the need to join the tables $sql = "SELECT json_extract(portal_content_json, '$.\"Portal Content\".\"Pages\".\"Home\".\"Hero\".\"Hero Cards\"') as cards FROM portal_content where portal_attachment_id = :portalId"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([ ':portalId' => $_GET['portalId'] ]); $data = $stmt->fetch(); if (!$data) { return "<div class='col-12'>No hero cards available!</div>"; } foreach ($data as $cards => $row) { $cards = json_decode($row, true); $count = sizeof($cards); $out = ''; if ($count == 4) { $size = "col-xl-3 col-md-6"; } else if ($count == 3) { $size = "col-xl-4 col-md-4"; } else if ($count == 2) { $size = "col-xl-6 col-md-6"; } else if ($count == 1) { $size = "col-12"; } usort($cards, fn ($a, $b) => $a['Order'] <=> $b['Order']); foreach ($cards as $card) { $icon_code = $icons[$card['Icon']]; $out .= "<div class='$size mb-3'> <div class='card editHeroCard' data-order-number='$card[Order]'> <div class='card-body'> <div class='text-center card-title'> <i class='$icon_code fa-2xl'></i> </div> <div class='card-text text-center my-3 fw-bold'>$card[Name]</div> <div class='card-text text-center'>$card[Paragraph]</div> </div> </div> <div class='handle text-center'>GRAB</div> </div>"; } } return $out; }
  13. This foreach ($cards as $card) { usort($cards, fn ($a, $b) => $a['Order'] <=> $b['Order']); $icon_code = $icons[$card['Icon']]; $out .= "<div class='$size mb-3'> <div class='card editHeroCard' data-order-number='$card[Order]'> <div class='card-body'> <div class='text-center card-title'> <i class='$icon_code fa-2xl'></i> </div> <div class='card-text text-center my-3 fw-bold'>$card[Name]</div> <div class='card-text text-center'>$card[Paragraph]</div> </div> </div> <div class='handle text-center'>GRAB</div> </div>"; } doesnt give an error but also doesnt appear to be sorting I set card 1 to have the highest order and it is still showing first { "Portal Content": { "Colours": { "Primary": "f85a40", "Secondary": "008374", "Default": "222222" }, "Pages": { "Home": { "Hero": { "Hero On": 1, "Title": "Welcome to the Accreditation Portal", "Paragraph": "This is the home page of the Accreditation Portal.", "Hero Cards": { "Card 1": { "Name": "Card 1", "Paragraph": "This is the first card", "Icon": 562, "Order": 5 }, "Card 2": { "Name": "Card 2", "Paragraph": "This is the second card", "Icon": "559", "Order": 2 }, "Card 3": { "Name": "Card 3", "Paragraph": "This is the third card", "Icon": "560", "Order": 3 }, "Card 4": { "Name": "Card 4", "Paragraph": "This is the fourth card", "Icon": "561", "Order": 4 } } } }, "About": { "Text": "This is the about page" } } } }
  14. When i put this here: foreach ($cards as $card) { usort($row, fn ($a, $b) => $a['Order'] <=> $b['Order']); $icon_code = $icons[$card['Icon']]; $out .= "<div class='$size mb-3'> <div class='card editHeroCard' data-order-number='$card[Order]'> <div class='card-body'> <div class='text-center card-title'> <i class='$icon_code fa-2xl'></i> </div> <div class='card-text text-center my-3 fw-bold'>$card[Name]</div> <div class='card-text text-center'>$card[Paragraph]</div> </div> </div> <div class='handle text-center'>GRAB</div> </div>"; } i get the error: Uncaught TypeError: usort(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, string given
  15. ahh, turning it around worked $res = $pdo->query("SELECT code, id FROM icon"); $icons = array_column($res->fetchAll(), 'code', 'id'); This is whitchcraft to me - so much to learn
  16. ok, have updated this to match the table $res = $pdo->query("SELECT id, code FROM icon"); $icons = array_column($res->fetchAll(), 'id', 'code'); but i am still getting undefined array key here foreach ($cards as $card) { $icon_code = $icons[$card['Icon']]; $out .= "<div class='$size mb-3'> <div class='card editHeroCard' data-order-number='$card[Order]'> <div class='card-body'> <div class='text-center card-title'> <i class='$icon_code fa-2xl'></i> </div> <div class='card-text text-center my-3 fw-bold'>$card[Name]</div> <div class='card-text text-center'>$card[Paragraph]</div> </div> </div> <div class='handle text-center'>GRAB</div> </div>"; }
  17. When i put it here: foreach ($data as $cards => $row) { $cards = json_decode($row, true); $count = sizeof($cards); $out = ''; if ($count == 4) { $size = "col-xl-3 col-md-6"; } else if ($count == 3) { $size = "col-xl-4 col-md-4"; } else if ($count == 2) { $size = "col-xl-6 col-md-6"; } else if ($count == 1) { $size = "col-12"; } ------------- usort($cards, fn(a,b)=>$a['order']<=>$b['order']); foreach ($cards as $card) { $icon_code = $icons[$card['Icon']]; $out .= "<div class='$size mb-3'> <div class='card editHeroCard' data-order-number='$card[Order]'> <div class='card-body'> <div class='text-center card-title'> <i class='$icon_code fa-2xl'></i> </div> <div class='card-text text-center my-3 fw-bold'>$card[Name]</div> <div class='card-text text-center'>$card[Paragraph]</div> </div> </div> <div class='handle text-center'>GRAB</div> </div>"; i get unexpected comma after fn(a
  18. I updated to this: function getHeroCardsByPortalId($pdo) { $res = $pdo->query("SELECT id, code FROM icon"); $icons = array_column($res->fetchAll(), 'icon_code', 'icon_id'); $sql = "SELECT json_extract(portal_content_json, '$.\"Portal Content\".\"Pages\".\"Home\".\"Hero\".\"Hero Cards\"') as cards FROM portal_content where portal_attachment_id = :portalId"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([ ':portalId' => $_GET['portalId'] ]); $data = $stmt->fetch(); if (!$data) { return "<div class='col-12'>No hero cards available!</div>"; } foreach ($data as $cards => $row) { $cards = json_decode($row, true); $count = sizeof($cards); $out = ''; if ($count == 4) { $size = "col-xl-3 col-md-6"; } else if ($count == 3) { $size = "col-xl-4 col-md-4"; } else if ($count == 2) { $size = "col-xl-6 col-md-6"; } else if ($count == 1) { $size = "col-12"; } foreach ($cards as $card) { $icon_code = $icons[$card['Icon']]; $out .= "<div class='$size mb-3'> <div class='card editHeroCard' data-order-number='$card[Order]'> <div class='card-body'> <div class='text-center card-title'> <i class='$icon_code fa-2xl'></i> </div> <div class='card-text text-center my-3 fw-bold'>$card[Name]</div> <div class='card-text text-center'>$card[Paragraph]</div> </div> </div> <div class='handle text-center'>GRAB</div> </div>"; } } return $out; } I am getting unfeined array key for the icons.
  19. Thanks for this - this is new to me - is this part of the SQL?
  20. I would also be interested in how i would order the results. I have updated the JSON to include an order which can be seen here: { "Portal Content": { "Colours": { "Primary": "f85a40", "Secondary": "008374", "Default": "222222" }, "Pages": { "Home": { "Hero": { "Hero On": 1, "Title": "Welcome to the Accreditation Portal", "Paragraph": "This is the home page of the Accreditation Portal.", "Hero Cards": { "Card 1": { "Name": "Card 1", "Paragraph": "This is the first card", "Icon": "1", "Order": 1 }, "Card 2": { "Name": "Card 2", "Paragraph": "This is the second card", "Icon": "2", "Order": 2 }, "Card 3": { "Name": "Card 3", "Paragraph": "This is the third card", "Icon": "3", "Order": 3 }, "Card 4": { "Name": "Card 4", "Paragraph": "This is the fourth card", "Icon": "4", "Order": 4 } } } }, "About": { "Text": "This is the about page" } } } } When i run my foreach it would be great if i could do this in order from 1 to 4. function getHeroCardsByPortalId($pdo) { $sql = "SELECT json_extract(portal_content_json, '$.\"Portal Content\".\"Pages\".\"Home\".\"Hero\".\"Hero Cards\"') as cards FROM portal_content where portal_attachment_id = :portalId"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([ ':portalId' => $_GET['portalId'] ]); $data = $stmt->fetch(); if (!$data) { return "<div class='col-12'>No hero cards available!</div>"; } foreach ($data as $cards => $row) { $cards = json_decode($row, true); $count = sizeof($cards); $out = ''; if ($count == 4) { $size = "col-xl-3 col-md-6"; } else if ($count == 3) { $size = "col-xl-4 col-md-4"; } else if ($count == 2) { $size = "col-xl-6 col-md-6"; } else if ($count == 1) { $size = "col-12"; } foreach ($cards as $card) { $out .= "<div class='$size mb-3'> <div class='card editHeroCard'> <div class='card-body'> <div class='text-center card-title'> <i class='$card[Icon] fa-2xl'></i> </div> <div class='card-text text-center my-3 fw-bold'>$card[Name]</div> <div class='card-text text-center'>$card[Paragraph]</div> </div> </div> <div class='handle text-center'>GRAB</div> </div>"; } } return $out; }
  21. Hi All, I have a query that fetches Json data from a database. SELECT json_extract(portal_content_json, '$.\"Portal Content\".\"Pages\".\"Home\".\"Hero\".\"Hero Cards\"') as cards FROM portal_content where portal_attachment_id = :portalId The outputted data is: {"Card 1": {"Name": "Card 1", "Paragraph": "This is the first card", "Icon": "1"}, "Card 2": {"Name": "Card 2", "Paragraph": "This is the second card", "Icon": "2"}, "Card 3": {"Name": "Card 3", "Paragraph": "This is the third card", "Icon": "3"}, "Card 4": {"Name": "Card 4", "Paragraph": "This is the fourth card", "Icon": "4"}} I am needing to join the Icon field (which holds the icon ID) to another table to get the icon_code. I cant see how this is going to be possible with me pulling (in this example) 4 sets of data in one. Is there a way that i can do a join to pull the icon_code for each of these pieces of data?
  22. Ok, i think i am making progress - i have got out what i expected. I dont know if this is the most clean solution - probably not, but it is working as expected. function getHeroCardsByPortalId($pdo) { $sql = "SELECT json_extract(portal_content_json, '$.\"Portal Content\".\"Pages\".\"Home\".\"Hero\".\"Hero Cards\"') as cards FROM portal_content where portal_attachment_id = :portalId"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([ ':portalId' => $_GET['portalId'] ]); $data = $stmt->fetch(); if (!$data) { return "<div class='col-12'>No hero cards available!</div>"; } foreach ($data as $cards => $row) { $cards = json_decode($row, true); $count = sizeof($cards); $out = ''; if ($count == 4) { $size = "col-xl-3 col-md-6"; } else if ($count == 3) { $size = "col-xl-4 col-md-4"; } else if ($count == 2) { $size = "col-xl-6 col-md-6"; } else if ($count == 1) { $size = "col-12"; } foreach ($cards as $card) { $out .= "<div class='$size mb-3'> <div class='card editHeroCard'> <div class='card-body'> <div class='text-center card-title'> <i class='$card[Icon] fa-2xl'></i> </div> <div class='card-text text-center my-3 fw-bold'>$card[Name]</div> <div class='card-text text-center'>$card[Paragraph]</div> </div> </div> <div class='handle text-center'>GRAB</div> </div>"; } } return $out; }
  23. Right now, this is part of the function that is getting the data - and the current output showing on the page is: {"Card 1": {"Name": "Card 1", "Paragraph": "This is the first card", "Icon": "1"}, "Card 2": {"Name": "Card 2", "Paragraph": "This is the second card", "Icon": "2"}, "Card 3": {"Name": "Card 3", "Paragraph": "This is the third card", "Icon": "3"}, "Card 4": {"Name": "Card 4", "Paragraph": "This is the fourth card", "Icon": "4"}} function getHeroCardsByPortalId($pdo) { $sql = "SELECT json_extract(portal_content_json, '$.\"Portal Content\".\"Pages\".\"Home\".\"Hero\".\"Hero Cards\"') as cards FROM portal_content where portal_attachment_id = :portalId"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([ ':portalId' => $_GET['portalId'] ]); $count = $stmt->rowCount(); $data = $stmt->fetch(); foreach ($data as $cards) { print_r($cards); } } I am going to be turning each card from the json into a card in bottstrap shown on the page. something like this // foreach ($data as $row) { // $out .= "<div class='$size mb-3'> // <div class='card editHeroCard' data-card-id='$row[id]'> // <div class='card-body'> // <div class='text-center card-title'> // <i class='$row[iconCode] fa-2xl'></i> // </div> // <div class='card-text text-center my-3 fw-bold'>$row[name]</div> // <div class='card-text text-center'>$row[paragraph]</div> // </div> // </div> // <div class='handle text-center'>GRAB</div> // </div>"; // } This will all be built in php and i plan on returning $out from this function.
  24. i tried that and got the following error Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: json_decode(): Argument #1 ($json) must be of type string I am getting the values from $data = $stmt->fetch();
  25. Ok, this is really helpful i have been able to put some data in and get some data out so progress is being made and i am thankful to you for that. My next question, which maybe should be its own thread is that if i am getting data from the database like this: SELECT json_extract(portal_content_json, '$."Portal Content"."Pages"."Home"."Hero"."Hero Cards"') FROM portal_content where portal_attachment_id = 43 and the data that is selected with that query looks like this: { "Card 1": { "Name": "Card 1", "Paragraph": "This is the first card", "Icon": "1" }, "Card 2": { "Name": "Card 2", "Paragraph": "This is the second card", "Icon": "2" }, "Card 3": { "Name": "Card 3", "Paragraph": "This is the third card", "Icon": "3" }, "Card 4": { "Name": "Card 4", "Paragraph": "This is the fourth card", "Icon": "4" } } how do i then in php loop through each of these cards and build an element to return to the page?
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