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Everything posted by cmgmyr

  1. what you could do is have an "ad" directory on your server. In this you would have 1.html, 2.html, 3.html ...and so on. Each of these files would have just the image html for each banner. Then all you have to do is find a random number between 1 and 3 then include that file.
  2. I too use PNG's for icons. But over all I try and either use css/text to make buttons and links or else just use jpg's. There are way too many discrepancies between browsers for different transparencies...So I just don't deal with them unless I have to.
  3. cmgmyr


    Welcome! I think you will like it a lot here
  4. You can do something like this: <?php $sql = "SELECT username, email FROM users"; $result = mysql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $username = $row['username']; $email = $row['email']; $body = " Hey $username, Just wanted to let you know that our site is up and running again... "; mail($email, "Site Re-Opening", $body, "From: YourEmail@domain.com"); } ?> That should get you started atleast
  5. you are assigning the table "scores" to "s" so you can write s.column instead of scores.column it's just a shorthand version and * means that you are selecting all of the columns in the specific table
  6. Another way you can do it is have your main object table and have that dictate what your sub-table id's are...then you really have 1 unique id to worry about objects: id type 1 user 2 note 3 news 4 user 5 comment users: id name 1 test1 4 test2 notes: id title 2 this is a test and so on... ...hope that makes sense It seems like this would keep you a little more organized and not worrying about more then 1 id.
  7. no problem, all i really did was start at the bottom, start deleting your code until it worked
  8. Change this: } else { // Form has not been submitted. to: }} else { // Form has not been submitted. ...line 158
  9. I usually create a "default" image that has the logo of the site and "image not available" on it...or something like that
  10. wow, that worked like a charm! Thanks for the help!
  11. buzzed helps the flow a little more...drunk is just messy ...you can only type so much when your forehead is on the keyboard
  12. hey thanks for the reply. I just had to change your uery around for it to "work" but I'm still getting the same results. SELECT network.nid , network.userid , network.friendid , IF (owner.userid = 1, friend.username, owner.username) AS username , IF (owner.userid = 1, friend.level, owner.level) AS level , IF (owner.userid = 1, friend.main_image, owner.main_image) AS main_image FROM network LEFT JOIN users owner ON network.userid = owner.userid LEFT JOIN users friend ON network.userid = friend.userid WHERE (network.friendid = 1 OR network.userid = 1) AND ap = 1 I'm on MySQL 4.1.14 if that helps
  13. but that would mean that you are adding columns right?
  14. why don't you just make a separate table to hold scores/dates. then when you add a new one it will just add another row to that
  15. Here is a pretty sweet site that can help you out: browsrcamp You can take safari screenshots of your site in different sizes to see if everything is working right. You can also buy a membership for 3 days for $4 (other packages available) to give you a VNC connection to a LIVE mac so you can physically test it out. I tried it out for the 3 days and it was pretty cool. Not the fastest thing because I think you are connecting to Italy or something like that. But it works and you will be able to test your sites live. It's a cheap alternative to buying a mac...plus you will impress your friends by NOT having one haha
  16. Hey all, I have a little bit of an issue with a query. I have 2 tables users and network users: ------ userid username main_image level ... network: ------ nid userid friendid ap When a user adds another user into their network the sender is userid and the reciever is friendid. When it is approved each person shows up in one another's network. So the users.userid can either be network.userid or network.friendid Here is what I want...1 query that outputs the username, main_image, level, and nid of the other person in the network. Here is what I have so far: SELECT n.nid, n.userid, n.friendid, u.username, u.level, u.main_image FROM network n LEFT JOIN users u on (u . userid = n . userid) WHERE (n.friendid = $userid OR n.userid = $userid) AND ap = 1 The problem is, is that if mine is the userid it shows my name and main_image. Is there a way to "scan" either userid or friendid and take the oposite one? I think I'm pretty close here. Thanks! -Chris
  17. i use md5 and give them a new one if they forget...this is usually the best option
  18. Hey and welcome check out: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,139730.msg593637.html#msg593637 ps. don't read past the first page (not worth your time)
  19. i would buy one for testing purposes, but not for everyday stuff
  20. relative unless external
  21. although it's not free, I bought this package http://www.webinvoice.org. I didn't actually use it, but I played around with it and you can easily modify it to your needs, if you need to.
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