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Posts posted by nadeemshafi9

  1. I take it it always says #image then? You could simply use trim to remove the hashes then explode on the comma. But if you want to use Regular Expressions then something like...




    That of course assumes the 100 is always a 3 digit number. You can modify that accordingly.



  2. this is my string #image,100#


    i cant find anything to negate /#image.*#/ regexp, so im thinking its the wrong way to go about it, do i really need regex in this ?


    split the string by ,


    strip off #image

    and #


    actualy if i can negate  regexp /#image.*#/


    i can then split the result by ,

  3. hi guys


    can somone give me some links to some solid manuals


    this is my string #image,100#


    i need to get the 100


    any ideas


    im just about to dl a cheetsheet will be back soon to see what has been suggested, this is the first regex of this new job of mine so iim slightly out of knowledge on it atm, was using it a lot at the last job




    should be bale to knock something up i n a bit

  4. it is quite daunting but the structure is quite simple, you have your url


    blah.com/{maybe module}/controller/method


    and you see the view for that method, the controller is under controllers maybe inside its module directory and the method is inside it, but yes you can add it to the layout depending on wich layout is being used.


    find the controller find the method in that controller and dont worry about it,


    just go to views/controller name/method name.phtml


    check what layout is being used


    go to layouts/layout name


    and then you can add meta content there statically or dynamically


    odds are your entire site uses one layout or maybe 2, they will all be under layouts directory



  5. *The key to success is laziness

    *Good thing im not intelligent - otherwise ill have a "good job" <-emphasis on good job HA!

    *The less you do the more you earn

    *Duplication is the key to success


    Mmm, perhaps the success you speak of is "how not to get a job and bum off the state all your life".


    I built my company on these principals. I have 1 supervisor and 6 guys working for me...there must be something to it. Read cashflow Quadrant to see what i mean about duplication and less work=more money


    And regarding a "good job" - My guys make good money but none will ever be free because they dont understand how to duplicate their time


    dude everything in the world is duplicated, original ideas come to prophets

  6. when working with RADIUS servers, i was told to create account disabling interface, so i tapped into the radius server and then let the interface change the variable i added to the account record.


    Radius uses a PERL engine, i had to tweak it slightly to look past accounts with a 1 for disabled.


    i used a bit of perl at UNI i noticed it was more closer syntactically to C, i can imagine its faster yes. But how much ???


    i can imagine it is probably very pluginable like ADA

  7. they give you the entire directory structure wired up and ready to go with test files and config etc then do teh tutorial


    also for your front end you might like to use ExtJS goes well with zend mod rewrite as its pure ajax based interface the urls fit in nicley and make sense module/controler/method str8 into a front end wdget will get all the data for that widget to work with

  8. Thanks, is it a steep learning curve. Also are there any limitations to what you can do with a database model instead of normal hand coding?


    no there are no limits,


    you just need to learn how to hook up the db into the config


    then use the sqlqueries using the model objects prepared statements which also have left join etc,


    you can also do pure sql but thats not recommended as its easily injectable.


    theyhave a registry like object available everywhere into it you can put there ACL object and create access control by querying the acl


    they also have a handy authenticator class.


    urls are mod rewritten


    all u say to go is




    or if you have a module folder it would be module/controler/method


    you would then create a view for that method into which you can retrieve vars from the controler so method_view is the next file

  9. its not illeagle, its controlled, but yeh your right, i just come here when i need advice from others or some quick catch up, but this forums been a big part of my learning process, i owe alot to the forum, so i try to contribute.


    before i got this job im at now, i had an interview with some porn sites lol majour ones tubes hahahahahah i would have got it if it wernt for those darn local jobs.

  10. make the array before the loop starts, we need to see much more code, to see whats going on, are you starting from scratch or what ? i have touched on this framework before, so if you just give us the code your working on, the whole bit paste it in here in code tags

  11. my logic: so you look at a cheetsheet and see how much of it you can use without looking at the cheetsheet (oh hes actually quite smart, there must have been a reason why he was honoured by the university and given a first class degree in network computer science bsc hons)


    im one of those people that was in top sets for every subject my entire life, then when i was in year 11 i flunked all the tests smoking pot and kissing girls and fighting bullies, then i stopped smoking, so i got college education, then i smoked, then i stopped then i got a degree, then i smoked, then si stopped i got a job, you see the pattern ?


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