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Everything posted by gizmola

  1. #Re-write all links back to unsecured for the main site RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 443 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/join/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/css/ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.wiki-pet.com/$1 [R=301,L] This is your problem. You are rewriting everything that is not in /join or /css to redirect via a 301 back to http:// For example you have /ads. I would suggest that you just comment out that entire section for now until you've got your secure page working properly. Then if you really want to redirect like that you need to include every directory where any asset that could be called under https needs to be included in the list of exclusions: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/ads/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/js-v2/ etc.
  2. On shared hosting there is probably no chance they will allow this. It requires configuration to be done on the mysql server by the server admin.
  3. Don't have any absolute urls. They all need to be relative. For some reason a lot of things are getting 304'd.
  4. Does the password have any numbers in it? If it does, validation will fail.
  5. I'd suggest you get http://www.mysql.com/products/workbench/ and use the designer to design your databases. I personally would not have a table for nominee losers.. just have a column that indicates won or lost in award_show_nominees.
  6. Why are you specifying this: That should be a relative link: /css-v2/global.css
  7. What do you mean by putting it online? Are you going to be using a hosting company? If so they will already have tools that let you make databases, and will assign usernames and passwords.
  8. Haha, well I guess it's newer than I thought. With that said, the code I provided does the same thing.
  9. You have absolutely no javascript code in there. What did you try? When would the news display? When the person hovers over the link... clicks on it?
  10. Yes DATEDIFF was added relatively recently. You can around this by using TO_DAYS(). SELECT id, name, date, (TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(date))) AS diff FROM shows ORDER BY name
  11. Did you try and validate things yourself using telnet from a shell on the godaddy server? When you talk about hosting, you have to provide some context: what type of hosting (shared, vps, cloud, dedicated) and how much you can afford to spend a month. I can tell you for example, that Rackspace support is awesome. As the old adage goes: you get what you pay for. I have a friend who I created a site for that uses godaddy, and I had to deal with their support on a few things, and I got straight answers from them on a number of esoteric questions even when the answer wasn't really what we wanted to hear. For example, we found that my friend's server has a gig nic in it, but it's plugged into a 100mb port, and there is no option for him to be moved to a gig switch. He has a site that streams video content, so this was a concern for us at the time. He probably gets better support because he pays for a dedicated server. Shared/cut rate hosting is going to have crap support in most cases, so I don't think it's something unique to godaddy. With that said, there are lots of better hosting companies in my opinion. We have a huge thread on the subject, and I would be remiss if I didn't mention that the company that hosts phpfreaks.com main business is hosting. See thread Maq posted.
  12. Haha, fenway, yes true, and a sql window allowing drop database if you have that permission.
  13. We never got a structure for the table initially, but those columns should be char() or varchar(). If they are exactly 32 characters, then they should be char(32) for maximum performance. We also don't know if the tables are myisam or innodb.
  14. phpMyAdmin has browse mode where you can check multiple rows and go to the bottom and click edit and it gives you a form to edit as many rows at the same time as you have checked. There's also the regular edit mode where you can edit a row and click the next row button and go through them very efficiently that way.
  15. If you haven't heard back, then you probably didn't get the job. Keep looking and you'll find the right thing. In the meantime, keep learning and creating sample sites.
  16. What is wrong with setting up phpMyAdmin and accessing it via safari?
  17. You can use "self". However, php does not have static constructors, so code you put in the parent class constructor will never execute, if that's what you're after.
  18. class MyBase { public $user_id = NULL; public function __construct() { $this->user_id = "justin"; } } class Test extends MyBase { public function get_user_id() { echo $this->user_id; } } $t = new Test(); $t->get_user_id()
  19. As long as the child class does not have a constructor the parent constructor will be called. If you're going to try and access a variable statically, it has to be declared to be static.
  20. You don't understand how php sessions work. If I wanted to screw around with your system the first thing i would do is start changing that number in the cookie to see what happens. You have no way of verifying anything, because that cookie is your session.
  21. Gearman is great, but usually people use it because they have different architectures they are trying to stitch together. If you are dead set on doing the multiple process design, you don't need it -- just write your script loop and put a sleep call at the bottom of the loop. Your main script can call your polling script with exec and specifying the '&' to tell linux to background it. Works really well.
  22. That looks ok, but why not use php sessions? That is a lot safer than having a cookie named 'user' which would be easy enough to figure out and tamper with if you're a bad guy.
  23. I wouldn't overcomplicate it. Have a job that queries all the rows that have a null date-created-finished value order by date-created-started. Loop through those checking the status of each, and if any are finished then update the status. You can put this job in cron and run it every 10 seconds, however, you need some sort of semaphore method in case something hangs up and the job doesn't finish in under 10 seconds so you don't get a race condition. The easiest way would be to have a simple table with one row in it that you either insert/delete or update its value. The job should check for this row and simply exit if the "in process" row exists.
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