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Everything posted by ignace

  1. function getMask(theWord) { return theWord.toUpperCase().replace(/[A-Z]/, "_"); } function revealMask(theWord, wordMask, letter) { if (!letter) return theWord; var length = theWord.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (theWord.charAt(i) == letter) { wordMask[i] = letter; } } return wordMask; } Don't use " _ " use CSS instead (letter-spacing) and use a monospaced font. It's funny you create something like this as I have created the same thing but used PHP instead you can have a look at: http://www.mediafire.com/file/wetmhyguem3/hangman.zip I use it mainly for my own pleasure and I don't recommend using it in any production environment
  2. Take a look at http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/hierarchical-data.html
  3. I know it was a wiseguy-kinda joke but I'm apparently the only one laughing... again... note-to-self: fix humor
  4. Not to mention that you can't use the function before you made sure the global variable actually contains the required value.
  5. Not from me you won't. These comments mostly come from people using Apple products but in recent news has proven that these so called god-like products don't live up to their made-up reputation: http://www.cultofmac.com/macbook-air-so-hot-it-burns/38182 I'm not so hyped around OS systems, I'll sail if it floats Although my job requires the use of multiple (popular) OS systems for mere browser-testing. In my part of the world 3/4 of the programmer jobs are Java, 1/4 is ASP.NET (probably due to the high license costs) anyway my advice was purely based on deployment options rather then employment although Java, PHP, Ruby & Python make a good skill-set any day. PS I'm not a fan of VB.NET and probably never will be and I will be glad to pass along anyone asking for a VB.NET professional to your office
  6. SELECT * FROM quotes q, quotes_categories c WHERE q.category_id = c.id AND c.id = $category_id LIMIT 1
  7. You are looking at a regular upload script both for your file and your images. You can combine them in one go. Here's an introduction http://www.tizag.com/phpT/fileupload.php And an example of an upload script http://www.w3schools.com/PHP/php_file_upload.asp <strong>Select your sims3 file:</strong> <input type="file" id="sims3_asset" name="sims3_asset"> <strong>Select your images:</strong> <input type="file" name="images[]"> <input type="file" name="images[]"> Access them using $asset = $_FILES['sims3_asset']; $images = $_FILES['images']; The last one $images is more trickier as you access each individual file like: $images['name'][0]; Returns you the first file.
  8. This data most presumable comes from a database, add a WHERE clause to find your record.
  9. You'll need cURL to read out HEAD response headers check for HTTP/1.x 200 OK http://icfun.blogspot.com/2008/07/php-get-server-response-header-by.html
  10. Remember that whenever you decide to build it yourself you are going to be the one held responsible for whatever went wrong and demand you to fix it. Both in the case of open-source as when you would build it yourself. When it comes to e-commerce I highly suggest you tell them to hire a specialized firm so that when the shit hits the fence they won't be hammering your door... Edit: something else that you should take into consideration: backups
  11. Reviews should make you confident about any e-commerce: http://blog.webdistortion.com/2008/05/03/9-kick-ass-open-source-e-commerce-platforms-reviewed/ A list of all open-source e-commerce today available http://php.opensourcecms.com/scripts/show.php?catid=3&cat=eCommerce
  12. Do not bother to learn .NET it's Windows-only (or waste-of-your-time) learn Java; experiment with C++ and learn how a language works with Assembler. Afterwards it's best to take a peek at Ruby, Python & Perl (Perl preferably last).
  13. LOL $kiloton = PHP_INT_MAX; $cms->nuke($kiloton);//leave no man alive .. mushroom, mushroom .. badger, badger, badger, .. http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com/
  14. WTF?!? Does no-one read the manual??? Proper way for this terrible thing would be: $file = "file.with.dot.txt"; $extension = end(explode('.',$file));
  15. get_included_files, get_declared_classes
  16. Or maybe you should both have a good read of the manual and use pathinfo
  17. You can't store the result resource in session's.
  18. That would work until Oni-kun finds the topic and ventures it off topic with one of his rants. Which is most likely this has never been done. It would be too easy to go off topic, like I just have done for this thread. Soon enough Thorpe may come along and lock it for going so far off topic i personally think it's a great idea. what is up your ass this time premiso? I can't believe you actually wanna know..
  19. http://www.swetake.com/qr/qr1_en.html
  20. @joel note that patients_categories is a many-to-many relationship (not one-to-many) meaning that: a category has many patients AND a patient is in many categories PS <input type='checkbox' name="patient_categories[]">category name</input> is invalid and should be <input type='checkbox' name="patient_categories[]" value="category name"> This is of course also incorrect because: for which patient? And should therefor be: <label for="patient_<?php print $patient_id; ?>"><?php print $category_name; ?></label> <input type='checkbox' id="patient_<?php print $patient_id; ?>" name="patients_categories[<?php print $patient_id; ?>]" value="<?php print $category_id; ?>"> Note: input.id and label are optional I have only added them to comply with usability-guidelines
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