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Posts posted by nadeemshafi9

  1. Doing lots of things quickly with minimal effort gives you a greater return, just as with this interview that the topic is about, if you arrange many interviews for this type of job it will sort you out.


    Nothing is set in stone, things change, the driver behind that change is us. You do a little bit of lots of things and you get the bigger picture. In order for you to do lots of things you must look past small snags and glitches wich you can come back to one you are established, nothing means anything we are just floating on a ball falling throgh space and the ball itself is dying. Yeh there may be a heaven or hell if you look at teh bigger picture, still dosent mean that they mean anything to anyone apart from us. Just like having many interviews wont mean anytjing to the individual interviewers but they will mean somthing to us.


    doing more in a short space of tiem gives you a varied perspective, and to achive more you must make sacrifice. Sacrifices like knowing your first interview is going to be shit, knowing you cant be assed to attend an interview but you have arranged it, knowing the interviewer is talking crap but you stay and take it. These things let you know what the bigger picture or teh cloud of the thoght is that you need to engineer a scheme a plan that encompases a answer to most of these things and hey presto.


    I often feel sorry forpeople who have had to leach upon one employer for over half a decade, but these situations most of us will get to, i have a almost cirtain 5 year contract now, but teh people i work with have been there 5 years and they have missed out on a varied set of technologies wich i have experienced and now i have experienced teh tech in the current place and was able to map it out quickly and add many enhancments to the organisation eg tools and and also gained much more experience.

  2. Anything after the pound sign (#).



    theirs no need for that, i mean if you do use it, its built into JavaScript, but you will have to parse it into php using regext and all variables after it, they may conflict with the rest of php's get vars.


    i mean the only benefit i can see in this is to separate variables destined for java script fronted from php variables in the url, i mean for an ajax interface it may be usfull.


    but arnt the variables after a hash related to anchors ?

  3. is the free version ok to use ?

    There is no free version I am aware of. Single user licence is only $30


    i downloaded this regexbuddy once with a owl as  the logo and it was prety hard to use, and most features were blocked off, but i can definatly see the advantages, il probs buy it at some point put it on my laptop and then my regex will be better than the companies lol.

  4. you may be on to something - I'm guessing that the httpd.conf is where I tell apache to look for files. I haven't changed it in any way, but it's on the usb hard drive, so all directives should be the same?




    i think were a bit confused here,


    you either use the server on your laptop


    or you eitheruse the server on your usb drive, to us ethe laptop servers just start them up.


    to use the usb servers its more complex.



    just go to your laptops apache and find httpd.conf and go to root and another setting with the same as root setting and modify it using the path from explorer window to your usb drive.



  5. What real advantages would i recive by spending extra time on spellings on this forum, the message gets accross and i dont waste any more time than is necessary, but im productive and have contributed lol.


    Now seriously man, how much time do you spend on looking for misspelled variable names?


    before i write it, if i have doubts i paste it into google and then presto, cant let my team mebers know i type crappy lol

  6. It being on the same line or not will make absolutely no difference. I would however recommend using curly brackets even if you only have a single lines, it helps limit errors creeping into code.


    its only 1 line after no brackets that gets executed am i right ?

  7. Make sure to use Subversion NOT CVS, CVShas many bugs, install it on a Linux machine and then most Zend studio, Netbeans and eclipse will plug straight into the server.


    I've been using CVS for over a year now and can only really think of 1 -perhaps- bug. It's just pretty limited I think.


    bugs i found where if you commit a file without adding it the cvs gets corrupt, if you commit a folder without adding it then individual adding each file same prob.


    subversion is just awesome, just has no issues.

  8. Example 1. GET example
    $r = new HttpRequest('http://example.com/feed.rss', HttpRequest::METH_GET);
    $r->setOptions(array('lastmodified' => filemtime('local.rss')));
    $r->addQueryData(array('category' => 3));
    try {
        if ($r->getResponseCode() == 200) {
            file_put_contents('local.rss', $r->getResponseBody());
    } catch (HttpException $ex) {
        echo $ex;
    Example 2. POST example
    $r = new HttpRequest('http://example.com/form.php', HttpRequest::METH_POST);
    $r->setOptions(array('cookies' => array('lang' => 'de')));
    $r->addPostFields(array('user' => 'mike', 'pass' => 's3c|r3t'));
    $r->addPostFile('image', 'profile.jpg', 'image/jpeg');
    try {
        echo $r->send()->getBody();
    } catch (HttpException $ex) {
        echo $ex;

  9. the hellos show.


    it yahoo hosting, and it's just the code to read the file. nothing special. Is it possible yahoo changed security settings to not allow fopen?


    maybe, lets look around for another way i will get back to you brb

  10. type echo "hello" before everything, and see if you get a result



    what kind of system is this, an in house system, is this something you built or is this a third party software,framework ?

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