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Everything posted by .josh

  1. multiboxing?
  2. well if I had to take a guess I'd say you want to change the 2nd one, based on the email contents being sent, but that's just a guess. I mean, I don't work for you or your company or whatnot.
  3. both of your mail() function calls are using $email_field as the to argument I assume one of them should be $emailadd
  4. lol yeah I was kind of wondering that too but I mean I guess technically that's not really the issue at hand.
  5. er...maybe one of them somehow got a \n added onto the end, depending on where they came from? Or maybe the $row is on a column type that forces spaces concated to the end to make the full var type (like if it's supposed to be 40 chars but only 32 it will add 8 spaces)? Try trimming them.
  6. Or maybe the difference between a poor person and a rich person is that a rich person just picked one of those many ideas and acted on it.
  7. Funny how the poor people always have a million ideas. (not calling you poor, idk if you're poor or not, just making a general statement).
  8. well if you know c++ then you'll feel right at home with php as it was written and (loosely) styled after c++. You can even write your own php extensions in c++.
  9. well actually, you can't view php source code. php parses the code and spits out the resulting text (html, javascript code, css, whatever else is classified as "text" to the server). No php code is sent to the browser, so people will never see your code that way.
  10. in order for php to access the database it has to know the database hostname, username, password and database name. It has to be physically in the script somewhere. People usually store those as constants or variables in a private folder above public_html/ and then include the file, so the outside world can't access it. It sounds to me like you should start with basic database handling and then build on that.
  11. too bad extinct.com already exists.
  12. okay but first off, if your query returns an error because of an unknown column, your die is going to stop the rest of your script, so you aren't going to get a chance to add it. If you really want to go that route, use a trigger_error instead, so that your script will continue to execute. But if you can write that script there, why not just check if the column exists and make it if it's not? For instance, you can do this: $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM table"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $list = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if (in_array($column_name, $list)) { // it's there, do something } else { // it's not there, add it }
  13. er.. I'm kind of curious as to why you would try to send a query with an unknown column and then creating it based on an error message, versus checking whether it exists in the first place?
  14. It doesn't matter whether it's database or flatfile, you'd have to keep track of info just the same. How you do that depends on what kind of system you have. Do users log in to show them "online?" Either way would involve their acct info. Does "online" to you mean simply being at your website? You're going to have to go by less reliable things like IP address, regardless of whether you do it with a flatfile or database. chrisdburns touched on a common method of determining online status. That is, you want to keep track of the time in which the user makes a page request, and then have a script check the last time a page was requested and if it's more than (for example) 5 minutes, then consider the user logged out. Why is it done this way? Because the server has no method to determine whether a user decides to go to some offsite page or close the browser or turn of the computer or any of that stuff. It doesn't know if the user is leaving for good or just going to the bathroom.
  15. Well what I believe (s)he is trying to convey here is that all (s)he has is the site name. (S)he doesn't have a business idea on any level, from product/service to slogan to etc... what (s)he wants is advice/suggestions on what kind of business/service/slogan etc... (sh)e can make out of tikie. (S)he believes that it's a short, easy to remember name, and therefore has some kind of potential. The whole etymology thing was brainstorming what kind of product/service to offer. (S)he figured maybe (s)he could come up with an idea based on some kind of etymology of the name. In short, AFAIK, (s)he just randomly came across "tikie" and thinks there might be some kind of potential there, and is looking for some kind of help in discovering that potential. Hence my original comment about how there's people who get paid for that sort of thing. I mean, I don't know about any of you, but it sure would suck if I were to make a suggestion about it, and it turns into a million dollar business, and here I am sitting on my ass broke just the same.
  16. have you looking into weatherbug.com? I don't know if they offer rss feeds but they do offer like web widgets and a slew of other neat things so they might (and you can enter in a uk postcode with them)
  17. You would use the posted vars from your form instead of the "pre-defined" vars in the manual example(s). But yeah...I got to QFT Thorpe:
  18. .josh


    Well I don't remember anybody here posting about doing it so I assume the smf team did it
  19. .josh


    and now you are leal (1341) which seems to mean loyal and true according to dictionary.com
  20. Then I suggest he hire someone to do it, because at that point, that's what it would be.
  21. umm...no. Please do not just dump all your code on us. It is very unlikely someone will be willing to go through lots and lots of code trying to find the relevant area. I suppose it's possible, but unlikely. More importantly, it's against the rules. And bad manners.
  22. Uh...well sorry man, but we aren't psychic...we can't tell you what's wrong with your code if we can't see it...
  23. well in that context it's the same thing. It's like, "while not end of file"
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