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Everything posted by .josh

  1. mmm, no, hiding somewhere and sniping someone is not the same as camping. Camping is when you kill someone and camp the respawn point and kill them over and over again, taking advantage of the respawned person not having full health, not being ready for battle, etc... basically exploiting the inherent flaws of respawning after death, which vary from game to game. Which is not possible IRL, cuz you like, only have 1 life.
  2. camping is a legit strategy? Funny how the only people who say that are the campers. It's fun, but in a "I like being an asshole" sort of way. Which I have no issues with/doing. But calling it a legit strategy? pfft.
  3. Foolish people. As of right now, my employer only cares about catering to IE6-8, FF, Chrome, Opera, and Safari 3-4. Most companies more or less follow the same pattern. Forcing Microsoft to showcase 12 different browsers... can you imagine the nightmare in development that will ensue from having to add more browsers/versions to cater to to the list? Fucking stupid ass people who don't bother to think things through.
  4. I suspect what you really want for the condition is this: if(preg_match("/^[ a-zA-Z]+/",$_POST['DepID'])&&preg_match("/^[ a-zA-Z]+/",$_POST['ArrID'])){
  5. well i have no idea what the validation part of your function looks like...
  6. Okay so first off,, $_SESSION is already global scope, so there's no need to be creating this extra global $errors array (and you really shouldn't be side-stepping scope like that to begin with). Also, you mentioned returning $errors... well the point of returning something is to keep within scope, so I fear you may be again doing something iffy... And 3rd, you are saying that you are using a session variable to "keep" the errors...are you trying to pass the errors to another page? If this is all within one script page being executed, then there's no need for even that. What is the overall goal here? Are you simply looping through data, validating and returning all relevant errors? Your code should more or less look like this (just using $_POST in a foreach as an example...): foreach($_POST as $name => $value) { $errors[] = validate_dimension($value,$name); } function validate_dimension($value,$name) { // validate info. If there is an error... return "error message"; } You will then have a full array of all relevant errors. If you are passing it to another page, then just use $_SESSION['errors'][] instead of $errors[] in the foreach
  7. also, your preg_match is wrong. preg_match("/^[ a-zA-Z]+/", $_POST['DepID'], $_POST['ArrID']) preg_match assigns results to what is specified in the 3rd argument.
  8. in your query, change the OR to AND
  9. what about converting it to a .gif? Dunno if .gif works for that either, but might be worth a try
  10. maybe find a program that converts .ani to .cur?
  11. the url part goes in the quotes too. dunno if you can use .ani though... document.body.style.cursor="url(http://www.mysite.com/images/cursors/k_spin_cursor.ani)";
  12. But see all those points you made are actually against you. That's the point I am making. If someone is not versed enough to to even point and click the next button stuff, then how is presenting them with even more options going to benefit them? It's not. They are going to promptly call their "tech" family member or "geeksquad" type person and ask them which browser they should pick, and virtually every single "tech" person out there is going to inwardly groan at yet one more stupid thing they are being called upon for.
  13. Really? There's people out there that don't know how to "click on an icon, click next next next finish?" Are they expecting microsoft to include this auto-install as part of the initial OS setup when you first open the box? These same people who supposedly are so fucking stupid they can't install something from an install wizard are not going to know or care what the difference between these browser choices are. Forcing microsoft to present multiple browser install choices in their OS setup will do nothing but make the process harder for these "novices". This is bullshit.
  14. Agreed. I picture my own kids in that situation and I'm about 95% sure they would not at this point in time in their life really understand what's really going on (regardless of which side is telling the story). I think it's funny how we are willing to call kids stupid and unaware of things when it comes to taking responsibility for shit, but make out like they are aware and capable of recognizing and being traumatized by "deeper" things like this. Well we can't have it both ways. What will really damage kids in the long run, is using them for our own ends, treating them differently as is most convenient for a given situation.
  15. [pure speculation] School knew it was in deep shit. They decided to start lying about some details to soften the blow, knowing damn well that neither side could necessarily 'prove' the validity of those details (that's the great thing about image, isn't it?). In frustration, dad foolishly played the race card, pretty much instantly discrediting him. Score 1 for the school. Will now get little more than a slap on the wrist. Teacher in question may possibly resign (not get fired). [/pure speculation]
  16. let it shine.
  17. LOL spoken like a true phpfreak
  18. wow, another thinly veiled "my OS is better than yours" thread ftw.
  19. You know what, I like MySQL, but fuck Monty. They sold out to Sun. What'd they think was gonna happen? I mean wtf, I randomly googled and found that Sun bought MySQL for about $1b. They saw $$ and gave into it and jumped into the corp game. It was inevitable that they would be swallowed up like this and they knew it from the get-go but at the time decided the $$ was more important. And now they want people to "save" it? Fuck them. I like MySQL, but where is our guarantee Mr. Monty won't just go running after $$ signs again? I think Oracle probably will either kill it or turn it into closed source or something. Sad pandas crying everywhere. And you can thank Mr. Monty for that, not Sun.
  20. $kwds = array('look','google','manual'); foreach($kwds as $v) { if (stripos($post,$v) !== false) $needle = true; } if (!in_array('php.net',$browser_history) && $needle) { echo "We're sorry, but your post has not been submitted, because we have detected B.S. Please try again later, after you have REALLY made an effort."; }
  21. I rarely use the buttons for formatting, 99% of the time I type it out. But that boils down to a matter of preference, no real 'logic' behind it, so I have no issues with it being added.
  22. create an alias for it. SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(DATE, '%m/%d/%Y') as blah etc... and then $row['blah'] (assumed mysql_fetch_assoc or _array)
  23. you can use date_format() in your query or you can use strtotime date and/or mktime in php (combo of one or more of those).
  24. this is what I use and it prompts for download for me..dunno if that's what you are shooting for or what though..as ^ mentioned, it helps if you actually mention what the problem is header('Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=filenamehere.csv');
  25. .josh


    that's why i changed your file() to file_get_contents()
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