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Everything posted by .josh

  1. If you are writing a review, why would you need to automate it? Or are you gonna just automate the review thing too, madlibs style? Learn some regex, scrape pages. Or DOM might work if their html is decent. But you still may need to learn some regex to parse individual nodes. But first, ask yourself if you really wanna steal other people's content, because I don't know about you, but I'd have a hard time sleeping at night doing that sort of thing.
  2. Hmm... I think the main reason is just that I don't know how to write anything in Flash. If Flash would work a lot better than what I'm doing now (combining Javascript/PHP/XHTML/CSS) then I might switch to that.. flash would be a lot easier than that combo, yes. I mean that's more or less the sort of thing it was built for: animation, interactive graphics and effects. Actionscript is a very powerful in-house language. Actionscript has a lot of the same or similar syntax as JS and it is an object-oriented scripting language...only main difference is the "DOM" of a flash environment is not really the same as a browser, so that will take some getting used to. You will still need to utilize php or some other server-side language if you're wanting to get a multi-player experience, or save score/progress etc...but flash can talk to the server easy enough. Common tutorial for that you can look up is a flash guestbook/address book, or chatroom type tut (for the flash-server interaction part). You can go to like for instance http://www.newgrounds.com/game/ to see a ton of user submitted flash games, get an idea of what flash can do.
  3. Just want to point out that (s)nes games were not network or mmo games... javascript is more than capable of making 8 and 16 bit style games. Now, whether or not you really wanna do it js.....personally for (s)nes type games I'd do it in flash.
  4. post what your current date format looks like (examples of actual content) and what you want it to be changed to. We can't tell you what's wrong with your pattern if we don't know what it's supposed to be looking for.
  5. Yes, you can delete previously read lines, however, it would basically involve removing it by writing all lines except for the selected line to a new file. This isn't very convenient esp with really large files, but it should be a lot less memory intensive than keeping all of the lines in memory at once. But overall, if you can use a db instead of a text file for this then it would be a million times better to do that.
  6. or random...how is that random? Just a thought, but instead of randomizing the order of the list, read a random line from the list. Make all the lines the same length (take the longest line and add blankspace or another delimiter buffers to the shorter ones). Then use fseek randomizing the offset argument (and rounding up or down to the nearest newline mark).
  7. except that a negative char class is safer than a lazy quantifier...
  8. you're also missing a subject...
  9. uh...yeah...I'm kinda wondering how you managed to reverse a SATA cable... and why were you touching that in the first place? graphics card don't have nothin' to do with your HDD...
  10. well then explain what exactly you are having issues with, what you've tried, etc... because all I see is "please fill in the blanks for my homework assignment".
  11. How can you rightfully judge whether something is too much to ask unless you know how to do it already and are just being lazy? Seriously dude, computer classes are not required courses. If you're just gonna have someone else do your work, why signup for it in the first place? We are here to help people learn. You don't learn by having others do stuff for you.
  12. Sure, but how would it know the difference between 01-04-2010 & 04-01-2010. Wouldn't it just choose the first format and make do with it, I'll use the YYYY-MM-DD format though. Would be nice for a bit of explaining. I don't think PHP.net mentions anything about it. In short, it can't parse everything, due to some formats being ambiguous. See the link Dan provided for details.
  13. or changing content based on kwds (which btw will hurt your serp ranking if google finds out, unless you can demonstrate you are performing legit a/b or mv tests)
  14. Your WMP is different if you need to first read and then type then when you just have to type what comes to your mind. Someone may score average on such a typing test but may have to buy 3 keyboard's a year because of his coding speed. Well, yeah... that's the reason why I did the test multiple times and even memorized the text... your wpm significantly increases if you know what you're typing ahead of time vs. having to read it, process it, and spit it back out. My testing and posted results were intended to show that distinction.
  15. is MM_swapImage() and MM_swapImgRestore() php functions or javascript functions? edit: and are you actually echoing out $MobileImage somewhere?
  16. well what are you ultimately putting into your database, a timestamp of the date the user enters in? Sure, you can use mktime but if you already have the fields separated and know which values are for what, you can use strtotime just the same..., since you control the format being handed to it... edit: strtime attempts to parse the string, and it recognizes a lot of formats, but if you are unsure how to format it, yyyy-mm-dd works.
  17. $HTTP_REFERER is deprecated. Use $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], but note that it is set by the agent making the request (like the browser) and is very easily spoofed, so basically it's not really trustworthy unless your site's average user is not inclined to know such things.
  18. can you be more specific than "it fails" ?
  19. the easiest way to do it is to not let someone enter in whatever date format they want in some generic one-field-for-everything form. Create separate dropdowns for day, month and year.
  20. // database query stuff here echo "<tr>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) { extract($row); $images = $ImageThumb . $image_id . ".jpg"; echo "<td><a href =\"".$ImageDir . $image_id . ".jpg\" target='top'>"; echo "<img src=\"".$images . "\"></a></td>"; echo ($x % 7 == 0)? "</tr><tr>" : ""; $x++; } echo "</tr>";
  21. might have to benchmark it and it certainly depends on how big the subject is (and in the end of the day diff might be too small to care...) but in general if you are just wanting to check a string within a string (not looking to match a pattern) the built-in string search functions are faster. strpos, stripos, strstr or stristr, etc...
  22. I did 10 tests with 100% accuracy: High: 96 Low: 84 Average: 88 But fyi if you fix your typos during the test, it doesn't count it as an error, though it obviously hurts your wpm (other tests I've taken count the error regardless of whether you fix it or not; dunno which method is really more accurate :/). So if I roughly accounted for that, my wpm would be slightly higher but with errors knocking it back down (which I guess more or less evens out to just counting 100% accuracy runs, but idk...) Also for shits and grins I more or less memorized the paragraph and went balls to the wall and got 136 -> 122.
  23. slightly related, up at the top left where it says "Hello <your name>" (see screenshot) under that is a link that gives you a listing of all threads you've posted in that have unread replies. [attachment deleted by admin]
  24. .josh


    lol QFT
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