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Everything posted by ignace

  1. Are you disappointed there isn't?
  2. I sometimes get a little over-excited to provide you with really good feedback in a short period of time because I know this sometimes happens I added Below my avatar PS Neil what kind of server are you using? And where are you hosting?
  3. 1. Being a freelancer, you would have to find your own work. How would you personally go and find work? job-boards, cold-calling, events, conferences, association meetings, seminars, .. did I left something out? 2. Can you afford to live on freelancer wages alone? If not then do you have another job? Yup. 3. What is the hardest part of being a freelancer? finding clients & get them to pay 4. How do you pay your tax and national insurance? No comment. 5. Do you belong to a workers union? If so, which one? No. 6. Why did you choose to be a freelancer? Freedom to do any project and to drop it if the working relation with the client stalls 7. Can you afford to take holidays and time off to yourself when working as a freelancer? Yup. 8. What types of insurance do you have when working as a freelancer? No comment. 9. How do you keep up to date with skills? Do you do any training courses? Training courses primarily 10. How do you establish contacts when working as a freelancer? events, conferences, association meetings, seminars 11. What training have you done? If so, what qualifications have you got? None, yet. 12. Do you provide all of your own equipment? Yes. 13. What are the different ways in which clients can contact you for work? social networks (twitter, facebook, ..), cellphone, e-mail, snail mail, ..
  4. I'm actually more interested in how you actually land on those shady websites? Neil may not be a girl but he may have a sexy voice Are you still upset because of my comments on your website? I thought you were passed that?
  5. I did not mean to offend you. Ok, I have been a bit harsh but I also provided you with at least 2 options that will help convince tough customers, especially in this troubled times where you will need a hard case for any prospect considering your product.
  6. If you would have clicked on the link provided by NTSmarkv then you would see it would say: The register form is at: https://www.ups.com/one-to-one/register?sysid=myups&lang=en&langc=US&loc=en_US&returnto=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ups.com%2Fupsdeveloperkit%3Floc%3Den_US%26rt1
  7. It's all explained in the registration procedure
  8. Zend converts path.href_base to: print $config->path->href_base; Can you give an example of how your application is designed and what you are exactly struggling with.
  9. http://lmgtfy.com?q=php+ups+integration
  10. Then, is it worth buying? This may be a good approach to convince prospects as to why it still may be a good idea to buy. Yes I actually almost never believe them, they are IMO almost always too optimistic and would lead to believe that their product changes lives, right! I only reckon symbols from famous companies that certify quality and have established trust among it's customers throughout the years. I for example don't buy any game magazine except Chief as apparently this is the only company left that has the balls to tell when a game sucks. Yes and I am most probably one of them. I just hate to know that someone, somewhere ripped me off with a product that accomplished nothing of what it said it would but I doubt I am the only one who hates to be ripped off even if it's only for a small amount. A baker for example won't just give me a bread just because I am a regular customer and I currently don't have the change on me.
  11. I think they invented Google for that
  12. I question our because I find it hard to believe you actually employ them. I believe the cheap look is due to the 3D-model in the top-right corner and the before mentioned shine. Yes I am very hard to convince I usually even do a lot of research to use as a case against anyone trying to sell me something. Those door salesmen already know they should bring their A-game. Your websites states that I only have to put in the text my copywriter gave me and the outputted text will lead directly to sales, then why doesn't your website? Wow sounds great. Something else that sounds great is that 55% of all statistics are made up Edit: I know that I am coming down on you hard but I believe you will benefit the most out of this experience
  13. PHP is just another programming language and even a very skilled programmer will only be able to deliver a half-baked product if he does not stick to any sort of planning. You'd better of learning a methodology like OOA&D that allows you to model your application regardless of programming language. Or if you don't want to shoot so high you can familiarize yourself with the webdesign process. For the actual code writing I can only advice you to know the ins-and-outs of your language. The Zend certified engineer exam is a good example of learning the ins-and-outs. I'm not saying you should take it, there are various websites on-line that discuss the exam in detail, some even provide you with questions that you can try to solve and verify afterwards with the correct answers. A thorough knowledge of the available functions and it's uses is also a must, extensive use of the manual will teach you that.
  14. I find that the website looks cheap and reminds me of those awful scam websites. For example: Why do I find that so hard to believe? Our?? Your website lacks trust and proof just like those products on TV that create a complete menu under 20 minutes. This lack of trust aids to disbelieving your technique actually works, because if your website can't make the sale? Then why would it on my website? The video on the homepage is annoying, let it load and play when I WANT it to.
  15. First of, it all depends on how you architect your application. If you for example would use the same approach as Zend recently, a Zend_Application object to wrap the entire application then there is no need for singleton's as your otherwise global variables are class members of Zend_Application and accessible through some sort of mechanism ($this->_getParam()). If Zend has taught me one thing then that's configuration-over-convention is really great and reduces hassle however the problem with Zend is that it has a serious lack of proper naming conventions among configuration options, you'll come across options like: camelCase, TitelCase, under_score. Altough ZendF2 is a great improvement due to it's backwards compatibility it will drag along ugly legacy code and I would have loved if ZendF2 would have underwent a re-write like Doctrine2 I've been thinking about writing my own framework using the configuration file as the starting point while adhering to configuration-over-convention. As to your original question it all depends in what ways you would like to use your configuration object. Zend for example uses it's Zend_Config object as an AbstractFactory leaving open options to extend it using various ways to load configuration files: ini, xml, csv, ..
  16. Notice his using of FOREACH, A FOR loop with an iterator would consume much more memory per iteration. This is just speculation if all those statistics have shown me one thing it is that it varies from case-to-case and php-version-to-php-version. Just use a for-loop starting at index 33 and runs up. Even if oni-kun's advice would apply in this case you would spare a few nano-seconds. Or make it a sure thing and benchmark it under various conditions to verify which solution actually eats the least amount of memory. Remember that you will need to perform this again whenever you modify your php settings
  17. Just use a VARCHAR field setup your HTML like: <input type="checkbox" name="attend[$id]" value="unexcused absence"> <input type="checkbox" name="attend[$id]" value="excused absence"> <input type="checkbox" name="attend[$id]" value="tardy"> <input type="checkbox" name="attend[$id]" value="on-time">
  18. Will throw an error as you wrote: null-undefined=resource
  19. I know feel like uploading a .php file and tell my browser .php is an image with the header image/jpeg Read: http://www.scanit.be/uploads/php-file-upload.pdf as your website (funnyhq.com) and now those that copied your code are in danger
  20. Got it! Found it here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1340467/adding-sub-domain-based-routes-in-zend-framework
  21. Is it possible to load a certain module using <module-name>.domain.com I have tried using CNAME's but that didn't work
  22. Hey guys, I heard about this new fangled thing called THE interwebs and want to check it out. Can you give me a list of the websites on 'the net', so i can surf them?? plzkthx I've got just the right surfboard for you, only $799.99
  23. 1. objects are always passed by reference 2. You may want to try: class Cart { private $items = array(); public function getSubtotal() { $subtotal = 0; foreach ($this->items as $item) $subtotal += $item->getSubtotal(); return $subtotal; } public function getTotal() { return $this->getSubtotal();//calculate tax, deduction for coupon code, .. } } class CartItem { private $product = null; private $quantity = 0; public function __construct(Product $c, $quantity) { $this->product = $c; $this->quantity = $quantity; } public function getSubtotal() { return $this->product->getPrice() * $quantity; } }
  24. ignace

    OOP Help

    GEEK, big difference. If you want to insult me at least get your naming right.
  25. Personally I prefer a glue framework instead of a full-stack framework
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