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Hey guys, I went with screening.screen_on in my data model as per Barands advice. Thing is, If I create a record for screening entity, I would have to put the date that movie is being screened on. So, say I put todays date, by tomorrow It won't be showing in cinema anymore, unless I Create a new record with tomorrows date. Now I know it's going to take me more than 1 day to finish this project, so everyday I have to load new data in. Would it better if I went for screen_from to screen_until that way I could create a long date range and not have to load new data everyday? Or should I do something like: if (screen_on < 2024/12/31) display listings else dont display and then when I finish the code and everything is ok, change it to: if (screen_on == Today) display listings else dont display Thanks
The thing is I have some JS in conjunction with some php that generates the cinema screen map on the fly based on rows and columns. So 6 Rows, it does it alphabetically so it would be rows A to F, and then say 10 columns would be 10 seats in the row. So You would get A1, A2 etc all the way up to A-10, for each row etc. Then that same screen map you just select the seats you want then press book, and it enters it into the DB. Here is a screen shot: A few things going on here. The red seats are unavailable because they have already been booked, the blue seats are the ones I have just selected and then I press "Book selected Seats" then I get a JS alert saying "seats booked" then when I ok that, the blue seats turn red. Here is a snippet of code: $primaryKeyValue = 5; $stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT row AS numRows, numbercols AS numCols FROM seats WHERE seating_id = ?"); $stmt->execute([$primaryKeyValue]); $seatMapData = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); Obviously this is a stand alone example and it will require further code to integrate it into the system. $seatMapData then goes into the JS and it builds the map as show on screen shot. I am sort of modeling my system on the Vue cinema chain (myvue.com) If you go there and mess around with the website you'll get an idea of what I am trying to do. Got it. I'll be honest with you I wanted to integrate a Payment API into this project. So I went off to Stripe API & signed up and got my API keys and I was going to run it in Test Mode. I did the webhooks successfully and thought I was doing well. But then when I tried to simulate a transaction - I just didn't get it. Maybe I have to get some more programming experience, go up a notch of 2 then do it. It was all in OOP (which is ok because I learnt that in Uni) but haven't revisited it since. I know you can use the Stripe API procedurally, but it looks very complicated. So with the "book selected seats", I am just going to Pretend a transaction took place and let the booking go through. Thanks Barand
Yes, that Is what I was after. That's a good idea. I was thinking originally to put screening_id in the seat table, but didn't think it made much sense. Better to create a new entity. Yes, that was the job of rows and columns in the screen entity You mean don't fill seat entity with all seats manually. eg A-1, A-2 etc? Different screens will be different sizes. What would I do instead? Got you. @Barand Thanks for the data model. I too was thinking of splitting movie into 2 entities with the other being genre. I will digest this and post back later. Thanks guys!
Hey Guys, Just looking for some feedback/critique on this data model. It's for a cinema booking system. Main thing I'm concerned about is that (I think) I won't be able to reuse seats. So I'm worried I haven't got my data model correct in the sense that I can reuse seats across different movies/days/screenings. (But I may have, but I have a lingering doubt) So I got this feeling in the seat entity: Seat Id ScreenID Row Number Status 1 4 A 1 booked So say ScreenId 4 relates to screen number 4, and seat A1 gets booked, is that it - has A1 gone forever or am I able to release the seat for the next showing in the same screen id Other options for Status are: Available and reserved. Or is it just a simple case of changing the status from booked to available after the movie finishes? Any feedback would be welcome. Thanks
Handling Fatal error/using includes
webdeveloper123 replied to webdeveloper123's topic in PHP Coding Help
Thanks Barand, I'll give it a try -
Handling Fatal error/using includes
webdeveloper123 replied to webdeveloper123's topic in PHP Coding Help
Hey Barand, Thanks for the reply. This is the original code you gave me to search for available rooms: SELECT rs.description , rs.sleeps , rs.image , rs.price , substring_index(GROUP_CONCAT(f.description separator ' • '), ' • ', 5) as rmfac , rt.description as rmtype , r.room_id , r.room_number , GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT f.description SEPARATOR '<br>') AS rmfac1 FROM room as r JOIN roomtype as rt ON r.roomtype_id = rt.roomtype_id JOIN roomsize as rs ON r.size_id = rs.size_id JOIN room_facility as rf ON rf.size_id = rs.size_id JOIN facility as f ON rf.facility_id = f.facility_id LEFT JOIN room_booking as rb ON r.room_id = rb.room_id AND rb.departureDate > :arrival AND rb.arrivalDate <= :departure WHERE rb.room_id IS NULL GROUP BY room_id; When implementing the revised room_booking table above, would it change to this?: SELECT rs.description , rs.sleeps , rs.image , rs.price , substring_index(GROUP_CONCAT(f.description separator ' • '), ' • ', 5) as rmfac , rt.description as rmtype , r.room_id , r.room_number , GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT f.description SEPARATOR '<br>') AS rmfac1 FROM room as r JOIN roomtype as rt ON r.roomtype_id = rt.roomtype_id JOIN roomsize as rs ON r.size_id = rs.size_id JOIN room_facility as rf ON rf.size_id = rs.size_id JOIN facility as f ON rf.facility_id = f.facility_id LEFT JOIN room_booking as rb ON r.room_id = rb.room_id AND rb.occupied > :arrival AND rb.occupied <= :departure WHERE rb.room_id IS NULL GROUP BY room_id; -
Handling Fatal error/using includes
webdeveloper123 replied to webdeveloper123's topic in PHP Coding Help
I got that PRG Running, thank mac_gyver -
Handling Fatal error/using includes
webdeveloper123 replied to webdeveloper123's topic in PHP Coding Help
If I do that, can I isolate the change to just the room_booking table and tweak my Insert Statement to the table or will I have to change a lot more? -
Handling Fatal error/using includes
webdeveloper123 replied to webdeveloper123's topic in PHP Coding Help
It's going to be a nightmare to go back and fix it isn't it? -
Handling Fatal error/using includes
webdeveloper123 replied to webdeveloper123's topic in PHP Coding Help
arrrrgghhh -
Handling Fatal error/using includes
webdeveloper123 replied to webdeveloper123's topic in PHP Coding Help
Hey mac_gyver, I added: <?php header('Location: booking.php'); ?> right at the bottom of the document (just before closing body tag) and I put it just underneath the closing form tag and it gave me this error both times: Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 4 in /var/www/vhosts/booking.php:162 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/vhosts/avbus.uk/neilk.avbus.uk/hotel/booking.php(162): PDO->prepare() #1 {main} thrown in /var/www/vhosts/booking.php on line 162 line 162 is: $place_holders = implode(',', array_fill(0, count($reservedrooms), '?')); $sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT r.room_id, rs.description FROM room as r JOIN roomsize as rs ON r.size_id = rs.size_id JOIN room_booking as rb ON rb.room_id = r.room_id WHERE rb.room_id IN ($place_holders)"); $sth->execute($reservedrooms); $confirmroomdesc = $sth->fetchAll(); and the entire code is: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"> <link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com"> <link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com" crossorigin> <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Cormorant+Garamond:wght@500&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Booking</title> </head> <body class="bgcolour"> <?php include 'includes/db.php'; include 'includes/functions.php'; $reservedrooms = []; $today = new DateTime(); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $reservedrooms = $_POST['reservedrooms'] ?? []; $arrivalDate = $_POST['arrivaldate'] ?? ''; $departureDate = $_POST['departuredate'] ?? ''; $totaladults = $_POST['numofadults'] ?? ''; $totalchild = $_POST['numofchild'] ?? ''; $serializedArray = serialize($reservedrooms); $arrivalObj = new DateTime($arrivalDate); $departureObj = new DateTime($departureDate); $difference = $arrivalObj->diff($departureObj); $formattedInterval = $difference->format('%d'); $sqlbookquery = "SELECT r.room_id, rs.price FROM room AS r INNER JOIN roomsize AS rs ON r.size_id = rs.size_id;"; $statement1 = $pdo->query($sqlbookquery); $bookquery = $statement1->fetchAll(); $bookquery = array_filter($bookquery, fn($v)=>in_array($v['room_id'], $reservedrooms)); $totalprice = array_sum(array_column($bookquery, 'price')); $alltogether = $totalprice * $formattedInterval; $alltogether = number_format($alltogether); $totalprice = number_format($totalprice); if (!$reservedrooms) { $zerorooms = "<p class='bookoutput'>You must select a room</p>"; if (isset($zerorooms)) { echo "$zerorooms"; } exit(); } if ($formattedInterval == 0) { $pricenight = "<p class='bookoutput'>Price for the night is: £$totalprice</p>"; } else { $pricenight = "<p class='bookoutput'>Total Price: £$alltogether</p>"; } if ($arrivalObj == $departureObj) { $samedate = "<p class='bookoutput'>You will be charged for a minimum of 1 night</p>"; } else { $samedate = $difference->format('%d nights'); } if ($totaladults == 1) { $adultnum = "<p class='bookoutput'>$totaladults Adult</p>"; } else { $adultnum = "<p class='bookoutput'>$totaladults Adults</p>"; } if ($totalchild == 1) { $childnum = "<p class='bookoutput'>$totalchild Child</p>"; } elseif ($totalchild == 0) { $childnum = ''; } else { $childnum = "<p class='bookoutput'>$totalchild Children</p>"; } $countrooms = count($reservedrooms); if ($countrooms == 1) { $countmsg = "<p class='bookoutput'>$countrooms Room</p>"; } else { $countmsg = "<p class='bookoutput'>$countrooms Rooms</p>"; } } $place_holders = implode(',', array_fill(0, count($reservedrooms), '?')); $sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT r.room_id, rs.description FROM room as r JOIN roomsize as rs ON r.size_id = rs.size_id JOIN room_booking as rb ON rb.room_id = r.room_id WHERE rb.room_id IN ($place_holders)"); $sth->execute($reservedrooms); $confirmroomdesc = $sth->fetchAll(); ?> <div class="completedetails"> <div> <form action="confirm.php" method="post"> <label for="title">Title:</label><br> <select id="title" name="title" required> <option value="Mr">Mr</option> <option value="Mrs">Mrs</option> <option value="Ms">Ms</option> <option value="Miss">Miss</option><br> </select> <br><label for="fname">First name:</label><br> <input type="text" id="fname" name="fname" required><br> <label for="lname">Last name:</label><br> <input type="text" id="lname" name="lname" required><br> <label for="phone">Phone number:</label><br> <input type="tel" id="phone" name="phone"><br> <label for="email">Email:</label><br> <input type="email" id="email" name="email" required> <br><label for="address">Address</label><br> <input type="text" id="address" name="address" required><br> <label for="postcode">Zip/Post Code</label><br> <input type="text" id="postcode" name="postcode" required><br> <label for="city">City</label><br> <input type="text" id="city" name="city"><br> <label for="country">Country</label><br> <input type="text" id="country" name="country" required><br> <label for="message">Special request</label><br> <textarea id="message" name="message" rows="10" cols="60" placeholder="Enter your special request"></textarea> <input type="hidden" name="totaladults" value="<?=$totaladults?>"> <input type="hidden" name="totalchildren" value="<?=$totalchild?>"> <input type="hidden" name="dateofarrival" value="<?=$arrivalDate?>"> <input type="hidden" name="dateofdeparture" value="<?=$departureDate?>"> <input type="hidden" name="dataArray" value="<?= htmlspecialchars($serializedArray) ?>"> <br> <input type="submit" value="Confirm" class="confirm"> </div> </form> <div> <div><img src="images/website_images/arrival.jpg"></div> <p class="headline">The London Hotel, a Group Hotel<p> <p><?= htmlspecialchars($arrivalObj->format('D, jS M Y')) ?> to <?= htmlspecialchars($departureObj->format('D, jS M Y')) ?> </p> <p><?php if (isset($samedate)) { echo "$samedate"; } ?></p> <p><?php if (isset($adultnum)) { echo "$adultnum"; } ?></p> <p><?php if (isset($childnum)) { echo "$childnum"; } ?></p> <p><?php if (isset($countmsg)) { echo "$countmsg"; } ?></p> <p><?php if (isset($pricenight)) { echo "$pricenight"; } ?></p> <p class="roombookedheadline">Rooms Booked:</p> <?php foreach ($confirmroomdesc as $rd) { ?> <p><?= htmlspecialchars($rd['description']) ?></p> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php header('Location: booking.php'); ?> </body> </html> Thanks -
Hi Guys, I'm building a online room reservation system. Nearly done, everything is fine - just doing the confirmation. Here's the problem: user searches between 2 dates, available rooms returned, user can book multiple rooms through a checkbox, user clicks on book, takes you to a guest details form(name, address, etc), fills out the form, if the form goes through the booking is complete and then I want to land on a confirmation booking page. Now in my create table statement for the booking it looks like this: CREATE TABLE room_booking ( room_booking_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, room_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, booking_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, arrivalDate date DEFAULT NULL, departureDate date DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (room_booking_id), FOREIGN KEY (booking_id) REFERENCES booking(booking_id), FOREIGN KEY (room_id) REFERENCES room(room_id), CONSTRAINT rb_unq UNIQUE (room_id,arrivalDate,departureDate) ); I am referring to the CONSTRAINT, which is working fine but causes another problem. When the guest form is filled out and user presses the submit button, I want the confirmation to appear on the next page - which it does - but the thing is obviously I want to use CSS for the confirmation and I would just like to press CTRL-Refresh to see css edits as and when I add/remove css as this is much quicker. But because of the Constraint it gives me a fatal pdo error that I have broke a unique constraint. Which is fine, because that's what it's supposed to do, but then to see any CSS edits I have to go through the whole process again, fill in the form again, then see the effects of the updated css. So I'm basically looking for a way to just refresh the page and see the css edits. Because if I CTRL-refresh it on the error page, I will just get the same error. So I used this code to handle the fatal error: // ERROR AND EXCEPTION HANDLING FUNCTIONS // Convert errors to exceptions set_error_handler('handle_error'); function handle_error($error_type, $error_message, $error_file, $error_line) { throw new ErrorException($error_message, 0, $error_type, $error_file, $error_line); // Turn into ErrorException } // Handle exceptions - log exception and show error message (if server does not send error page listed in .htaccess) set_exception_handler('handle_exception'); function handle_exception($e) { error_log($e); // Log the error http_response_code(500); // Set the http response code echo "<h1>Sorry, a problem occurred</h1> The site's owners have been informed. Please try again later."; } // Handle fatal errors register_shutdown_function('handle_shutdown'); function handle_shutdown() { $error = error_get_last(); // Check for error in script if ($error !== null) { // If there was an error next line throws exception $e = new ErrorException($error['message'], 0, $error['type'], $error['file'], $error['line']); handle_exception($e); // Call exception handler } } Which works just fine, but I'm still in the same situation- instead of refreshing the Fatal PDO error message, I am just refreshing a friendly error message. So I tried doing this: header('Location: confirmbooking.php'); I put this at the bottom of the confirm page (which is basically just 3 Insert table statements) so It redirects me to another page and I thought I'd do my confirmation page on that instead. Redirects me just fine. But I need all the variables/arrays from the confirm.php page - so I do this in the confirmbooking.php page: include 'includes/confirm.php'; I thought I'd be able to use all the variables/arrays from there as if it were on the same page - but I can't even echo variables - it gives me an undefined variable error. Can someone help please? Thanks
Inserting data into 3 tables, one after the other
webdeveloper123 replied to webdeveloper123's topic in PHP Coding Help
Thanks! 😁 -
Inserting data into 3 tables, one after the other
webdeveloper123 replied to webdeveloper123's topic in PHP Coding Help
You mean go for option a? Sorry I just wanted to be clear