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Everything posted by .josh

  1. you know, i just finished writing my first tutorial today, and added it to the tutorials on the main site.  I have a somewhat lengthly list of things I would like to be fixed/altered/added/removed as far as the tutorials aspect of the main site is concerned.  I'm also willing to bet that other aspects of the main site could probably be fixed/altered/expanded too. But I have a sneaking suspicion that none of that is really gonna take place any time soon... so I can give a thumbs up for reworking the main site, as round 1 of this contest.
  2. well i'm a big supporter of the idea of "free for non-commercial use" or "learning edition" software.  Nobody wants to pay hundreds of dollars for software and find out it's not for them. if you wanna go balls-to-the-wall, so to speak, Autodesk has a non-commercial use version of [url=http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=123112&id=7639525]maya[/url] and [url=http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/item?siteID=123112&id=6837720]motionbuilder[/url] (products of Alias, before Autodesk bought them out).  the main tradeoff is that it plasters a watermark on everything you make with them.  but at least you can download them and learn to use them.  A lot of professional design studios use these software titles.  Rumor has it Autodesk will soon be discontinuing these learning edition versions of their software though, so if you're even remotely interested, i'd go download it now, cuz you probably won't have a chance to later. p.s.- swish sucks. especially compared to flash ;)
  3. in order to do that the search is gonna have to be extended to allow you to enter a time limit on the sorting by posts.  if you click on the sort by replies,  you will notice that it does in fact show all the 0 replies first.  the problem is not that since there is no time limit on it, it shows all 0 replies in the database or maybe there's some limit on the query itself already.  I think the earliest 0 reply thread is from like febuary i think.  So you have to scroll down until you reach the 0 replies within the time frame you desire. I admit that that's not quite exactly the same thing, but it's the closest you're gonna get.  Yes I realize that making an option to query 0 replied posts since your last visit and then adding a button somewhere would be really easy.  But once again, we (ober and steelman) aren't gonna go and hack the board, because then everytime they upgrade to a new release, they are gonna have to go back and rehack it all over again.  Just one hack doesn't sound [i]too[/i] inconvenient, but you have to consider that that's not the only thing around here that other people (including ourselves) would like to be added/altered to be more convenient/better suit our needs.  And having a list a mile long of things needing to be hacked is not convenient at all. So I'm afraid if that if you really want to see that option in SMF (and I too would like to see that option, btw), your best (only) route would be to go to the SMF boards and request a mod or actually you might even request having it added to the core for future versions of SMF
  4. there are some free editors out there that give you a basic set of drawing tools and let you do some basic tween animations; just google "free flash editor" as far as i know though, there's nothing out there for "free" that will let you do anywhere near what macromedia flash is capable of, even without the actionscript. 
  5. in your form: [code] <form action='target.php' method='post'>   <input type = 'checkbox' name = 'somevar[]' value = 'rfs1869'> rfs1869 <br>   <input type = 'checkbox' name = 'somevar[]' value = 'rfs5697'> rfs5697 <br>   <input type = 'submit' value='submit'> </form> [/code] target.php [code] $somevar = $_POST['somevar']; // example foreach ($somevar as $val) {   echo "$val <br>"; // echo out each element in $somevar array } //another example echo $somevar[0]; //echos first checkbox that was checked echo $somevar[1]; //echos 2nd checkbox that was checked [/code]
  6. there are also some technical difficulties in updating them, so that is being worked on too.
  7. array_shift($yourarray); how about trying [url=http://www.php.net/array_shift]the manual[/url] instead.
  8. use sessions or carry the previous info over in hidden fields in your form
  9. array_shift()
  10. .josh


    this should probably technically go in the 3rd party forum, but i'm not really asking for help about anything, just a question. does anybody happen to know if the vBulletin script requires their servers to function? As in, function calls to their server or something, to where if their server goes buggy, your install goes buggy?
  11. lol, i didn't see this as some kind of potential 'confrontation' either.
  12. the point i was trying to make is that with vga there is always signal loss, whether you use a vga hookup to a crt monitor or a vga hookup to an lcd monitor, because of having to convert from digital to analog on the first, digital/analog/back to digital on the 2nd.  if you have an lcd monitor and a dvi connection, there is no such conversion, therefore no such signal loss. I will agree that if you have a good quality short vga connection, then you probably won't notice the difference unless you have a really good eye, under most mundane circumstances.  and i still disagree about the bandwidth.  all my research into it points to dvi having higher bandwidth capabilities than vga. 
  13. a dvi is a digital connection.  a vga is an analog connection.  with a digital connection, the signal is either on or off, no in-between.  with vga, you can get partial/fuzzy signals (what you would get if you use the poor quality vga cables that you mentioned, for instance).  when you have a vga cable, the signal going from your computer to your monitor is converted from a digital signal to an analog signal. this creates a small amount of signal loss.  if you have a digital monitor, and you are using a vga connection, you are getting twice the signal loss, because the computer has to convert the signal from digital to analog, then your monitor converts it back to digital when it receives the signal.  also, dvi can xfer/process larger amounts of data at higher speeds than vga.  this means better graphic output capabilities like faster framerates with better resolutions.
  14. <a href=# onCLick="history.back()">Go Back</a>"; to <a href=# onCLick='history.back()'>Go Back</a>"; (double to single quotes) in 2 places. also: 0','$dob','$mix')[color=red][b]"[/b][/color]; forgot a " on the end there.
  15. we don't write your code for you here. we help you fix your code that you are working on if you run into trouble.  give it a go and come back if you're stuck with a particular issue.  or alternatively, you can make a post in the freelance forum to hire someone to do it for you. please read the forum rules before posting there. CV
  16. you might wanna reformat your post to regularly used fonts and also throwing some code tags around your code, if you want anybody to help you.
  17. you would refer to it in your query as for example: [code] $user = 'someuser'; $pass = 'somepassword'; $sql = "select * from table where user='$user'  and pass = password('$pass')"; [/code] and there is no way to 'decrypt' it and show it as normal lettering.
  18. can you draw a little picture of what you want it to look like, for clarity?
  19. mysql_error() [i]is[/i] a built in function. okay your problem is that your $dbconn in your function is a local variable, so your connection does not apply to the rest of your script. you need to return the variable and instead of doing just connect(); in your main script, do like $connection = connect(); and then use $connection in your mysql_query
  20. sure, if your monitor supports resolution and contrast ratios beyond what a vga cable can handle.
  21. i think the problem is that your connect() function (which i assume is in your included config.php) is not connecting to the database.  check to make sure the path to config.php is correct. your include statement assumes it is in the same directory, because you do not have a path shown there. Is it really in the same directory? Also, check to make sure the connection info in connect() is correct. Is the host, user name, password, and db name correct?  Do you have mysql_error()'s attached to those function calls to report an error in connection?
  22. so you have a page that updates your db and then after it updates your db, you redirect it to another page, and you wish to echo out your 'success' message if the query was successful in the previous page?
  23. you have to change the 0 in $row[0] to whichever element number holds your size_name.  That is why i use mysql_fetch_array instead of mysql_fetch_row, because instead of guessing, i can just use the name of the row. [code]   <?php   // Assume that the database returns the list of sizes while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rsSizes)) {     echo "<input type='checkbox' name='size[]' value='{$row[0]}'> {$row['size_name']}\n"; }   ?> [/code] assuming that [b]size_name[/b] is your column name. With mysql_fetch_array by default you still get the number indexed array from fetch_row, as well as the new associative array where you can use the column name, so you can technically use $row[0] in your value='{$row[0]}' but you can change that to value='{$row['column_name_here']}' 
  24. i was pointing out the fact that your php code was being displayed in your html source code.  i view sourced and copy/pasted it here, from your site.
  25. when you say "displaying of checkboxes in the form doesn't work" do you mean that you are not getting anything at all displayed, including the actual checkboxes, or do you mean to say that the checkboxes are being displayed, but not the info that should go next to them? if you mean the 2nd, it's because you aren't actually echoing the data next to your checkbox. it should look something like this: [code]   <?php   // Assume that the database returns the list of sizes for ($i=0; $i < mysql_num_rows($rsSizes); $i++) {   $row = mysql_fetch_row($rsSizes);    echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"size[]\" value=\"" . $row[0] . "\"> {$row[0]}\n"; }   ?> [/code] also just so you know, that code block can be reduced a bit, by doing this instead: [code]   <?php   // Assume that the database returns the list of sizes while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($rsSizes)) {     echo "<input type='checkbox' name='size[]' value='{$row[0]}'> {$row[0]}\n"; }   ?> [/code]
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