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Everything posted by ignace

  1. Doesn't MSN and Google Chat provide this functionality I know that you can have video conferencing on Google Chat through the Gmail interface
  2. 1) the ID's expire (they are not PK) 2) the actual filename and it's location remains hidden (the actual file does not have avira_antivir_personal_en.exe as a name rather something like QTRJNQYUijqp+YTUQ9QJytQ through headers it's accomplished to show up the file as avira_antivir_personal_en.exe)
  3. The while makes me believe he wants to know how many times each username occurs which leads to: SELECT count(*) AS username_count, username FROM db GROUP BY username
  4. In normal circumstances people on your network can see your website if they type in http://<your-lan-ip>
  5. is your locan-ip or LAN-IP you need your WAN-IP for this to work http://www.whatismyipaddress.com
  6. Oeps my bad I replied a bit to hasty. I had thought about it before I suggested the time2dec() using an extra column but forgot that MySQL does not sort by column but by row.
  7. Your website has been most likely been cracked and a cracker added the extra code whereby your website is now part of a cracker's network remove all unknown code at once (go over all files).
  8. ignace

    Need help

    You possibly want to look at Ajax as altough PHP can track when a building is complete. You'll have to reload the page to verify with PHP that the building is truly complete. If you use a framework like jQuery it's really easy to apply Ajax calls.
  9. ignace


    No you can automate it. You can do this by: CREATE TABLE myNewTableName (id int(5), userid varchar(..), username varchar(..), PRIMARY KEY (id)); INSERT INTO myNewTableName (userid, username) SELECT userid, username FROM yourOldTableName
  10. Very nice website my comments are: 1. Add some feedback to your navigation (highlight the active page button) so your users know where they are (the learn more section already highlights the active page) 2. HTML is invalid
  11. There are functions called mysql_num_fields, mysql_field_name and mysql_fetch_field which returns all fields from the result use as: function get_fields($result) { $fields = array(); $field_count = mysql_num_fields($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $field_count; ++$i) { $fields[] = mysql_field_name($result, $i); } return $fields; } $query = 'SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM table'; $result = mysql_query($query); if ($result) { $fields = get_fields($result); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { foreach ($fields as $field) { //$_POST[$field] == array() echo '<input type="text" name="', $field, '[]" class="', $field, '" value="', $row[$field], '">'; } } }
  12. He wants to show a progress bar while his loop loops. Wouldn't it be easier if you looped in JS instead of PHP? And your PHP script would provide you with the correct data? If you want to have a shot at this but your PHP script loads data from your DB use mysql_unbuffered_query this will send the query to your MySQL server but will not load and cache the results which means that when your PHP script ends, MySQL will still have your result which allows for retrieving the DB records through Ajax. This comes at a cost: you can't perform another query until the entire result has been processed. I also want to note that this is untested I just thought of it when I typed the reply.
  13. You may be on to something Anyway if anyone finds another website like that please share
  14. Actually your code does not work as the ending heredoc statement may not contain spaces or tabs: $code = <<<HEREDOC code code code HEREDOC; Like mentioned in the manual: Which to me, makes them to ugly to use
  15. I indeed did as the OP mentioned he didn't wanted the user to know the exact location of the script. Indeed it is, but some (sometimes even large) companies apply this logic. A controlled security hole more likely as they use the special ID's to control wether or not the user is allowed to download. No. You didn't the script refuses you the download. I owe you an apology the182guy if you had mentioned the ID's I would have not responded like that.
  16. I think those guys at webmasterworld are looking it way to far. Can't you have your mail-server redirect to a script whenever it finds an unknown e-mail address?
  17. incorrect parentheses? which parentheses should they then be using? I also want to add: E) Relying on register_globals
  18. PFMaBiSmAd keeps rather vague when he answers so I'll spell it out for you: Hopefully this got your attention And next time if someone gives you some advice listen, try it and then draw conclusions. As we KNOW that it would solve your error.
  19. You are looking for: <button type="submit" name="class" value="myClass">Select as class</button>
  20. 1:27:15,85 1:15:12,95 returns: 1:15:12,85 1:27:15,95 According to you that would be correct?
  21. Not where I live we use readfile & header + if that is your common way to protect your files then no wonder so much warez is around they can just copy-paste the real location of the file from the source.
  22. On the page you want to use sessions create the session and add the CREATE_URI (=$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) variable then on the other pages add this code: if (isset($_SESSION['CREATE_URI']) && $_SESSION['CREATE_URI'] !== $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) { unset($_SESSION['CREATE_URI']); }
  23. Just let them type in their e-mail, send them an e-mail with a reset-password link, let them choose a new password, hash it, done.
  24. FF: View > Source IE: View > Source Chrome: File > Developer > View Source
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