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Posts posted by nadeemshafi9

  1. try readonly, or disabled, disabled will stop it being submitted, readonly may work on individual options,

    you need to e=document.getElementById('theselectboxid') on click
          e.select.options.[i].disabled or readonly = true;              

    i cant rembe rteh exact composition of teh select element as an array in javascript doc ob mod


    somthing like that,


    you can use firebug and in the commandline type in N=document.getElementById('theselectboxid')


    then you can look at the structure of the array the element is

  2. dude i'm talking about the people who call you up trying to sell you stuff.


    nah im talking about recruitment agents that find the jobs on websites so you dont have to

  3. i always wanted to learn MS c# professionaly because i was scared that php was free and all, but now there is alot of php work everyonere, i get about 10 calls a day i live near london home counties.


    telemarketers don't count.


    ofcourse they count i always go to about 7 or 8 interviews before i get my job and this is my 3rd job in 3 years and these guys want a long term thing extreemly rich company

  4. for something this simple i don't see a reason to alter the query... but anyway, i'm not sure how you are attempting to get the percent * fees with a SUM of col1 and col2? SUM is addition, and what are you adding?


    if you were going to do this via sql query, you would still have to multiply fees by percent and 0.01


    me personaly i would do it in sql first for my own benefit and then change it if they say its slow, you can do a percentage in sql just need to use the right combination of functions


    however if you have a model for your databses setup giving full results then yes your way would be right, i was just doing it for his sake it would be neater and more understandable and less code.


    But yeh for that it would be good to do it your way, quick and simple

  5. Yer, a "junior" role would be fine by me, the problem is there just don't seem to be any advertised around here. I have a degree in Computing Science and roughly 9 months commercial development experience in C# (placement 'year' for honours degree). But when I finished university about 4 years ago I couldn't find a development position. Been working as a salesman untill recently.


    i always wanted to learn MS c# professionaly because i was scared that php was free and all, but now there is alot of php work everyonere, i get about 10 calls a day i live near london home counties.

  6. while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
              echo $row['division_num'].",".$row['customer_num'].",".$row['summary_date'].",". $row['cc_fees'] * $row['fee_percent'] /100 .",".$row['clear'].",".$row['gl_num'];
              echo "<br />";



    yes you can do that if the database is too large but is not the proper way of doing it, but its used alot to counter a data summing time lapse in large tables

  7. Not all sites fit a dynamic model... use frameworks and database driven back-ends when the situation calls for it.


    If you are going to create 5 pages, load some content that might change once every 6 months, then just build it static. There isn't much reason for all of the overhead unless it is really needed.




    absolutly right,


    a header.php footer.php


    and some database entity models classes


    eg user class wich embodies selectall and update add etc which can easily be coppied changed to encapsulate a new entity eg products.


    thats about as advanced you need to go for a good CMS


    and a config file.php

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